U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program LIVE REAL TIME SATELLITE TRACKING AND PREDICTIONS Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System Climate Viewer 3D - Climate Change, Pollution, and Privacy Viewer powered by Google Earth - version 01.28.2014 National Earthquake Information Center - NEIC Earthquake Hazards Program National Earthquake Information Center - NEIC The mission of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) is to determine rapidly the location and size of all destructive earthquakes worldwide and to immediately disseminate this information to concerned national and international agencies, scientists, and the general public. The NEIC compiles and maintains an extensive, global seismic database on earthquake parameters and their effects that serves as a solid foundation for basic and applied earth science research. Earthquake Data Available from the NEIC Share this page: U.S. DOI and USGS link policies apply.
Carte des orages et foudre en direct en France et Europe par le système Blitzortung Cette rubrique est sur l'appli Consultez les prévisions du risque d'orages via le site Keraunos en cliquant ici Animation sur 3 heures avec une image toutes les 20 minutes, actualisée toutes les deux minutes: Météo 60 dispose d'une station de détection de la foudre reliée au réseau Blitzortung, permettant de positionner très précisément et en temps réel les décharges électriques. Ancienne carte de foudre de Meteocentre: cliquez ici. Evolution de l'activité électrique sur les 2 dernières heures sur le nord de la France : Ce graphique est réalisé à partir du Boltek de Météo60 situé à Rantigny (Oise).
The Global Earthquake Explorer General Info GEE is an education and outreach tool for seismology that aims to make it easy for non-seismologists to retrieve, display and analyze seismic data. It is intended for use in a classroom setting as a supplement to textbook material, which often lacks real world connections. Novices to the world of seismology can use GEE to explore earthquakes they've seen in the headlines, keep track of a recording station in their area, look at real-time seismic data, and more! Novices . . . can use GEE to explore earthquakes they've seen in the headlines. GEE is comprised of configurable learning "modules" that can be used to convey specific seismological concepts such as wave properties, the structure of the earth, and the differences between P and S waves. Technical Info GEE makes use of the Fissures/DHI for data delivery.
Reseau alerte orages 16-04-2014 05:40:07 connexion au réseau d'alerte des chasseurs d'orages Impacts de foudre en temps réel: (Mise à jour toutes les 30 minutes) Zone : France - Europe ouest - Europe Les impacts de foudre les plus récents figurent en vert (échelle de gauche). Les orages dans le monde avec Google: Recent Earthquakes in Hawai`i - Index Map What's New The latest version of Volcweb was launched December 20, 2013. Based on feedback from our users (you), we have made the following adjustments: Auto-refresh: The webpage now automatically refreshes when the page has been inactive for 10 minutes. If you move your mouse on the webpage, the timer restarts. The dots presented in this map represent earthquake location calculated by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and its partners. Earthquakes are routinely reviewed by a seismic data analyst and updates posted to this web site. When an earthquake occurs, seismic waves are created, which propagate away from the focus or hypocenter. The magnitude of an event is determined from the strength of the seismic waves detected at each station.