With nearly 580 links, this resource is ample material for courses on an advanced college level, and would be particularly good for those studying for exit exams, where a thorough knowledge of structure is required. It contains grammar guidance, with thousands of verb conjugations, research and hundreds of activities. Classification by part of speech was an important consideration in my creation by categories. My sincere thanks to Sandra Howard (Marin Catholic High School) for her valued contributions. Agreement of adjectives (GCSE French) Adjective (Adjectif) French Adjective Agreement (Quia java games) Les adjectifs (Orthogram) Les adjectifs de couleur La place des adjectifs qualificatifs Adjectives that preceed the noun Les adjectifs (placement exercise) Les adjectifs qualificatifs (placement exercise) Placement of the Adjective Les Adjectifs (interactive exercise) Adjectifs interrogatifs et exclamatifs Interrogative adjectives (leçon 25 quel etc) Accorde de l'adjectif qualificatif épithète Le Nom
L'info décodée
Phonetic Symbols
De Wikilibros, la colección de libros de texto de contenido libre. Francés/Apéndices/Signos de la AFI en francés Voyelles - Vocales[editar] Voyelles orales - Vocales orales[editar] Voyelles nasales - Vocales nasales[editar] Semi-voyelles - Semivocales[editar] Consonnes - Consonantes[editar]
France Culture
faute orthographe, regle orthographe, test orthographe: Projet Voltaire, exercice grammaire orthographe
Les Adjetives Possessifs
Le site pour apprendre à parler français The website to learn French El sitio para aprender francés Grammaire française - Gramática francesa Se puede usar también la construcción: à + pronombre tónico:C'est à moi. Se usan para reemplazar a sustantivos mencionados antes.Ma voiture est rouge, mais la sienne est noire. La nôtre est blanche. <<<< Indice de Gramática <A HREF="
Languages - French: All you need to start learning French
Boggle's World: ESL Worksheets for Kids
Picture Descriptions Describing and Captioning Pictures Spot the Differences Story Questions Riddles Anagram Riddles Rhyming Riddles Word Morphs Homophones Word Skills Word Skills Cloze Activities Grammar Focus Grammar Practice Worksheets Quizzes Animal Quiz Dinosaur Quiz Biggest and Fastest Quiz Opposites Quiz Rhymes Sheets Easy Rhymes Animal Rhymes Space Rhymes Begins With . . . Begins with A-M Begins with N-Z Animals begins with Alliteration Animal Alliteration People Alliteration Functional English Giving Advice Games: Game Board One: Say 4 Things Word Scramble Worksheet: This section contains over 12 word scramble worksheets. Riddle Worksheets: This section contains riddles and ideas for how to use them in an ESL setting. Alphabet Connect the Dots: Several connect the dot worksheets inboth capitals and small letter. Theme Sheets Food Chain What Would You Do If . . . Expressions About Me Murphy's Law (conditionals) Crime and Punishment (conditionals) Park Warden (Passives) Aliens Aliens II Student Teacher Contract Spell Sheet