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Authentic Student Learning

Authentic Student Learning
Related:  Educational Theory and PracticeAuthetik Learning

Helping Shy Students All teachers have had shy students in their classroom. These children are the ones who keep to themselves and quietly complete their work, often hiding from the attention of the teacher or their classmates. However, some of these children are not just shy or quiet but may have social anxiety disorder. How do teachers know if a student is suffering from social anxiety? Disproportion—Is the stress unrealistic for the situation? What specific behaviors should teachers look for in the classroom? Teachers can make important observations that can help to identify a child who is suffering from social anxiety. In order to alleviate their anxiety, most children with social anxiety try to actively avoid anxiety-producing situations. It is important to realize that teachers and parents can play a role in unwittingly fostering this avoidance. What can be done to help students with social anxiety? There are three components that can be targeted to decrease the social anxiety a child experiences.

Anderson and Krathwohl - Bloom's Taxonomy Revised - The Second Principle Understanding the New Version of Bloom’s Taxonomy ©Leslie Owen Wilson (2016, 2013, 2005, 2001) Contact Leslie A succinct discussion of the revisions to Bloom’s classic cognitive taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl and how to use them effectively Background: Who are Anderson and Krathwohl? Here in the United States, from the late 1950s into the early 1970s, there were attempts to dissect and classify the varied domains of human learning – cognitive (knowing, or head), affective (emotions, feelings, or heart) and psychomotor (doing, or kinesthetic, tactile, haptic or hand/body). While all of the taxonomies above have been defined and used for many years, there came about at the beginning of the 21st century in a new version of the cognitive taxonomy, known commonly before as Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Cognitive Domain: The following chart includes the two primary existing taxonomies of cognition. Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain Table 1.1 – Bloom vs. (Diagram 1.1, Wilson, Leslie O. 2001) Sources:

Documentation! We're thinking about replacing the word “assessment” with the word “documentation.” As one of my fellow teachers (thank you Monica!) often says... there can be good assessment and there can be bad assessment. Assessment (as in testing) is generally one-sided: teachers give assessments to students to test understanding of specific material in order to provide data for our school grading environments. Assessment Culture classrooms let students get really good at two things: 1. 2. It's time for a new classroom culture - we should try to create a classroom that has a culture of thinking, creating, and learning. How do we create a classroom culture that includes documentation? iPads are a great tool for documentation and not just because there are so many great apps. Here are some ways to create a classroom culture of documentation. Evernote: start by setting up a folder for each student and keeping your iPad handy. Camera Roll: The Camera Roll is one of our favorites - the unsung hero!

Johns Hopkins University: New Horizons for Learning Welcome to New Horizons for Learning - a leading web resource for identifying and communicating successful strategies for educational practice. The Johns Hopkins School of Education does not vet or endorse any information contained on the New Horizons website. Information posted on New Horizons prior to January 1, 2014 can be repurposed as long as the repurposing party provides attribution to the original author of the material being used. Information posted on New Horizons after January 1, 2014 is considered open access information and can be repurposed without attribution to the original author. Our first journal issues feature articles on neuroscience, creativity, counseling, technology, data-driven decision making, museum education, arts integration, special education, early education, cultural literacy, action research, Universal Design, international exchange programs, higher education, teacher preparation and more: New! Vol.X No. 2, Special Edition: Focus on Autism Vol. It's Here!

Why did the Templars mark this mysterious spot on the map? - BBC Reel Delve into the myths and legends that surround the mysterious Knights Templar. The Templars' mystical 'place of power'The hermitage of San Bartolomé was built by the Templars in a very specific spot.Now Playing A Templar town's underground twinUnder the hill town of Osimo lies a network of tunnels and chambers mysteriously connecting the city's palaces.Watch now HistoryThe secret 'Vatican' of the TemplarsSome of the most powerful members of the Knights Templar were buried at The Church of Santa Maria do Olival.Watch now HistorySintra's mysterious 'inverted tower'BEST OF 2019: Quinta da Regaleira's 'inverted tower' celebrates Portugal's Templar past.Watch now

Jumping the Good Ship Android | Technoteaching A brief summary of our 1:1 project so far. In August 2012 we rolled out 140 Toshiba AT-100 Android devices to our entire S1 cohort as part of a pilot 1:1 tablet program for Edinburgh Council. The project has been very successful and we have seen some fantastic ways in which learning has changed for this year group. For more detail on the initial stages of the project, see the blog posts summarising each of the 4 phases: Planning, Preparation, Implementation and Review. There have also been very positive media articles via STV online and Edinburgh Evening News. Given this positive impact, we have now started the planning process for a second phase with a view to rolling out 1:1 mobile devices to a further year group. When we were planning the first phase of our 1:1 program, there were only three realistic options for us to consider: iPad, Android tablets or Netbooks. 1. All too regularly I come across a fantastic app only to discover that it’s available only for iOS and not Android. 2.

The Association for Bright Children Ontario Strategic Intelligence 10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote – Education Series Posted by Michael Cruz on 13 Jan 2011 Comment Michael Cruz is a great example of someone that has fully embraced the benefits of putting technology to use in a classroom setting. For five years, he taught courses at San Jose State University’s College of Business ranging from web marketing to entrepreneurship. He now focuses on technology and productivity. Evernote is a great application for educators. As a teacher, my Evernote use falls into three categories: Prior to classDuring classAfter class Prior to class Plan and organize your classes with tags: Using tags is a great way to organize your classes on a week-to-week basis or on a class-by-class basis. During Class Share a notebook with your class: After you create a public notebook, share the URL with your class. After Class Simplify grading: Scan graded tests, including scantrons and add them to Evernote. To get more productivity tips for teachers you can visit my website and sign up for my e-mail list.

Differentiating Instruction Within the four ways for differentiating instruction there are embedded several other learning strategies which are used in conjunction with each other. The Strategies: Readiness / Ability Teachers can use a variety of assessments to determine a student's ability or readiness. However, readiness is constantly changing and as readiness changes it is important that students be permitted to move between different groups (see flexible grouping). Varying the level of questioning (and consequent thinking skills) and compacting the curriculum and are useful strategies for accommodating differences in ability or readiness. Adjusting Questions During large group discussion activities, teachers direct the higher level questions to the students who can handle them and adjust questions accordingly for student with greater needs. An easy tool for accomplishing this is to put posters on the classroom walls with key words that identify the varying levels of thinking. Compacting Curriculum Reading Buddies

Developing Quality in Mathematics Education Complying with EU data privacy laws: The DQME3 Project Personal Data Protection Policy From May 25th, 2018 new EU laws have been in force to protect personal data privacy. These laws require us to provide a Data Privacy Policy for our Project, especially with regard to data collection for our newly restored DQME Webpage. It also requires us to ask you to confirm that you have read and agree to our Personal Data Protection Policy details below. (1) The DQME3 Project is, and always has been, a philanthropic, educational, non-commercial and non-profit association and will never pass on private/personal data to any other person. (2) The only reason personal data is retained is so that we can, if necessary in the future, legally protect copyright material on the DQME3 website that people have accessed by registering and sending us their personal details (given name, family name and email address only). Dr. 26th June, 2020. By pressing the ACCEPT button you agree to:
