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Hyper Lucid Dreaming

Singularity Experience - Lucid Dreaming App From the creator of the original Lucid Dreaming App, comes an update that may change your life. Singularity Experience is an app that turns ordinary dreams into conscious ones. Become aware in a dream, and it transforms into a virtual reality like experience, where you have superpowers and your brain has an unparalleled ability to experience pleasure. Any experience that you can think of may be yours, for free, once you have the ability to consistently experience lucid dreams. In lucid dreams you can think differently, act differently and experience life detached from the waking world. Best Lucid Dreaming technique… with electronic assistance! Beginner mode lets you try dream reentry in 4 simple steps! Lucid Dreaming is fun, and singularity is the fastest way to master Lucid Dreaming using a highly praised technique: re-entering dreams consciously. Enter Singularity Experience. What’s inside the App. Singularity Experience has a number of features to help you with lucid dream induction:

Truly mastering lucid dreaming - Blog | The last few days I have been focussing on recalibrating my sleep schedule: prioritizing healthy sleep. I have also attempted to implement the first stepping stones towards proper dream recall. I aimed at noting down dreams throughout the night and to journal them in full length the same evening. The first day of training, I had an unintended WILD, demonstrating the power of auto-suggestion of even starting (and thinking about) inducing lucid dreams. I should not celebrate too early though. A truly skilled lucid dreamer is able to have lucid dreams on command. I have now set my eyes on reclaiming that same skill level, but this time in context of an everyday life, including work, meeting friends and family. Something that I still need to perfect in the upcoming days before progressing to new exercises, is the principle of noting down dreams throughout the night. This requires the incorporation of a new guiding principle. Okay, now adding a new one: Exciting. Join in yourself!

Is There Life After Death? | Does Heaven Exist? | What Happens When You Die? In a new exercise by a California organization that studies lucid dreaming, volunteers have been conditioned to dream near-death experiences, including the classic scenario of flying toward a light at the end of a tunnel. The researchers say their experiment demonstrates that these heavenly visions must be products of the human mind rather than supernatural phenomena. In the sleep experiment at the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, four groups of 10 to 20 volunteers were trained to perform a series of mental steps upon awakening during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences. If able to "separate" from their bodies, they were then conditioned to try dreaming about floating through a tunnel toward a bright light. Eighteen of the volunteers said they were able to dream such an experience. More than 8 million Americans have had a near-death experience, and they most often occur during states of anesthesia-induced sleep, according to the center.

Lucid Dreaming Techniques: A Guide To Lucid Dream Induction Here are my top lucid dreaming techniques for beginners. They range from simple memory exercises (like Reality Checks and Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) to specialized meditation (like Wake Induced Lucid Dreams). Lucid Dreaming Tutorials For step-by-step tutorials and audio tools for lucid dream induction and exploration, check out my Lucid Dreaming Fast Track study program for beginners and beyond. 52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams A complete list of 52 ways to have lucid dreams - based on visualization, memory, supplements, sleep cycles and more methods than you can shake a stick at. How to Have Lucid Dreams A summary of my favorite lucid dreaming techniques, from improving dream recall, to programming your dreams, to meditation and self-hypnosis. How to Remember Your Dreams To lucid dream, you must first remember your dreams. Keeping a Dream Journal How to Perform Reality Checks How to Improve Your Self Awareness Lucid Dreams and Prospective Memory Dream Induced Lucid Dreams (DILDs)

untitled The Dream Tree is an online resource center for people interested in dreams. At The Dream Tree, you can discover the latest dream news, explore the world of dreaming, learn about the role of dreams in history and culture, and connect with other dreamers worldwide — to share dreams, to network, or to exchange ideas. Just select where you’d like to go, and enjoy! We’ve been on the web since 1995, and we welcome you to our interactive site. If you’ve got a story to tell, a new book to review, or any other dream news or information you’d like to get out to the world, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help spread the word. Thoughts on Dreams ~ “Dreams—- Who is to say where reality lies….and if reality lies…what is the truth?”

How To Stay Lucid in Dreams and Increase Dream Intensity This article will teach you exactly how to stay lucid in dreams - transforming a few brief seconds of lucidity to many long, memorable lucid experiences. I have included a number of dream stabilizing techniques below, based on Dr Stephen LaBerge's lucid dreaming experiments and my own personal experiences. My first lucid dreams were very short - we're talking seconds. So next time you become lucid, immediately perform these simple dream stabilizing techniques to increase your self awareness in an instant. How To Prolong Lucid Dreams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you notice the dream is slipping away (losing color and detail): 6. 7. My Longest Lucid Dream As soon as I learnt how to stay lucid, my dream world exploded. My lucid dreams can last up to one hour, sometimes as part of an even longer dream scenario. It's really important that you learn these techniques to prolong lucid dreams. How To Stay Lucid: FAQ Can you have lucid dreams that guide themselves? "Everything you can imagine is real"

Infinite Minds - Lucid Dreaming - How to Lucid Dream: Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILD) Wake Induced Lucid Dreams, or WILDs as they are more commonly known, are the holy grail of lucid dreamers. Variations on the WILD technique have been used by Tibetan monks for over a thousand years. It is one of the most powerful lucid dreaming techniques, and mastering it will allow you to have lucid dreams on demand. In short a WILD is exactly what it sounds like; a lucid dream you induce directly from your normal waking state. Since you do not need to become unconscious at any stage you are in complete conscious control of the process, and there is no need to rely on your subconscious to prompt or trigger you into lucidity. In truth ‘WILD’ is more of a category of lucid dreaming technique rather than one specific approach, WILD techniques can be so wide and varied that they could never be covered in a single article. There are however a few common elements, I have included these into a guide for a basic WILD technique: Step 1 – When Should I Try to WILD? Step 2 – Relax & Set the Scene

★ Lucid Dream ★ Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones (ASMR) Making a dream date - Dream Gates "At the Foothills of Mt Helen". B.K.Connelly, 1981 You’re separated from your sweetheart and you’d like to have some good private time together. Can you do that? Absolutely. As in the old song, “you can reach [him or her] with your mind.” If you are embarking on shared dreaming as home entertainment, you get to choose your category. I know what I am talking about. Want to try this? But shared dreaming doesn’t require you to start out from the same place, or even on the same continent. To keep this simple, let’s assume you have a friend who is not physically present, with whom you’d like to share a dream adventure. 1. You might simply agree to try to meet in your dreams on (say) Wednesday night. 2. If you’re new to this kind of thing, it’s probably best to start out with a place in the physical world that one or both of you know. 3. 4. 5. Write down whatever your remember from the night of your assignation, whether or not it seems remotely relevant to your intention 6.

To stay asleep, perchance to keep dreaming « Psycurious I know I’ve skipped a step – how to achieve lucidity in your dreams – but we’re just going to have to come back to this, as there seems to be more interest in how to stay IN the dream once you notice you are, in fact, dreaming. I admit this is a problem. It’s not been as much of a problem for me as remaining lucid has been, but enough that I’ve learned some tricks to stay asleep. To start with, don’t move. In direct opposition to the advice I just gave you, spinning works for a lot of people. Have a plan. Most of these techniques redirect your attention while still allowing the dream to continue. If all of these fail miserably and you still wake up, get in the habit of asking yourself: did I really wake up? In the event you still still can’t do it, things are still (still!) Then ask yourself, once again, if you’re really awake. Above all, keep experimenting. Like this: Like Loading...

The Best Lucid Dreaming Techniques Movies like Inception and Avatar have made lucid dreaming a household word. The buzz around the idea that we can wake up in our dreams ripples outwards, rocking our collective boat as more us realize that the world as we know it is malleable and magical. But lucid dreaming can be difficult to learn. Some people are more inclined to lucid dream than others. What I suggest is simple, but not necessarily easy. While dreams can open us up to new possibilities, most of the time our interests, preoccupations and cognitive abilities in dreams mirror the same constructs that we nurture in waking life. Towards Lucid Living Practice gratitude. Breathe. Feel your dreambody. See if you can give a name to this feeling: heart-achiness, burning belly, or fluttery chest. Lucidity is in the Mind and the Body Words confine, awareness defines This simple exercise, drawn from the work of psychologists Arnold Mindell and Eugene Genlin, puts us in direct contact with the dreambody. The Path Up is Down
