The Daily What Caught: Lust, Caution? Two Little Lovers In Public A couple of days ago, a chinaSMACK reader emailed me and showed me a website with a few pictures of some little children kissing each other and doing other “adult” things. The reader asked me if they were from China and also suggested that we write a post about it. These pictures are from China and they first appeared on the internet in 2007. Although it is not a “recent” popular topic on the Chinese internet, I will post them here so people can discuss them and also see some Chinese netizen comments. These photos are from Tom BBS. Comments from Xiaonei: Looks like we are behind the times. What are they doing? Adults’ influence. Was there someone up to no good? This…is too “niu.” Oh my gosh! If everyone has time, take a look at some psychology books and you should understand this kind of behavior. That document forger telephone number is present the entire time. If they were stopped/punished, then there would not be these pictures. HOW??? Sigh, why was I so pure when I was small? Not PSed.
Verizon Wireless Said to Start Offering IPhone in January - Bloo Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-phone company, will start selling Apple Inc.’s iPhone next year, ending AT&T Inc.’s exclusive hold on the smartphone in the U.S., two people familiar with the plans said. The device will be available to customers in January, according to the people, who declined to be named because the information isn’t public. Natalie Kerris, an Apple spokeswoman, and Jeffrey Nelson, a Verizon Wireless spokesman, declined to comment. The iPhone, which has been the sole domain of rival AT&T in the U.S. since June 2007, will give Verizon a boost in its competition for smartphone customers, UBS AG analyst John Hodulik said in an interview. “Apple is going to dramatically increase the number of devices it sells in the U.S. when exclusivity at AT&T ends,” said Hodulik, who is based in New York and rates Verizon shares “neutral.” IPhone Gains Peter Thonis, a spokesman for Verizon Communications, and Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman, declined to comment.
First Sunrise, a Harry Potter fanfic Title: First Sunrise Book: In between Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. Spoilers: All up until Half Blood Prince. Warnings: None. Rating: M/PG-16. Category: Ron/Hermione Romance. Summary: After the death of Dumbledore, Hermione is staying with the Weasley's waiting for Harry. Disclaimer: All characters and the universe they exist in belong to J.K Rowling and her publishers. Author's Notes: 8th in my "First" series, but you don't have to have read the others for this to make sense. Hermione Granger knocked on the door to Ron Weasley's bedroom and then went straight in without waiting for him to say anything. "Ron, can I ask you a favour, please?" He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her, wondering what she was going to ask him. "I was wondering," she paused. "What, get to Kew Gardens? "Surrey, technically. "About to?" Hermione shook her head, involuntary tears misting her eyes. Ron put his broom aside and leant forward to take hold of Hermione's hands. She nodded. Ron paled.
Set for July debut, Girl’s Day garners interests with an interna Posted on June 27, 2010 by sookyeong News came recently that a pretty-faced 5-member girlgroup Girl’s Day is set for their debut coming July. And ahead of their debut on 9th July, an international forum is already set up for them, garnering interests from netizens. The girls are set to release their 1st minialbum on 9th July, and they will debut under Dream Tea Entertainment. Already fan members from different Asian countries have already joined the forum and are discussing and anticipating the girls’ debut coming July. Girl’s Day previously did flash mobs in the crowded streets of HongDae and MyungDong etc in Seoul garnering interests about their debut. Also the girls have already set up accounts in via Social media platforms to connect with their fans: S:SportsWorld Like this: Like Loading... Filed under: Kpop news Tagged: | Girl's Day
Ohio State Offseason: Mark Titus Finally Gets Drafted | Bleacher Mark “The Shark” Titus was finally drafted one year after declaring for the NBA Draft. It was not the NBA that came calling however. The infamous Harlem Globetrotters that selected Titus in their annual player draft today in New York. Titus is the famous owner of the blog Club Trillion, where he described his adventures as an Ohio State bench warmer. At 6’4’’ the guard was also labeled by head coach Thad Matta as the best pure shooter the team had. Last year, Titus entered his name into the NBA Draft and was told to remove it and that he was making a mockery of the draft process. Titus will be joined by Montana’s Anthony Johnson in the Globetrotter’s selections this year. A Look at the 2011 Big Ten Divisions The Big Ten's 12 members are set in least for now, but the schedule is far from the same. Right now, from all that I have read, there would either be a North/South division split, with the North getting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, and either Ohio State or Penn State. The other, and from what I've read, more likely scenario, would be the East/West split depicted above. This is what I believe will occur. If you look at it, it's really a no-brainer. The conference is currently set up so each team plays nine of the other 10 teams in any given year, with the remaining being rotated out of the schedule for two years at a time. Italics indicate a team pairing that would be unaffected by the East-West division alignment. As for the rest of scheduling, I would recommend having each team in an inter-division round-robin (obviously), while also playing at least three teams from the other division.
soshipops: Fan-fiction: This Is Pretty Awkward, But I Kind of Lo Title : This Is Pretty Awkward, But I Kind of Love You (1/?)Chapter: Paring: Yong Hwa (C.N.Blue)/SeohyunGenre: Comedy, RomanceRating: PG-13 (perhaps closer to R later on for implications? I'm not certain about how ratings work in het...)Summary: It's pretty awkward. A series of instances and lost opportunties that generate a thick atmosphere between the colleagues and couple of WGM. But, really? 1: It's Kind of HotThe unbearable heat attacked her already dampened skin, mid-afternoon sun high and roaring above skyscrapers and convenience store roofs and speeding cars and carefree children. Seohyun felt as if she would drown in the smog and car exhaust; a slow, dizzying death, polluted air whirling inside her head as thoughts of schedules and appointments and schoolwork became heavily suppressed and her limbs felt as if they could fall off any second, just before her body toppled over into… Someone’s arms. “Hyun!” “Air conditioning is the best!” He shook his head. He’s just a colleague.