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Illustrator tutorial: create a seamless folk pattern 

illustrator tutorial: create a seamless folk pattern In this tutorial you will learn how to create a seamless pattern composed of simple folk-flavored flowers. In the first part we will create an individual flower. In the second we will focus on constructing a pattern and define a seamless Illustrator pattern swatch. You can download the source file. Step 0 We will use five colors for our flowers: white, black, blue, beige and red as well as some brown background color. Part I – Create an individual item of the pattern Step 1 Choose the Polygon Tool (you will find it under the Rectangle Tool in the Tool Panel). Keep your polygon selected and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Pucker & Bloat… Set the slider value to 70%. (1) Copy Cmd/Ctrl+C the bloated polygon and paste it to front Cmd/Ctrl+F. Step 2 Choose the Polygon Tool and set the Radius to 33px and the number of sides to 11. Go to Object > Expand Appearance. Step 3 (1) In the Layer Panel put the red shape below the beige one. Step 4

Adobe Illustrator Tutorials to Fuel Your Creative Vector Skills While Adobe Photoshop is considered the most famous and important application in the bitmap graphics and photo editing. Illustrator is the pioneer in the vector graphic and illustrations. Not only because it is one of the most powerful tools in this field, but also it integrate with other Adobe applications such as Photoshop, Flash, After Effects…etc. However, learning Adobe Illustrator is one of the important steps in the life of each designer. Each of the following tutorials are covering tips to create different type of vector graphics such as vector cartoon characters, logos, background effects and graphic resources. How To Draw Ferb Step By Step This tutorial is about only Ferb where we will guide you how to draw Ferb step by step in Illustrator. Create a Dazzling Aurora Borealis – Screencast Ryan from QuintalDesigns demonstrates how to light up the vector night sky in this video tutorial. Create an Ominous Jar of Purple Ooze How To Create a Trendy Seamless Pattern in Illustrator

30 Illustrator Video Tutorials Every Designer Should See Join the mailing list to have every new post hand delivered to your email inbox. Every subscriber gets a FREE bundle of 40+ icons, vectors, brushes & textures! About Scriptographer is a scripting plugin for Adobe Illustrator™. It gives the user the possibility to extend Illustrator’s functionality by the use of the JavaScript language. The user is no longer limited to the same tools that are used by most graphic designers around the globe. Scriptographer allows the creation of mouse controlled drawing-tools, effects that modify existing graphics and scripts that create new ones. But Scriptographer is also a webpage on which users can exchange scripts and ideas. Scriptographer gives the tool back into the hand of the user and confronts a closed product with the open source philosophy. If that sounds good to you, download it today. Credits: Main Developer, Concept, API Design and Web Development: Jürg Lehni API Documentation, API Design, Testing: Jonathan Puckey Web Design: Urs Lehni & Jürg Lehni Web Application Server: Headline Font: Superstudio by Jonathan Hares Project supported by ECAL and funded by HES-SO

20 Useful 3D Illustrator Tutorials for Best Practice Adobe Illustrator is one of the most powerful tools that lets you create vector graphics in both 2D and 3D. Learning about the Illustrator tools is not enough to know how to use these tools in the real life. So, you need to practice and learn the tips and tricks associated with each tool to be able to create amazing vector artwork. Creating 3D in Illustrator can be achieved through two methods. Illustrator Vector Line Art of Cruise Ship This tutorial aims to show you how to create complex cruise ship in Illustrator using the vector lines and based on a real ship diagrams. How To Create A Realistic Pendrive in Adobe Illustrator in this Adobe Illustrator tutorial, Ubiratan will show us how to create a realistic pendrive only using shapes and gradients. Wrap a Ribbon Around a Sphere, Using 3D Revolve In this Quick Tip, you’ll create a Symbol, which you will then map to a 3D globe. Working with 3D Objects and Transparencies to Make a Vector Cola Bottle Design Spice up Pie Charts — Rafiq Elmansy

How to Create a Vector Baseball Bat and Ball In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a baseball bat and a baseball using Illustrator's 3D tool and blends. We'll utilize 3D art mapping for texture creation and pathfinder tools to create this classic illustration of a bat and ball. Step 1 Open up a new document and select the Ellipse Tool (L). Step 2 Create a sickle like shape with the Pen Tool (P) and fill it with a darker gray. Step 3 Reselect the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a shape like in the image below. Step 4 Select the Pencil Tool (N) and start drawing a stitch like shape (A). Step 5 Group the stick (Command + G) and make a duplicate (Option-drag). Step 6 Then select it with the Selection Tool (V) and rotate it 45 degrees. Step 7 Rotate it slightly clockwise. Step 8 Reflect the stitches (Select object then hit O + Option-drag). Step 9 Make a copy of the original circle for the baseball and place it above the stitches. Step 10 Now we have the stitches clipped. Step 11 Place the stitches on top of the baseball objects. Step 12 Step 13

Brands of the World™ | Download vector logos and logotypes Realistic Tropical Fruits . for free. About The Author: bobbysandhu Bobby Sandhu is a freelance Traditional and Digital artist. He does vectors, vexels, digital paintings and pencil portraits. On deviantart he has received 5 Daily Deviation features and is acclaimed for his Vector car illustrations. Create a Set of Shiny Character Eyes This tutorial will teach you how to create detailed vector eyes that can be used for all sorts of character design projects. The techniques used here are basic and the processes quick and simple, but the result looks great. If you're a beginner, expect to learn a little more about opacity masks, gradients, effects, and handy shortcuts. If you're a more advanced Illustrator user then we encourage you to experiment a bit with the steps shown here! Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Tutorial Details Program: Illustrator CS4Difficulty: BeginnerEstimated Completion Time: 10 - 20 minutes Step 1 Open a new 800px by 800px document, set to RGB, at 72 dpi. Step 2 With the Ellipse Tool selected, hold Alt + Shift and drag out a circle into the middle of your document. Step 3 Using the Direct Selection Tool (A), move the points using the Nodes and Handles to create a more irregular shape. Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Select the Ellipse tool (L), hold Alt and create an ellipse.

Create a Cute Panda Bear Face Icon Lately, I have been working on some children illustrations, creating some über cute creatures. In the following easy tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a cute panda bear face icon all from ellipses (well, actually there is one rectangle for the background). The great part about this tutorial, is that you can easily apply the techniques to other icons, illustrations, logos, or other projects. Notes This tutorial was created with Adobe Illustrator CS4, but you should be able to create the tutorial in other Illustrator CS versions. Final Image Below is what the illustration will look like when we are done. Step 1 First, create an ellipse with the Ellipse tool (L). Step 2 With the ellipse selected, create a radial gradient from the gradient panel. Step 3 Copy (Command + C) the ellipse and Paste in Front (Command + F). Step 4 Select the ear shape and change the gradient to a Linear Gradient from the Gradient panel. Step 5 Select the ear shape, Copy (Command + C), and Paste in Front (Command + F).
