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Create beautiful compositions with texture effects - Photoshop Tutorial

Create beautiful compositions with texture effects - Photoshop Tutorial
Related:  Photo tutorials

Fonction collection Sébastien Abric nous propose de réaliser une galerie d'images sur Internet à l'aide du logiciel d'Adobe : Lightroom 3. Avant de se concentrer sur le module Web du logiciel, nous allons nous intéresser à la fonction collection du module Bibliothèque. La fonction collection permet de regrouper diverses images au sein d'un dossier virtuel sans avoir à modifier l'arborescence de vos fichiers. Nous allons surtout apprendre à créer une collection plus "intelligente" appelée dynamique. Il est alors possible de regrouper les images à partir de leurs mots clés. Il faut donc que vous images soient toutes renseignées pour que le traitement automatique soit possible. Le tutoriel vidéo est présenté ci-dessous en 620 pixels de large.

Workflow Tip: Illustrator to Fontlab | GoMediaZineGoMediaZine Tutorial: Creating fonts in Illustrator and Fontlab – Part 1 from Go Media on Vimeo This video is a brief introduction into how to prepare a font you design in Adobe Illustrator for Fontlab. Fontlab is the program of choice for building and managing fonts. Later on I will be creating far more extensive videos that will teach you much more that you can do within Fontlab. I have never done a video tutorial before so your feedback is greatly appreciated! About the Author, Katie Major I'm a graphic designer with a passion for typography, learning, photography, reading, knitting, and playing music.

Retoucher un portrait avec Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Dans ce tutoriel vidéo, nous allons apprendre à corriger les principaux défauts d'un portrait à l'aide du logiciel Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 comme les imperfections de la peau et les zones de brillance. Nous commencerons par une correction globale de l'image en modifiant la courbe des tonalités afin de récupérer des détails dans les zones surexposées. Nous retoucherons également la saturation globale de l'image pour redonner un peu de "punch" au portrait. Le tutoriel vidéo est présenté ci-dessous en 600 pixels de large.

Fix Blown Out Skin Fix Blown Out SkinReviewed by Denny Tang on Aug 27Rating: Before and After Fix Blown Out Skin Photoshop Tutorial Original Image Fix Blown Out Skin Photoshop Tutorial Fix Blown Out Skin Photoshop Tutorial Step 1: Open a photo into Photoshop Run Photoshop and open the photo you would like to retouch. Step 2: Create a new layer Click on the Create a New Layer button. Step 3: Get the skin color Select the Eye Dropper tool from the toolbar. Step 4: Paint the blown out skin Before we begin, make sure that you have Layer 1 selected. Step 5: Duplicate the layer Select the Background layer and press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer. Step 6: Select the Burn tool Now select the Burn tool from the toolbar. Step 7: Burn the highlights Paint over the highlights of the skin that’s overexposed or blown out. Once you have all the highlights painted, the skin tone should look smoother. Step 8: Fix the color blotches If you look closely at the image, you may notice color blotches that make the skin look artificial.

Retouche beauté : le filtre fluidité de Photoshop Quand on fait un portrait, il arrive que la posture ou la position du personnage rende un effet inesthétique sur la photographie. Le filtre Fluidité permet de déformer très localement les images, en poussant, dilatant, contractant les pixels. Ces retouches pour être réalistes doivent être minimes et se faire petit à petit. Nous verrons comment utiliser le filtre Fluidité et particulièrement l'outil Décalage à gauche et le masquage de zone pour contrôler au mieux les déformations localement sans intervenir sur des zones qui n'ont pas à l'être. Nous appliquerons ce filtre sur trois images : deux silhouettes et un portrait pour rectifier des défauts physiques, mais aussi des défauts de posture et de point de vue. Une dernière chose : Chuuuut ! Le tutoriel vidéo est présenté ci-dessous en 620 pixels de large.

Changing Hair Color In An Image With Photoshop Written by Steve Patterson. In this photo retouching tutorial, we're going to look at how simple and easy it is to change hair color in Photoshop by tinting and colorizing someone's hair in a photo. The technique we'll be learning here gives us complete control over what we're doing, with several different ways of fine-tuning the results, plus we can also go back any time we want and change the hair color without having to redo all the work! Here's the image I'll be using for this tutorial: The original image. We're going to be giving her hair a brighter, slightly more reddish color to it in this tutorial, but you have complete control over the color you use with your image, as well as the intensity of the color. The final result. At the end of the tutorial, we'll see how easy it is to go back and change the color to something completely different. This tutorial is part of our Portrait Retouching collection. Step 1: Add A "Hue/Saturation" Adjustment Layer Step 2: Select The "Colorize" Option

Cours photo - fini le mode AUTO, vive le mode priorité ouverture How to Quickly and Effectively Clean Out Body Hair in Photoshop How to Quickly and Effectively Clean Out Body Hair in Photoshop This basic ccie voice tutorial shows beginners how to use Adobe Photoshop. Learn which Image format is most suitable for various graphic types using ccie wireless guide and ccie security dumps. In this tutorial, I will show you the method I use to quickly and effectively clean out Body Hair in Photoshop, which you can use for a wide range of occasions in your Photoshop Retouch works. There are a lot of tutorials out there showing how you can do so by using the Healing Brush Tool. Here I’m going to show you an alternative way via the Smudge Tool and the Blur Tool to tackle the shortcomings of the Healing Brush Tool. Here is a preview of the before and after effect: Before After OK Let’s get started! To complete this tutorial, we will need the following stock image: Female Hand Step 1 Load the Hand Image we just downloand into Photoshop and duplicate the background layer once (always a good habit, just in case something goes wrong).

12 Expert Tips For Photographing Cityscapes At Night Jimmy Mcintyre is a travel photographer and educator. His photos have been published in local and national magazines, including the BBC. His online courses on digital blending and post-processing can be found in his official website. In this tutorial, Jimmy shares his expert tips on photographing cityscapes at night and during golden hour. by Jimmy McIntyre It was the fifth time that we climbed this hill at 4 a.m. Yet, our faith and persistence were rewarded as the faintest orange glow began to creep through the clouds. And I was reminded how much I love shooting cityscapes. There’s nothing quite like the energy and buzz of a large city. Here are a few tips on shooting and processing cityscape images that I’d like to share with you. 1. 2. In order to create a balanced image, it is sometimes necessary to take multiple exposures of the same scene. Close up of base exposure 4 bracketed exposures Final image after blending exposures with luminosity masks 3. 4. 5. 6. The shot without tourists: 7.

2 And 3 Column Fluid CSS Layouts Over the last couple of weeks I’ve offered some boilerplate code and construction details for 2 column and 3 column fixed width layouts. Let’s continue today with fluid or liquid layouts. The concepts for creating fluid layouts are mostly the same we used in creating the fixed width layouts with a few key differences. Since much of what we’ll do here simply builds on what we’ve done before I won’t go into every detail for developing fully fluid layouts. On the bright side since we’ll skip some of the previously covered details we’ll develop both 2 and 3 column fluid layouts in one post. Let’s start with the 2 column liquid layout. The HTML If you’ve been following along with this series the html below should look very familiar. I’ve removed the container div that wrapped the header, content, sidebar, and footer divs. Since we don’t need to do either here, we no longer need that container div. The CSS Again this should be very familiar if you’ve been following along. Gotchas The HTML The CSS

Tuto La retouche de photo avec Lightroom 4 de Serge Ramelli Adaptive CSS-Layouts: New Era In Fluid Layouts? Advertisement Fluid web designs have many benefits, but only if implemented correctly. With proper technique, a design can be seen correctly on large screens, small screens and even tiny PDA screens. With bad coding structure, however, a fluid layout can be disastrous. If you as a designer are going to go through all the extra work of creating a functional fluid layout, why not go a bit further and make it compatible with all resolutions, instead of just most? In this article, we’ll discuss effective techniques to create 100%-functional adaptive CSS-layouts, and provide details on other tutorials and practices. Also consider our previous articles: Fixed vs. 1. Most of us have heard of the 960 Grid System for designing fixed-width Web pages. What Is a Fluid Grid? A fluid grid can be created through a smart use of DIV layers, percentages and very simple math. The Benefits How to Create a Fluid Grid Layout Everything’s fine until we start thinking about usability. A Note About Margins 2. 3. 5.

How To Create Beautiful Bokeh Images Ursula Abresch is a photographer based in the West Kootenays in British Columbia, Canada. She has a degree in Education with a concentration in Art and History. Currently, she is the Artistic Director at the VISAC Gallery of Art in Trail, BC. Outside of that, she dedicates most of her time to photography. A few weeks ago, 500px shared Ursula’s striking bokeh-laden image, “Seedling” on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter—the response was popular enough, with many of you asking how the picture was created. How I Created the Bokeh Effect in “Seedlings” by Ursula Abresch For this tutorial, “bokeh” refers to the light circles in the image. GEAR I shot this image on a Nikon D7000, using my macro lens—the Sigma 150mm f/2.8, without filters and flash. SETUP The image was shot indoors. The image was intentionally underexposed by 2 full f/stops as part of a series of 3 bracketed images to possibly combine in HDR software. PROCESSING I opened the image in PSCC without any Camera RAW adjustments. 1. 2.
