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UDL At A Glance

UDL At A Glance

Related:  Pédagogie et numériquePédagogie hybride

UDL Guidelines 2.0 The goal of education in the 21st century is not simply the mastery of content knowledge or use of new technologies. It is the mastery of the learning process. Education should help turn novice learners into expert learners—individuals who want to learn, who know how to learn strategically, and who, in their own highly individual and flexible ways, are well prepared for a lifetime of learning.

The Open Classroom Like automotive models, women’s hemlines, and children’s toys, pedagogical fads come and go, causing an immediate stir but rarely influencing teaching practice in any significant way. The notion that every innovation dreamed up by reformers inside and outside public schools makes its way into the nation’s classrooms is popular among those hunting for reasons to malign the schools. But it is crucial to distinguish between mere intellectual chatter and ideas that provoke substantive change. Where on this spectrum does the idea of the “open classroom” lie? At first glance, it would seem to be just another fad. Cos’è la Progettazione Universale per l’Apprendimento? - PRUA La Progettazione Universale per l’Apprendimento (PUA) è una struttura/quadro che affronta le principali difficoltà per formare studenti esperti all’interno dell’ambiente educativo come: curricula rigidi, “un livello unico per tutti”. Sono proprio curricula rigidi che innalzano involontariamente barriere all’apprendimento. Gli studenti che sono “ai margini”, come quelli che sono dotati e con alte capacità o studenti con disabilità, sono particolarmente vulnerabili. Peraltro, anche gli studenti che sono identificati come “nella media” potrebbero non aver soddisfatti i propri bisogni educativi a causa di una scarsa progettazione curriculare.

Pla de suport individualitzat (PI). XTEC - Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya Avaluació inicial: Un cop s’ha fet la recollida d’informacions, que posteriorment s’arxivaran a l’expedient acadèmic de l’alumne, es fa la primera reunió de l’equip per posar en comú les diverses informacions i començar a concretar el PI de l’alumne tenint en compte les aportacions dels diferents professionals. Aquesta reunió té la finalitat de compartir el coneixement de l’alumne/a i de les seves necessitats. Caldrà identificar els punts forts, els interessos i potencialitats de l’alumne per deixar constància de les competències més desenvolupades i identificar les capacitats, habilitats i competències que cal prioritzar. En la descripció de les fortaleses de l’estudiant, convé especificar, per exemple, les següents informacions:

«Les facteurs psychologiques de la réussite et de l'échec chez les étudiants : comment aider les étudiants à réussir» «Les facteurs psychologiques de la réussite et de l'échec chez les étudiants : comment aider les étudiants à réussir» Franck Amadieu (maître de conférences en psychologie cognitive, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, rattaché à l'équipe de recherche « Apprentissages, Métacognitions et Motivations » (Axe B) du Laboratoire CLLE-LTC (UMR 5263) du CNRS). Pour éclairer les interrelations pédagogie université numérique, la Mission Numérique pour … (Plus d'info)l'Enseignement Supérieur (MINES) du MESR met en place un cycle annuel de conférences centrées sur la thématique « Pédagogie universitaire numérique ».Ces conférences s'adressent à un large public concerné et intéressé par les questions de pédagogie et d'usages du numérique dans l'enseignement supérieur : enseignants chercheurs, ingénieurs pédagogiques, responsables et intervenants de services universitaires de pédagogie ou de services TICE, responsables de formation ... (moins d'info)

Select teaching technology with SECTIONS As the demand for eLearning grows, we see more teachers turning to technologies to support or deliver their teaching. Good guidance in the selection of the appropriate technologies is often missing. All too often, we see teachers falling for the glossy technologies and spending time and money pursuing them at the expense of the learning of their students. On the other hand, whilst learning is the primary goal, other considerations are also important: most obviously, cost in time and money. In fact, the selection of appropriate teaching and learning technologies is not necessarily straightforward because those decisions have many impacts.

Universal Design for Learning Instructional Strategies Universal Design: a Brief History Prior to 1945, sidewalks were designed for a single purpose - to walk on - and for a single demographic - those who could walk or move about without assistance. If that design did not work for somebody—well… tough. Figure it out. In 1945, officials in the city of Battle Creek, Michigan, wanted to accommodate wounded war veterans who were living there temporarily while receiving care at the Percy Jones Army Hospital.

REL et CLOM quels rapports ? Le web pédago-numérique vit à l'heure des MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) ou CLOMs (Cours en Ligne Ouverts Massivement à tous) qui concrétisent un droit universel fondamental : l'accés au savoir pour tous. Radios et TV scolaires avaient dans le temps poursuivi cet objectif mais c'est le web et des choix et pratiques tels les logiciels et objets d'apprentissages libres, l'interopérabilité, les normes et standards qui ont permis la circulation et la diffusion massive des connaissances. Le phénomène nait en 2008 : le premier MOOC officiel fut alors lancé par Stephen Downes et Georges Siemens en prenant appui sur la théorie du connectivisme. Il s'étalait sur 12 semaines et comprenait 1900 étudiants, il était hybride dans son financement, certains étudiants payant pour obtenir une certification, d'autres se contentant de suivre gratuitement le cours (sans certification à la sortie). Une offre diversifiée

Too Sexy for Your Training: Creating A “What’s In it for Me?” (WIIFM) When Your Learners Couldn’t Care Less Two integral parts of any large change within an organization are gaining buy-in for the change and developing internal change champions. As a strategic partner to our clients in helping foster behavior change within their organizations, we believe effective communications around the change are essential for buy-in and success. We can make the best training in the world, but if learners aren’t “buying in” at an organizational level, training can be deemed ineffective when, in reality, it has nothing to do with the quality of the training, but rather other organizational currents.

Dislessia e Studio delle lingue classiche Secondo il manuale diagnostico ICD-10 è il codice F81.0 («Disturbo specifico della lettura o dislessia»), che contempla compromissioni nell'accuratezza (errori) e può comportare anche difficoltà di comprensione. Questo codice comprende inoltre anche le conseguenti difficoltà di tipo ortografico, in assenza di diagnosi di Disortografia. Include infatti «ritardo specifico della lettura, dislessia evolutiva, difficoltà della compitazione associata con un disturbo di lettura», mentre esclude la Disortografia senza disturbo della lettura («disturbo della compitazione non associato a difficoltà di lettura»). Nel DSM-5 la Dislessia è codificata come «Disturbo specifico dell'apprendimento con compromissione della lettura» (codice 315.00) ed include, oltre alle difficoltà nell'accuratezza della lettura delle parole, anche la velocità o fluenza della lettura e le difficoltà nella comprensione del testo.

L’innovation technologique au service de la pédagogie : oui, mais comment ? / André Tricot - Université Toulouse II-le Mirail Tricot, A. (2012). Sciences cognitives, innovation et ingénierie pédagogiques (diaporama). Séminaire Sciences cognitives et éducation, 20-21 novembre, Paris, Collège de France. [En ligne : Musial, M., Pradère, F., Tricot, A. (2012). 10 Drivers Of Blended Learning In Education Blended learning is the use of both face-to-face and eLearning approaches to deliver learning experiences (as opposed to direct instruction). Whether you’re mixing a formal learning management system with in-person lectures, or a flipped approach that combines YouTube videos with in-class group work and individual instruction, these are all examples of blended learning. The infographic below from the good folks at Digital Learning Now offers a basic framework for implementing blended learning (Create conditions for success, Plan, Implement, Improve), and then interestingly offers to “drivers” of blended learning, including online state testing, cost, and the critical ability to personalize learning. 10 Drivers Of Blended Learning In Education 1. Improve ability to personalize learning

Scénarisation pédagogique, 1ère partie : définir l'objectif La question s’est longtemps posée de savoir comment intégrer le numérique dans un cours ou une formation existante. Aujourd’hui les pédagogues ont dépassé cette démarche où l’apport du numérique se limitait à des tests de connaissances en aval d’un cours ou d’un module de formation ou d’observations réalisées en amont. Le numérique se situe désormais au cœur des apprentissages. Si les enseignants se trouvent confrontés à un choix difficile parmi la variété des outils et des supports numériques à disposition, ils peinent aussi à élaborer le scénario pédagogique permettant la combinaison des savoirs, des capacités mobilisées et d’outils cohérents.
