[INFOGRAPHIE] Une visualisation de l’histoire de la philosophie. | Philovideo.com Voici une visualisation de l’histoire de la philosophie du point de vue des relations entre les philosophes. Cette carte heuristique a été conçue en deux étapes. La première consiste en l’extraction de la rubrique « Influenced by » de la page Wikipedia (anglais) de chacun des philosophes. La deuxième en l’élaboration d’un réseau et de la représentation visuelle grâce au logiciel Gephi. Bien que cette initiative soit intéressante, nous pouvons y regretter deux choses. Toutefois, une tentative analogue s’appuyant sur une base de données plus crédible, par exemple celle du Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ou des Presses Universitaires de France, pourrait corriger ces deux lacunes et s’avérer utile à l’intelligence de l’histoire de la philosophie. source: Drunks&Lampposts Like this: J'aime chargement…
Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization - Cool Infographics StatLib---Andrews & Herzberg Archive This area contains files of data for the book DATA by Andrews and Herzberg. The following is a list of the files available. Each entry contains a description of the tables in the book and the first and last 4 lines of the data. Table 1.1 Sepal Length and Width and Petal Length and Width in Centimetres of Iris setosa, Iris versicolor and Iris virginica (3200 bytes) Table 2.1 Heights of Zea Mays (424 bytes) Table 3.1 Annual Number of Lynx Trappings in the MacKenzie River District for the Period 1821 to 1934 (1678 bytes) Table 3.2 Number of Lynx Pelts and Unit Price Paid to the Hudson's Bay Company for the Years 1857-1911 (1303 bytes) Table 4.1 Number of Deaths by Horsekicks in the Prussian Army from 1875-1894 for 14 Corps (1030 bytes) Table 5.1 Yearly Yields of Grain and Straw for Eighteen Plots in Broadbalk, Rothamsted 1852-1924 (18798 bytes) Table 6.1 The Plan of the Wheat Field and the Yield of Grain and Straw of Five Hundred Wheat Plots (6644 bytes)
Археология.РУ. Главная страница The french touch of Network Sciences 10 Fun Tools To Easily Make Your Own Infographics People love to learn by examining visual representations of data. That’s been proven time and time again by the popularity of both infographics and Pinterest. So what if you could make your own infographics? What would you make it of? Below are my two favorite infographic-making web 2.0 tools that I highly recommend. Click the name of each tool to learn more! Visual.ly One of the more popular ways to discover infographics, Visual.ly actually just launched a design overhaul of their website. Dipity Want to get a beautifully simply visualization of data over time? Easel.ly I absolutely love Easel.ly. Venngage Venngage (likely named for Venn diagrams) is a double threat. Infogr.am One of the most simple tools, Infogr.am lets you actually import data right into the site and then translate it all into useful visualizations. Tableau Public Made for Windows, Tableau Public lets you (like Infogr.am) bring your actual data into the world of visualzation. Photo Stats What About Me? Gliffy Piktochart
UDC Data Reports Skip directly to search Skip directly to A to Z list Skip directly to navigation Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options CDC Home Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Your Online Source for Credible Health Information <div class="noscript"> Note: Javascript is disabled or is not supported by your browser. Blood Disorders UDC Homepage On this Page UDC Data Reports Data Reports: Available to the Public The purpose of the surveillance reports listed below is to disseminate the information collected through the Universal Data Collection (UDC) program to care providers, public health workers, community advocates, health educators and planners, patients in the bleeding disorders community and others. Report on the Universal Data Collection Program July 2005 Report on the Universal Data Collection Program (Special report on children under two years of age in UDC) July 2006 You can view and print national and regional reports from the Universal Data Collection Project.
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