Dans les souterrains de Paris des hackers veillent au patrimoine culturel - Framablog - Vimperator Connaissiez-vous l’existence, l’histoire et les agissements de ce réseau clandestin parisien appelé Urban eXperiment ou UX ? Peut-être bien que non et pour cause car ses membres cultivent à juste titre le secret et la discrétion[1] Mais ils cultivent également autre chose qui les rapproche avant l’heure d’un activiste d’Anonymous, d’un développeur de logiciel libre ou d’un contributeur de Wikipédia. Difficile de ne pas y voir une sorte de parabole de l’Internet actuel… Dans les souterrains de Paris, des hackers veillent au patrimoine artistique The French Hacker-Artist Underground Jon Lackman - 20 janvier 2012 - Wired.com(Traduction Framalang : Slystone, Goofy, Antoine, kabaka, Cédric) Il y a trente ans, au cœur de la nuit, un groupe de six adolescents parisiens réussissait ce qui allait se révéler être un vol fatidique. Mais les gardes n’étaient visibles nulle part. L’action la plus spectaculaire du groupe UX (du moins celle qu’on peut révéler aujourd’hui) a été effectuée en 2006.
Gargoyles Projected on Trees – Clément Briend - Vimperator Photographer Clément Briend projected giant gargoyle heads on to trees at Parc de Saint-Cloud near Paris as part of European Heritage Days 2012. Source: Laughing Squid Visit his website here Like 0 Thanks! 555 KubiK [Environment] | CreativeApplications.Net - Vimperator 555 KubiK is a project by UrbanScreen with art direction by Daniel Rossa, 3d design by Daniel Starmann and sound design by Jonas Wiese. The project was realised with MXWendler mediaserver used for mapping multiple projections. Visuals were made using 3D Studio Max. The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture – the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. urbanscreen.com rossarossa.de See also A Castle of Projected Visuals on CreateDigitalMotion.com 555 KubiK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.
SWEATSHOPPE - Vimperator The Badass Light Paintings of Trevor Williams [25 pics] - Vimperator Light Painting by Trevor Williams A self-proclaimed ‘camera freak’, Trevor Williams is an expert at light painting and night photography. Armed with a palette of custom light painting gadgets and tools he fabricated himself, Trevor creates incredible works of photographic art that have to be seen to believe. Below you will find a small sample of his awesome work along with a brief overview of what exactly light painting is. Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. The term light painting also encompasses images lit from outside the frame with hand-held light sources. WHAT IS LIGHT PAINTING? The light can either be used to selectively illuminate parts of the subject or to “paint” a picture by shining it directly into the camera lens. Flash lights or light pens can also be used to create Full Bleed images.