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Introduction to Our Flipped Classroom

Introduction to Our Flipped Classroom
Related:  Flipped Classroom

Flipped-History Where is the pedagogy in flipped classrooms? Flipped Classroom Model Flipped classrooms can be generally thought of as a teaching approach where learners are first exposed to new content before class on their own and then process the information in a facilitated, group setting during class. Dr. Robert Cooney (@EMEducation) discussed in a blog post at iTeachEM his experience with flipping the classroom. In his blog post he writes about the pioneers of this model Eric Mazur (@Eric_Mazur), a Harvard physics professor, and Jon Bergmann (@jonbergmann) and Aaron Sams both high school teachers. Pedagogy before tech. What is Pedagogy? Pedagogy is basically the practice of teaching used to help learners with their lifelong endeavors. Active Learning Strategies One example of a poor pedagogical approach is the traditional lecture when it comes to learning. Other active learning strategies have been addressed in the literature. Although not a new concept, active learning strategies have been difficult to implement as documented by Graffam [4].

We Didn’t Know What We Didn’t Know: Flipped Learning 3.0 – Flipped Learning Global Initiative By Jon Bergmann and Errol St.Clair Smith Pop Quiz: Most educators know about the Socratic method. True or false? Let’s go with true. But why was Socrates called the wisest man in the world? The answer? Fast Forward a Couple Thousand Years. Today, with a swipe and a few keystrokes, we can access virtually all the knowledge in the known world from a device that’s smaller than an index card. Best of all, when we’re feeling particularly lazy, we can simply say, “ Hey Siri, who the heck is Socrates anyway?” Yet, despite the super-human ways we can now access knowledge, it’s astounding how often we still don’t know what we don’t know. Five Things We Didn’t Know about Flipped Learning Together we have over 40 years experience in education. But in 2016 we discovered that we were blind men walking around without a cane. We eventually tripped over the depth and scope of our ignorance and myopia. #1 Flipped Learning Is Not Static This sentiment bubbles to the surface in many ways.

51 technologies to flip your classroom? | LTSIG I came across a blog post the other day that suggested 51 technologies that we could use to flip our classes. This surprised me on several levels, but mainly because I once did a very large flipped classroom project which lasted for 5 years and only really used 2 technologies. It made me reflect upon whether these sorts of blog posts and lists are really helping anyone. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the use of technology in teaching and I wonder if articles like that are sometimes part of the problem. Choice and Time If I went into a shop to buy a new phone and the shop assistant offered me a choice of 51 possible phones to buy, I would really question whether he is doing his/her job. Some of us might slightly disagree with this point. The message Suggesting 51 possible technologies for working with the flipped classroom might also be sending out a message that the flipped classroom is complicated and that we need to learn lots of technologies to accomplish it. Bio:

The Definition Of The Flipped Classroom The Definition Of The Flipped Classroom As one of the most popular trends in education in recent memory, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the flipped classroom. But what is it about a classroom that’s been flipped that makes it unique? A flipped classroom is one where students are introduced to content at home, and practice working through it at school. In this blended learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with independent study via technology. The concept behind the flipped classroom is rethink when students have access to the resources they need most. This doubles student access to teachers–once with the videos at home, and again in the classroom, increasing the opportunity for personalization and more precise guiding of learning. A side benefit is that teachers can record lectures that emphasize critical ideas, power standards, and even the pace of a given curriculum map. Criticisms Of The Flipped Classroom A Clarifying Image Preview at home, practice at school.

Metoda odwróconej klasy w nauczaniu języka angielskiego - szkolenie zespołu nauczycieli języka angielskiego Metoda odwróconej klasy w nauczaniu języka angielskiego – szkolenie zespołu nauczycieli języka angielskiego Ogólne założenia metody odwróconej klasy Metoda odwróconej klasy (inaczej metoda odwróconej szkoły lub odwróconej lekcji bądź też z angielskiego flipped classroom, flip teaching, flipped lesson ) zmienia kolejność tradycyjnych metod nauczania – oferuje instruktaż poza klasą, w sieci, zaś pracę domową (czyli ćwiczenia) przenosi do klasy.(1) W wielkim uproszczeniu idea odwróconej klasy polega na „usuwaniu” z lekcji czasu poświęcanego uprzednio na przekazywanie dzieciom treści informacyjnych w celu zyskania w szkole większej ilości czasu na „prezentację, autoprezentację i ewaluację własnej i grupowej pracy uczniów, nowoczesne metody oceniania kształtującego, motywacyjne aktywności etc.”(2) W tej metodzie praca nad danym zagadnieniem zaczyna się od pracy domowej, a nie od wykładu nauczyciela. Rola nauczyciela Teoria i historia metody Tworzenie i dystrybuowanie materiałów dla uczniów

"Lekcja na opak, czyli odwrócona klasa" by Katarzyna Gorzędowska on Prezi Definition of Flipped Learning – Flipped Learning Network Hub Released March 12, 2014 To counter common misconceptions and bring clarity to discussions about “Flipped Learning,” the governing board and key leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN) announced a formal definition of the term. They also released the Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™ and a checklist of eleven indicators that educators must incorporate into their practice. The group of experienced flipped educators also draws a distinction between Flipped Learning and a Flipped Classroom. While often defined simplistically as “school work at home and home work at school,” Flipped Learning is an approach that allows teachers to implement a methodology, or various methodologies, in their classrooms. To counter some of the misconceptions about this term, the governing board and key leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN), all experienced Flipped Educators, have composed a formal definition of “Flipped Learning.” - Flipped Classroom: odwrócona szkoła Dlaczego "odwrócona"? Najkrócej: treści instrukcjonalne dostarczane online (dostępne z domu ucznia, przed lekcją zamiast na lekcji),"zadania domowe" (typowa tematyka zadań domowych) przeniesione z domu do klasy. W największym uproszczeniu pomysł odwróconej szkoły polega na "wypychaniu" z zajęć lekcyjnych czasu przeznaczanego wcześniej na przekazywanie uczniom treści informacyjnych po to, aby w szkole zyskać więcej czasu na prezentację, autoprezentację i ewaluację własnej i grupowej pracy uczniów, nowoczesne metody oceniania kształtującego, motywacyjne aktywności etc. W tym celu uczniowie powinni mieć w domu dostęp do instrukcjonalnych treści edukacyjnych np. w formie podcastów, wideocastów etc. Oczywiście nie wyklucza się równoległego korzystania z tradycyjnych podręczników i e-podręczników, jednak same - nie wystarczą. Odwrócona szkoła, to NIE JEST oddzielna, wąsko pojęta metoda nauczania, ale raczej koncepcja ogólna, którą można realizować na wiele sposobów. (Zobacz więcej: A.

Edpuzzle Ideas in Foreign Language - Srta Spanish Edpuzzle is a website that allows you to insert questions to videos you link or upload. It is one of my favorite practice or assessment tools. You can use a video you find on the internet, or you can upload your own video and work from there! Essentially, the students watch a video you choose and you can insert questions to check their understanding. This can be used for almost anything you can imagine! Edpuzzle Practice Here is a screenshot from a practice. This activity is similar to the one above – the video is of a girl getting ready for her day. Edpuzzle to Intro Concepts You can also use this tool to introduce content! MovieTalk + Edpuzzle Leading up to Thanksgiving break last year I decided I wanted to do a Movie Talk. I have mixed feelings about how the combo went over. Edpuzzle Assessment Finally, you can most certainly use Edpuzzle for a listening activity or assessment! I hope these give you some useful ideas! Like this: Like Loading...

EDpuzzle Interactive Video Lesson - At the Travel Agent's - The English Blog I often use videos in class, but sometimes I like to take my EM Normandie students to the multimedia lab so they can work on a video in more depth at their own pace. Of course, you can always provide a printed worksheet, but I find it's more effective and motivating to create an interactive video with integrated questions, comments, and feedback. There are several sites that allow you to do that (Zaption and PlayPosit, for example), but to make this video I used Edpuzzle, which is easy to use and free. ALSO SEE• App Tested: Zaption, EDpuzzle & EduCanon (Mr Kamrowski)• Zaption vs Edpuzzle (YouTube)

Flipped Classroom - Blog - Język angielski - Nowa Era jest wyłącznym partnerem wydawniczy National Geographic Learning w Polsce Poznajcie metodę Flipped Classroom!Jak „zacząć od końca” i odnieść sukces na lekcji? Czy jesteśmy gotowi na to, aby wyjść ze strefy nauczycielskiego komfortu i oddać odpowiedzialność za proces uczenia się naszym uczniom? Czy warto czasami „stanąć na głowie”, aby lekcja się udała? Dlaczego „odwracanie nauczania” zrobiło się modne? Jak „zacząć od końca” i odnieść sukces na lekcji? Szanowni Państwo! Jeśli szukając odpowiedzi na postawione wyżej pytania, Wasze przemyślenia krążyły wokół nauczyciela, który umie indywidualizować pracę w zespole, swobodnie używa nowoczesnych technologii w celach edukacyjnych, potrafi intensyfikować stopień trudności, rozumie specyfikę grupy i posiada umiejętność wychodzenia poza schematy – koniecznie przyjrzyjcie się metodzie Flipped Classroom! jak (i czy warto) rozpocząć pracę tą metodą? Jak działa „odwrócona klasa”? Idea jest bardzo prosta. W wielkim skrócie: Jak przygotować lekcję, czyli krok po kroku Czyli: Pobierz NARZĘDZIOWNIK – PADLET Z APLIKACJAMI
