Metatron's Cube Focus your attention for a moment on the elements contained within the yellow triangle below. You can see the rectangle, the pentagon and the hexagon. That's 3, 4, 5 and 6 sided figures. We are reminded of a right triangle with short sides three and four units long, the hypotenuse of which is 5, and the area of which is 6. The top corners of the pentagon, which appears artificial in relationship to the triangles and heaxgons at this point, are generated by extending the sides of the hexagon (below). The overlap of the hexagon and pentagon above, generates a rhombus just like the overlapping circles of a vesica (below), which celebrates two other whole ratio triangles. The beauty of the vesica is that at this degree of overlap, all the lines depicted in red below are equal to the radius of these two circles. The chord of the circle that connects the intersection points (in blue above) splits two sixty degree corners in half, generating another whole ratio triangle, the 30-60-90 triangle.
Spiral Goddess Grove - A Goddess Temple Chakra system chart - by astrology - chakra chart/chakras charts - Planetary influences on chakra system Planetary influences on chakra system Introduction to the chakra system The human energetic system is mainly composed of a vertical energetic axis which runs through our spine from the perineum (the region between the genitals and the anus), up to the top of our head. This is our main energetic channel and it is called in India the Sushumna Nadi. Chakra system chart by astrology One can identify the nodal axis with Sushumna Nadi, the energetic central channel that runs through our spine. The other six chakras will be projected on the nodes' axis as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Planets that are in the projection area of one chakra will influence that chakra according to their nature and the side of the nodal axis where they are located. the Seven chakras system quick overview of each chakra's activity/influence Table with the planetary influences on the chakra system: Ideal chakra chart We may see in the below images the ideal planetary influences on the chakras. And so on. Natal chakra activation
Grimoar - Occult Texts Welcome to our library Welcome in our occult texts library. It contains 2052 unrevised texts in pdf, doc and other formats. Librarians are responsible neither for text redaction nor for their contents. It is possible that some of the texts are still under copyright. If you are not sure you act in accordance with your local law, please do not download anything. If you would like to contribute to the library, use form below. If you would like to become administrator of this library, contact us on address mentioned above. Or you can switch to czech language version. Contribute to our library
Natal Chart and Ascendant, Placidus System Display your interactive horoscope, and set your personal parameters. Calculate your astrological Ascendant, and discover some excerpts of your psychological portrait by clicking on each item of your natal chart. The Ascendant is the sign of the zodiac which rises to the East, at the exact time of your birth, and thus requires for its calculation that you know the precise hour of this event. It provides information about your physical appearance and your health, the way you come across when people first meet you, as well as your spontaneous behaviour and reactions. It is the apparent part of your personality, unlike your Sun sign, which indicates your deeper part, more authentic and less accessible, since it is reserved only for those who are close to you. Please fill in the following form with your birth data, time and city of birth. Should your place of birth be missing, please notify us and we'll add it shortly.
Kitchen Witch - Craft & Magick .... Herbalism, Medieval, Magickal and Modern Disclaimer: please read Aunt Bunny's Herbal Safety Rant; this is NOT a medical advice site! (Primarily directed at Society for Creative Anachronism members- by Jadwiga Zajaczkowa/Jenne Heise) Class Handouts Making Herbal Preparations An outline of instructions for creating various basic herbal preparations Scents of the Middle Ages A handout for a class on various uses of scented materials in the Middle Ages Making Medieval-style Scented Oils and Waters A handout and background for a hands-on class. Hair Care Recipes Some pre-17th c. recipes for hair care products and treatments. Herbal Sallets and Green Pottages A handout for a class on raw and cooked greens as food, pre 1650. Making Medieval Mustards Class notes: medieval mustard recipes, instructions on making your own mustard from scratch. Making Mustard the Medieval Way-- A Youth class Instructions and handout for a class directed at pages and children's program Spices from the East Class handout for a class on spices, last updated 2/11/01 Recipes
Internet Sacred Text Archive Home Individual Tarot Cards Individual Tarot Cards [ How to interpret card information pages] - [ Summary Charts ] MAJOR ARCANA--- [ images ][ Fool ][ Magician ][ High Priestess ][ Empress ][ Emperor ][ Hierophant ][ Lovers ][ Chariot ][ Strength ][ Hermit ][ Wheel of Fortune ][ Justice ][ Hanged Man ][ Death ][ Temperance ][ Devil ][ Tower ][ Star ][ Moon ][ Sun ][ Judgement ][ World ] WANDS--- [ images ][ Ace ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ Page ][ Knight ][ Queen ][ King ] CUPS--- [ images ][ Ace ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ Page ][ Knight ][ Queen ][ King ] SWORDS--- [ images ][ Ace ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ Page ][ Knight ][ Queen ][ King ] PENTACLES--- [ images ][ Ace ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ Page ][ Knight ][ Queen ][ King ] [ Home ] [ Course ] [ Cards ] [ Decks ]
Celtic Zodiac Index Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000BC. The Druid religion was based on 3 basic strands of belief: the first was to remember their ancestors and the past; the second was to have an understanding of nature so that they could work with it, not against it; and the third was to explore the connection of everyday reality with that of the spiritual realm. In Celtic astrology, the zodiac is based on the trees that the Druids held sacred. It was believed that the trees themselves expressed personal characteristics that could then be associated with particular months of the year. This was done by connecting the tree to a lunar month through the use of the consonants in the Celtic alphabet. 13 of the consonants form the calendar of seasonal magic, and the 5 vowels represent complementary seasonal stations. Unlike the Greco-Roman zodiac, the Celtic calendar has 13 astrological signs based on lunar months. Please click a Zodiac picture for more information about that sign!
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