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Matt Mills: Image recognition that triggers augmented reality

Matt Mills: Image recognition that triggers augmented reality
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Violet By Ultra, Inc Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Men don’t seem to worry about skin cancer that much, but the fact is that they should. Yes, men aged 15 to 39 are more than twice as likely to die from melanoma as women. Maybe it’s time we start paying attention to how much sun we’re actually getting. Violet is a piece of wearable technology that will help monitor just how much UV you’re getting. Violet will serve as a big brother that watches over you while you’re out in the sun. The device itself is a sensor that comes with a bracelet and a clip. On the whole, this device is a step in the right direction. The problem is that at around $100, it seems like it will be too pricey for the common guy. Violet’s a good idea that can save lives, but it probably won’t have the type of appeal that it should.

Augmented Reality [SLQ Wiki] What do we mean by Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays the real world with digital information and media, such as 3D models, animated stickers and videos, overlaying in the camera view of your smartphone, tablet, PC or connected glasses. Augmented Reality turns the environment around you into a digital interface by placing virtual objects in the real world, in real-time. Examples you may have already been using include Instagram and Snapchat filters and stickers. How it works A basic breakdown of how AR works in this current age includes; Location based AR; uses a GPS, digital compass, velocity meter, or accelerometer which is embedded in the device to provide data based on your location. Marker based AR; markers can be paper-based or physical objects that exist in the real world. Projection based AR; works by projecting artificial light onto real world surfaces. What devices can we use for AR? Hololens Magic Leap Nreal glasses For education & children Gaming

Museu do Amanhã | Experiência Através da ciência, cada vez mais reconhecemos hoje que somos interligados a todas as formas vivas com as quais dividimos este planeta. E, ao mesmo tempo, reconhecemos que a atividade humana se tornou uma força geológica: estamos transformando a composição da atmosfera, modificando o clima, alterando a biodiversidade, mudando o curso dos rios. Vivemos no Antropoceno. Toda a vida na Terra terá de se adaptar a estes novos tempos plenos de incertezas – e oportunidades. O Museu do Amanhã se apoia em dois grandes eixos narrativos: no campo da Sustentabilidade, perguntamos ao visitante “como poderemos viver?” Com curadoria de Luiz Alberto Oliveira, físico do CBPF e doutor em Cosmologia, o Museu do Amanhã proporcionará uma visão acessível a todos sobre o modo como estamos alterando o nosso planeta e como o habitamos. O amanhã é feito hoje.

A Brief History of Augmented Reality (+Future Trends & Impact) Believe it or not, augmented reality tech dates back to the 60s. While it might not have had all of the bells and whistles we’ve come to expect today, you have to start somewhere, right? In this article, we’ll look back on the history of augmented reality to better understand its potential future impact. Don’t have time for the nitty-gritty details? Over the last 50 years, augmented reality technology has reshaped the way we consume content in the real world. When was augmented reality invented? Augmented reality technology was invented in 1968, with Ivan Sutherland’s development of the first head-mounted display system. The technology has come a long way with a growing list of use cases for AR. Augmented reality in the 60s & 70s Let's take a look back to see how AR technology was created in the first place. 1968: Ivan Sutherland, a Harvard professor and computer scientist, created the first head-mounted display called ‘The Sword of Damocles’. Augmented reality in the 80s & 90s

Collapsus - Energy Risk Conspiracy Collapsus is an immersive web experience set in a near-future world after peak oil, where conspiracy and treason are rife. Against a dramatic backdrop of global energy politics, Collapsus combines interactivity with animation, fiction and documentary, inviting the user to embark on a quest to collect information, find solutions, and make crucial decisions that will leave their mark on a national and a global See also our interview with the creators and producers of Collapsus and our walkthrough of Collapsus with audio commentary by director Tommy Pallotta. Awards Collapsus received an Emmy nomination for Best Digital Fiction, a People’s Choice Award and Interactive Award nominations at SXSW 2011, the Dutch Spin Award, and a World Summit Award. is a Submarine Channel production in co-production with VPRO Backlight.

Help first-year college students to learn their library through an augmented reality game Abstract This paper presents a reflection on a pilot Augmented Reality (AR) Treasure Hunt created using a free AR application that served as a library orientation activity for first year college students. This game sought to aid student wayfinding in the library by directing them to locate puzzles in the library building that helped them reach the goal of solving a digital treasure box. Students reported that this game was informative and creative, and was received positively. Keywords Library orientation Library tour Augmented reality Game First-year student View Abstract © 2020 Elsevier Inc.

Hacia una metodología proyectual de los multimedios (7) Se han descrito y analizado múltiples actividades concernientes al diseño de los multimedios, siendo su intención final, una vez comprendidas y contextualizadas, organizar estas etapas de diseño de manera de afrontar un proyecto de multimedios desde una perspectiva metodológica acorde con las nuevas actividades del diseño surgidas de las nuevas tecnologías de la información. De esta forma se propone finalmente un esquema de acción en que cada fase de diseño propuesta responde a una pregunta fundamental dentro de la concepción general del diseño de multimedios. Este plan metodológico además intenta vincular de manera coherente el orden en que debieran ser abordadas todas estas materias junto con indicar la relación que existe entre ellas, hasta definir el prototipo que da respuesta a los objetivos de diseño planteados al inicio del proyecto. Esquema metodológico propuesto del taller de diseño de multimedios, según la problemática descrita. Solís Stegmann, Juan Marcos.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are important technologies that continue to evolve, grow, and integrate into the lives of our library users. VR is the immersion of a user into a completely simulated environment, while AR overlays digital information on the user’s real-world environment. Many libraries have adopted both as educational and exploratory tools. Budget-friendly VR and AR devices are available that can reach a broad spectrum of library users. One option launched in 2014 is still useful: Google Cardboard. Using a combination smartphone and simple viewer, the Cardboard headset allows patrons to experience a multitude of low-level VR applications. Another product that runs on the Daydream platform is the Lenovo Mirage Solo, a self-contained headset that requires only a Google account, not an external device such as a smartphone. If both space and budget suffice, more intensive VR devices such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are good options. Budget. Budget.

MIT – Docubase | The open documentary lab Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast Cinco herramientas gratuitas para crear vídeos interactivos El vídeo interactivo amplía las posibilidades narrativas del formato audiovisual digital. Su desarrollo es progresivo y actualmente existe una variada oferta de soluciones tecnológicas profesionales para crearlos. No obstante, también hay opciones gratuitas para el usuario ocasional o individual. Cuando Youtube incluyó su servicio de “anotaciones” dio alas a la imaginación de muchos creadores. En poco tiempo, la oferta se ha ampliado. Like a Rolling Stone ¿Recuerdan el vídeo musical de la canción Like a Rolling Stone de Bob Dylan? En el plan de precios de la empresa se contemplan dos tarifas para proyectos profesionales y una sin cargo para uso personal. Dibujar sobre la imagen Además de enlazar fragmentos de vídeo entre sí, existen otras opciones interactivas disponibles, como crear cuestionarios o dibujar sobre las imágenes. Ofrece dos modalidades de pago mensuales, para profesionales y empresas, y una gratis. Vídeo + encuesta Con etiquetas y enlaces

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