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One of the best atheism quotes ever!

Pastafarianism in the military Here’s a guest post by Justin Griffith. Justin is well known for his fight against the idea that “there are no Atheists in Foxholes”. He was recently profiled in the New York Times for his activism. A little while ago, news broke about a Pastafarian winning the right to wearing a pasta strainer on his head for his official driver’s license photograph *edit: it seems that there was no legal battle*. Shortly after I donated the photograph to Wikipedia, the photo was added to the Flying Spaghetti Monster entry as well. I actually have a few funny stories about FSM and the Army. Why the Flying Spaghetti Monster was bigger than Jesus in boot camp. There are strict rules about what non-military texts you can posses during boot camp. I, however, brought my copy of The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. My book was incredibly popular, and people kept talking about it during the few short breaks you get during the typical boot camp day. Drill Sergeant VS Flying Spaghetti Monster He smiled.

Seems a little ironic. Most interesting cat in the world. I'd watch it... Cats are jerks. WebMD. Forever alone, level: delicious. Non-judgmental brothers are not judgmental. How Critical Thinkers Lose Their Faith in God Why are some people more religious than others? Answers to this question often focus on the role of culture or upbringing. While these influences are important, new research suggests that whether we believe may also have to do with how much we rely on intuition versus analytical thinking. In 2011 Amitai Shenhav, David Rand and Joshua Greene of Harvard University published a paper showing that people who have a tendency to rely on their intuition are more likely to believe in God. They also showed that encouraging people to think intuitively increased people’s belief in God. Gervais and Norenzayan’s research is based on the idea that we possess two different ways of thinking that are distinct yet related. For example, they had participants view images of artwork that are associated with reflective thinking (Rodin’s The Thinker) or more neutral images (Discobulus of Myron). Why and how might analytic thinking reduce religious belief?

Silly raccoon.... Modern Art There is a lot of food in this house... Kitties first drink. I'm an enchanter! How my job interviews go. We can't eat a whole pie! Religion Poisons | Where knowledge ends, religion begins. Think about these questions, would you? The effects of global warming. Every time I walk behind a girl. I have no soul... I'm going to need one of these. Putting my pants on in the morning... Patio to pool in less than two minutes. Atheist Wins Right to Wear "Religious Pasta Strainer" in ID Photo - Culture Austrian atheist Niko Alm supports the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a joke religion conjured up by atheists who say their make-believe stories are no better or worse than any traditional church's. In 2008, to make a point about his faith's sanctity compared to others, Alm asked to wear a pasta strainer on his head for his driver's license photo. Austrian citizens are only allowed to wear headgear in state IDs for religious purposes, so Alm, a Spaghetti Monster "pastafarian," argued that a colander is his "religious headgear." This week, after avoiding Alm for three years and even making him submit to a psychiatric examination, the Austrian government caved. Score one for the freethinkers. photo via Niko Alm and the BBC

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