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Mushroom cultivation DVD - Let's Grow Mushrooms

Free Spore Ring Europe - Home Growing Mushrooms with Hydrogen Peroxide My setup! - Shroomtalk Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. This message will be removed once you have signed in.Login to AccountCreate an Account <div class='message error'><strong>Javascript Disabled Detected</strong><p>You currently have javascript disabled. The community administrator requires all members to sign in

Cybers Martha Tek This setup was originaly done by Magash. As there was no TEK on it I decided to write one. A Martha is a large fruiting chamber that maintains it's own humidity and air exchange, no fanning, no misting, just load it up add water and wait . It was named for the Martha Stewart portable closet from K-Mart. Things you will need. 1 portable closet (Must be made of plastic) 1 COOL MIST humidifier 1 length of 3/4" ID hose (Hardware store) 1 90deg hose to pipe thread fitting (Hardware store) 1 hose to 3/4" pipe thread fitting straight through (Hardware store) Other fittings to attach the hose to the humidifier (Hardware store) Duct Tape Some extra plastic. We start with the closet. I picked mine up at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for 30$ This model does not have a bottom, but we can fix that. Next we get a humidifier. I have my tools and fittings. and my hose Put the fittings into the hose and get it ready. To duplicate this I used an 80 grit sanding disk in my table saw.

Web Archive: Building an inexpensive incubation chamber re-printed from -------------------------------------------------- Incubation Chamber Assembly Overview Directly after the freshly prepared jars of substrate have been inoculated, the jars are then stored in incubation during the initial colonization phase. Correct incubation consists of keeping the jars at a constant substrate temperature value of 86' f. The average time required for this initial growth phase to be completed is about 10-20 days. There are many ways to build an incubation chamber that is capable of accomodating the initial incubation phase, but the one offered below is one of the most easiest and effective for the price and works very well for the job. One of the most important aspects to consider when setting up an incubation chamber is the way in which it heats the substrate. Radiant heat sources will not rob heat from the jars of substrate and are therefore a superior means of providing heat to the incubation chamber. Items needed: Assembly: That's it!

I’m a mushroom supplier ,weed,crystalmeth,vapes, psychedelics.all pics are mine .DM if interested and get quality mushrooms.
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