Moteur Réducteur 3 avec essieu 90 degrés - GM3 Solarbotics • Voltage: 5vdc• RPM: 38• Couple: (3.6 Kg-cm)• Courant: 52mA• Vitesse: 360 degrés/1.6 sec• Réduction: 224:1• Longueur (essieu): 7mm double plat (deux côtés)• Dimensions: 70x22.5x37 mm• Poids: 37 grammes (1.31oz) Ces Moteurs Réducteurs - GM3 Solarbotics se comparent à la puissance des servomoteurs, mais à une fraction du prix. S'assemble parfaitement avec les roues en plastiques GMPW et GMW. Ces moteurs réducteurs tournent 360 degrés en 1,6 seconde (juste un peu plus lentement qu'un servomoteur), à 5V, 600 mA essieu barré et 52 mA en rotation libre. Basé sur le design original de Mark Tilden et utilisés dans les B.I.O. Les Moteurs à Engrenage - GM3 sont compatibles avec l'Encodeur en Quadrature Wheel Watcher Solarbotics. Haut de page
Solarbotics GM9 Motors Kit - 6 Piece GMPWDEALX2-GM9 Micro Center Return Policy: We guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund — and you won’t even need a receipt.* We want you to be satisfied with your Micro Center purchase. However, if you need help or need to return an item, we’re here for you! If an item you have purchased from us is not working as expected, please visit one of our in-store Knowledge Experts for free help, where they can solve your problem or even exchange the item for a product that better suits your needs. If you need to return an item, simply bring it back to any Micro Center store for a full refund or exchange. *If you are a Micro Center Insider or if you have provided us with validated contact information (name, address, email address), you won’t even need your receipt. Digital Downloads All Digital Download sales are final and are not eligible for return or refund under the Micro Center Return Policy.
Moteur Réducteur 9 - GM9 Solarbotics • Voltage: 5vdc• RPM: 66• Couple: (3.096 Kg-cm)• Courant: 73.2mA• Réduction: 143:1• Longueur (essieu): 7mm double plat (un côté)• Dimensions: 70.5x27x23 mm Le Moteur Réducteur GM9 Solarbotics est semblable au Moteur Réducteur 3 avec essieu 90 degrés - GM3 Solarbotics mais tourne deux fois plus vite. Ces moteur réducteur se comparent à la puissance des servomoteurs, mais à une fraction du prix. Les Moteurs à Engrenage - GM9 sont compatibles avec l'Encodeur en Quadrature Wheel Watcher Solarbotics. Haut de page
Untethered: A Remote Control for the GoPiGo! About the Project Now that the Windows 10 Insider Preview is available for those that have already signed up, the .NET framework is now available on another platform that some of us are probably already familiar with – the Raspberry Pi 2. This new addition to the .NET-capable platforms gives those of us already familiar with the Visual Studio development environment a new outlet for our creativity. Dexter Industries has created an aptly named add-on for the Raspberry Pi called the GoPiGo. This project will show you how to set up one Windows 10 device to remotely control your GoPiGo over your local network. Using a XAML interface to control GoPiGo over a LAN. Some Assembly Required There are a few things you'll need to set up before you can get started: Set up your Windows 10 development Environment on both a PC and the Raspberry Pi 2. Fully assemble the GoPiGo. What To Expect The client will connect via the IPv4 address, plus the port number that you’re using. Setting Up The Server Have fun!
Scratch Duino: an Open Source Programmable Magnetic Robot on Wheels Scratch Duino is a highly customizable, simple and interactive open source robot kit based on magnetic-mount sensors. Despite the beauty of the project, it is probably a bit too ambitious in terms of funding! (around 100k$) If want to play with arduino powered robots on wheels you should look into ArduSumo! WHAT IS THE Scratch DuinoScratchDuino is a comprehensive and easy-to-use robot kit in all aspects:Modular and customizable Easy assembly using magnetic-mount parts ScratchDuino collects information on multiple channels simultaneously allowing to build complex solutions for various tasks Reliable / troubleproof Open Source (Scratch+Arduino) via Scratch Duino: Open Source Programmable Magnetic Robot Kit by ScratchDuino Team — Kickstarter.