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A Tour through the Visualization Zoo

A Tour through the Visualization Zoo
Related Content Visualizing System Latency Heat maps are a unique and powerful way to visualize latency data. Explaining the results, however, is an ongoing challenge. Browse this Topic: Queue on Reddit Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock, and Vadim Ogievetsky, Stanford University Thanks to advances in sensing, networking, and data management, our society is producing digital information at an astonishing rate. The goal of visualization is to aid our understanding of data by leveraging the human visual system's highly tuned ability to see patterns, spot trends, and identify outliers. Creating a visualization requires a number of nuanced judgments. This article provides a brief tour through the "visualization zoo," showcasing techniques for visualizing and interacting with diverse data sets. Most of the visualizations shown here are accompanied by interactive examples. Time-Series Data Time-series data—sets of values changing over time—is one of the most common forms of recorded data. Index Charts

How Effects Wizards Transformed G-Force From 2D to 3D The current stereoscopic craze is focused mainly in the animated arena. That's because 3D, which requires two camera views--one representing the left eye view, one representing the right--to synthesize the illusion of depth, can be accomplished more easily in digitally animated worlds simply by generating another camera view in the computer. Put on polarized glasses, which route the appropriate view to each eye, and you have a 3D movie. Shooting live-action 3D with film-camera rigs is much harder--and even more difficult when you add in animated characters, which need to be placed correctly in space in order to look like they were present during filming. "You're committing to many of the stereo properties at the time of shooting, and it locks you into how the stereo will play on screen," says director Hoyt H. So principle photography on G-Force, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, proceeded as it does on most movie sets--in two dimensions. All in all, creating G-Force was a huge endeavor.

3D Paintings on Panes of Glass Using multiple layers of clear glass, Canada based David Spriggs and Chinese born Xia Xiaowan, transform flat artwork into 3D sculptures. Viewers are treated to different shifting perspectives of the works based on where they stand in the art space. Spriggs work revolves around powerful explosive imagery, often resembling storms, cosmic blasts or firework like explosions. Xiawan’s “spatial paintings,” which often feature distorted figures, are drawn individually using colored pencil on tinted glass. Only when these pieces are combined on their floor racks do the images create the whole hologram like effect. See Also INCREDIBLE 3D ILLUSTRATIONS JUMP OUT OF THE SKETCHBOOK For more on David Spriggs see his beautiful website at or for more on Xia Xiaowan see Wikipedia Above and Below: Xia Xiaowan’s distorted 3D figures Artist: Xia Xiaowan Below: David Spriggs beautiful paintings fill the room with stormy emotion. Artist: David Spriggs

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