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Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn't exist

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Birth of the Moon | SpaceRip Posted by admin on Saturday, February 11, 2012 · The latest episode of Cosmic Journeys, enjoy in full HD 1080p. Scientists have been reconstructing the history of the moon by scouring its surface, mapping its mountains and craters, and probing its interior. What are they learning about our own planet’s beginnings? Decades ago, we sent astronauts to the moon as a symbol of confidence in the face of the great cold war struggle. When the astronauts of Apollo stepped out of their landing craft, they entered a world draped in fine sticky dust, strewn with rocks, and pocked with craters. Back in earth-bound labs, scientists went to work probing the rocks for clues to one of the most vexing questions in all of science. The nature of the moon began to come into focus four centuries ago. What was the nature of the heavens, and how did the world of men fit within it? To some philosophers, the moon was a perfect, crystalline sphere of divine substance, free of Earth’s imperfections.

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Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information Otkriven „groteskni“ brat blizanac Sunčevog sistema - National Geographic Srbija Sistem GJ676A je mnogo veći od našeg, ali mu veoma nalikuje, kažu astronomi… Astronomi su uočili našeg, kako kažu „grotesknog“ blizanca: planetarni sistem organizovan vrlo slično kao Sunčev sistem, otkriva se u novoj studiji. Nazvan GJ676A, sistem je koji ma dve kamenite planete koje orbitiraju u blizini zvezde i dva gasovita giganta koja su udaljena. To znači da je sistem uređen vrlo slično kao naš – osim što je u GJ676A sve mnogo veće. Na primer, najmanja kamenita planeta u ovom sistemu ima masu najmanje četiri puta veću od Zemlje, dok je najveći član sistema pet puta veći od Jupitera. I drugi sistemi koji se sastoje od više planeta su otkriveni do sada, poput onog nazvanog HD10180, koji se smatra najbogatijim egzoplanetarnim otkrićem jer ima sedam do devet planeta koje orbitiraju oko zvezde. Dugačke orbite gasovitih giganata i kratke orbite ekstremno toplih super Zemlji su ono što je navelo astronome da nazovu GJ676A bratom blizancem našeg Solarnog sistema.

Buddhas Brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation International : Putin announces pivot to the East Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced his country’s pivot to the East, vowing to expand trade with Pacific Rim countries and to focus on developing resource-rich Far East. “Development of regional economic integration is Russia’s strategic choice,” Mr. Putin said on Sunday winding up a two-day summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Vladivostok. The Russian leader called for upgrading the infrastructure of Russia’s eastern regions as “an uppermost task” for his government. The Kremlin said Russian trade with APEC countries, which contributes less than a quarter of the country’s total turnover, in five to ten years is to surpass trade with Europe — Russia’s main trade partner accounting for half of its trade, A Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) survey of 370 APEC business leaders presented at the summit showed that they placed Russia among their top five investment targets over the next three to five years. The 2013 APEC summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia.

Exoplanets An interactive version of XKCD 1071: Exoplanets using data from Planetary Habilitability Laboratory (via @ProfAbelMendez) and adapted code from the d3.js Bubble Chart example (by @mbostock). Planets are drawn to scale using radius data. The dataset also includes attributes such as atmosphere type, which is included in the information area on the left. The dataset is large (about 1.1mb), so it may take a few seconds to load. All blue and light brown planets are smaller than Jupiter. Code can be found on github, and I can be found at @laneharrison. Special thanks to Drew Skau (@SeeingStructure) for help with the design details. 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen Pt. 2 Human Traffic Very unique comedy about the drug/club culture in the UK. Five friends ponder society, drug use and their own lives as they go about their usual weekend of snorting, smoking, popping, dancing and sex. The Matador Pierce Brosnan plays an assassin going through a mid-life crisis as he approached retirement. He’s like 007 on a spree of existential questioning. The Good, The Bad, And the Weird Two comical outlaws and a bounty hunter fight for a treasure map in 1940s Manchuria while being pursued by the Japanese army and Chinese bandits. Tucker and Dale vs. A group of college students go camping for the weekend and, through a series of unlucky events, begin thinking that the harmless Tucker & Dale (pictured above) are trying to kill them. New Kids Turbo An absolutely nutty movie from the Netherlands. Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang KKBB is a murder-comedy (?) Big Trouble Big Trouble is one of those movies where all of these different people end up intertwined at the end of the movie. Dr.

Text-Mining of US Pager Messages from 11 September 2001 Graphs, Text-Mining, Statistical Programming Date posted: Brief Timeline of the 9/11 Attacks Text-Mining of Pager Intercepts A collection of US pager messages from , are available as text files on Wikileaks: The messages begin at on , and finish at the following day. Searches for each keyword weren’t limited to whole words and were case insensitive e.g. hijacking, hijacker, hijacked, HIJACK, Hijack, and hijack counted towards the total number of times the word 'hijack' was mentioned. Total Message Counts Keyword Counts: terror The few instances of the word ‘terror’ in pager messages received before the terrorist attacks occurred, were from the joining of the words ‘detect’ and ‘error’ to form ‘DetectErrror’. Keyword Counts: plane Keyword Counts: hijack The word ‘hijack’ was mentioned in a message before the first hijacking occurred. Keyword: world trade Keyword: pentagon Keyword: crash Keyword: disaster Keyword: Keyword: collapse External Links:

Field of Stars
