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Web Developer fr-FR
thèmes La Web Developer est customisable, Chris Pederick explique sur son site comment faire. Certains préfèrent le thème Qute. Je vous reproduis tels quels les explications donné par Calimo sur le forum geckozone : Note : pour récupérer les images, faîtes un clic-droit dessus, puis "enregistrer l'image sous...".
Ethernet Codes master page
These pages contain collected information on the various codes used on IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet. There are three "pages" of data: type codesvendor codesthe uses of multicast (including broadcast) addresses These same codes are also used on some other IEEE 802 networks (e.g. 802.5 is Token Ring), but may be in slightly different form. Specifically 802.5 sends the bits of a byte in the opposite order to Ethernet or 802.3, so the codes listed below may have the bits of each byte reversed (e.g. exchange 01/80, 10/08, 0C/30, etc.), although some monitors may undo the reversal back to the Ethernet order. Be careful using this reference for other IEEE 802 media. There is also this page of general info and a page of acknowledgments. I wish to thank the contributors, many are listed on the acknowledgments page and there are almost certainly others that I have missed. Mirrors are available. Since this information is from collected wisdom, there are certainly omissions. Revision info
Adblock Plus - The Source for News, Information, and Action Accueil, Votre portail wifi, réseaux et sécurité. Forum, tutoriels, Backtrack...
The Grinder, a Java Load Testing Framework - Sécurité informatique et protection de la Vie-privée sur l'Internet
AES Crypt - Advanced File Encryption
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