SlipperyBrick.com. Dropping Gadgets, Breaking News The Wire’s “100 Records That Set the World on Fire (While No One Was Listening)” Zu jedem Tonträger sind neben den Interpreten und Titeln das Plattenlabel und das Jahr der Veröffentlichung angegeben. Außerdem gibt es eine kurze Beschreibung von etwa einem Absatz und die Kürzel der Autoren. Die Wirkung der Liste als die weltweit am meisten verbreitete und anerkannte Zusammenstellung von Musikalben jenseits des Mainstreams war zunächst nicht abzusehen. Das Vorwort lautet: “Tired of being reminded by other magazines that the best albums in the world were made by The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones? “In The Wire 175, we polled our writers to nominate records that should have ignited the world’s imagination – but somehow got forgotten along the way. Steve Barker, Clive Bell, Chris Blackford, Linton Chiswick, Robin Edgerton, Matt ffytche, Sasha Frere-Jones, Charlie Gillett, Louise Gray, Steve Holtje, Velimir Pavle Ilic, David Keenan, Art Lange, Howard Mandel, Pete McIntyre, Tim Owen, Tom Ridge, Peter Shapiro, John F. Website The Wire
The life in Mars Thinking Machine 4 Thinking Machine 4 explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. Play the game. Image Gallery View a range of still images taken from Thinking Machine 4. About the work More information about the project and answers to common questions. Credits Created by Martin Wattenberg, with Marek Walczak. About the artists Martin Wattenberg's work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible. Marek Walczak is an artist and architect who is interested in how people participate in physical and virtual spaces.
15 Essential Moments To (Re)Visit if You Had a Time Machine Written by Akela Talamasca Let’s say you get your hands on a brand new Time Machine. Whether it’s the old-school H.G. Wells chair model, or a tricked-out DeLorean, you’ve now got to decide what you’re going to do with your new toy. But before you run off and start messing up your life, sleeping with your grandmother, and investing in Google stock before the Internet was invented, we’ve got a few ideas for you. Here are 15 moments in time, both past and future, that you may want to just witness before you go and do what you’re inevitably going to do, and ruin everyone’s universe. The Trinity Test (Past) Source If you want to see one of the most awe-inspiring events in human history, then you need to set your time machine for 5:29 AM, July 16th 1945 at Alamogordo, New Mexico. The Roswell Crash (Past) Source Whether it was a UFO or a weather balloon, it’s time we found out just what went down around Roswell, New Mexico on the night of July 2nd, 1947. Source The First Modern Olympic Games (Past)
Oddity Central - Weird Places, Odd Events, Bizarre News, Strange People and A Lot More 2mqizaa The Oh-My-God Particle by John Walker January 4, 1994 Fly's Eye The University of Utah operates a cosmic ray detector called the Fly's Eye II, situated at the Dugway Proving Ground about an hour's drive from Salt Lake City. On the night of October 15, 1991, the Fly's Eye detected a proton with an energy of 3.2±0.9×1020 electron volts.[1,2] By comparison, the recently-canceled Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) would have accelerated protons to an energy of 20 TeV, or 2×1013 electron volts—ten million times less. All evidence points to these extremely high energy particles being protons—the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. Microbial Mass First of all, noting that mass and energy are equivalent, we can calculate the rest mass equivalent of a 3×1020 eV particle to be about 5×10−13 grams. How Fast? How fast was it going? where m0 is the particle's rest mass, v is the particle's velocity, and c is the speed of light. And thus, approximately: v = 0.9999999999999999999999951 c Quicktime Warp Factor Oh-My-God—Engage! But How?
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theCHIVE - Probably the Best Site in the World – Keep Calm and Chive On Mariano Rodriguez Castellanos Personal Description I´m Performer, script writer and producer. Work in Buenos Aires, in an Agency of advertesing and TV. Interests Art, travel, basketball, friends, astronomy, movies, books, sea sports, Music, cooking, ski, music Philosophy Carpe Diem Music, Movies, Books TV: Seinfeld, Two And A Half Men, Lost, Heroes, ER, Scrubs, Prison Break, 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live, Friends, Extras, Come Fly whit me, The Office, The IT Crown Films: Manhattan, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Casablanca, Cinema Paradiso, Sunshine - El amanecer de un siglo, Citizen Kane, When Harry Met Sally, Nos habiamos amado tanto, Ladrones de bicicletas, Frankie & Johnny, The Story Of Us, Forget Paris, Big Fish, A guide to recognizing your saints, The Royal Tenembaum Music: THE BEATLES, Queen, Aerosmith, Air Supply, Roxette, U2, The Doors, The Beach Boys, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, The Bangles, Los abuelos de la nada, Charly Garcia, Los Piojos, The Ramones, Lentos de los 80, Coldplay, Beegees Positive
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