Commedia dell'Arte: Masks, masters and servants by SartemisSmart on Game Jolt — IGF 2016 Student Competition Entrant — Dive into the skin of a young comedian of the XVIIth century, newcomer in an Italian street theatre troupe, embodying the valet Arlecchino in various burlesque situations! Influence the storyline, and entertain the audience. Like Commedia dell'Arte on Facebook : A burlesque immersion in a still rare thematic in games : stage acting! An accessible game with a point-and-click inspired gameplay! A colorful artistic direction inspired by cut-out animation! Many hilarious interactions and animations to discover! Designed and crafted in two months by french students from the ENJMIN and EMCA schools:Bastien DE L'HERMITE — Game Design , Music, Sound DesignNicolas LEROY — Programming Basile BASTIAN — Game Design, Video EditingLyne HEHLEN — Animation, 2D Graphics
Jeux vidéo : non, "Le Point", les gamers ne sont pas tous des Breivik et des Merah "Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare" (Activision) Las d’alerter la plèbe sur les dangers des francs-maçons, des Corses et des juifs qui nous contrôlent, des populations immigrées qui ne cessent d’augmenter leur loyer ou des hôpitaux qui volent le travail des Français (ou l’inverse, ou autre chose, on s’y perd), "Le Point" nous livre des propos délirants (au sens pathologique de délire) dans un article mettant en garde contre les dangers des jeux vidéo – rassurez-vous, ça parle pas mal d’UMP et à un moment d’un enfant corse, décidément, les habitudes sont tenaces. Bien évidemment, les jeux vidéo n’impliquent ni violence – en tout cas moins que les échecs – et pas vraiment d’addiction en proportion des mouvements sociaux massifs qu’ils entraînent. C’est une question de chiffres, mais, contrairement au classement des meilleures prépas, "Le Point" omet de s’y pencher. En France, le jeu vidéo, c’est en gros 4 milliards de chiffre d’affaires. Un bouc émissaire tout trouvé...
77 Educational Games and Game Builders I'm often asked if I know of any games for subject "x," "y," or "z" for a particular grade level or age group. My answer is usually yes, but I need to search my archives. Therefore, I've gone through my archives and dug up many of games that I've mentioned over the last four years that are still active online. 1. 2.Spin and Spell has been featured on a number of blogs over the last year. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. the World Food Programme's website offers students a large selection of educational online games and activities. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
Understanding RAM Previews in After Effects - GeniusDV Training In a world of real-time editing and effects software, it's easier every day for new artists to do a great deal of work without really needing to render out their work in order to sufficiently preview it. Especially for After Effects artists who are coming from Premiere or Final Cut Pro, the idea behind the RAM Preview might not make complete sense. In today's article, two parts – the Backgrounder is for new AE artists, and the Tips section should be useful to everyone. Backgrounder You've no doubt noticed the little green "tape" above your timeline (pardon, "Time Bar") in After Effects. The same is true in After Effects. When you render a RAM Preview, you're performing the intermediate calculations – "baking the cake," as it were – just as if you were outputting a final image. To render a RAM Preview, press the 0 key on your numeric keypad or click the RAM Preview button in the Preview pane. RAM Preview Tips
Rigs of Rods - Rigs of Rods Rigs of Rods is an open source simulator for soft-body physics What makes Rigs of Rods different to most simulators is its unique soft-body physics simulation: Objects are simulated in real-time as flexible soft-body objects, resulting in a very realistic simulation which entirely depends on the physical construction of the object. The community contributes greatly to the game, giving it a vast selection of vehicles and terrains from which you can choose. Rigs of Rods is mostly used for simulating vehicles but it is flexible enough to be suited for other tasks as well. Features Trailer See more for yourself Search for "rigs of rods" on YouTube Recommended System Specification OS: Windows, Linux or OS X CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2 RAM: 2048 MB Video Card: Geforce 8600GT or AMD Radeon 3650 or Intel HD Graphics 3000
Moonbase Alpha Game Step into the role of an explorer in a futuristic lunar settlement... Your mission is to restore critical systems after a meteor strike cripples life support equipment. Explore NASA Lunar Resources to prepare for your mission. Moonbase Alpha is the first of two commercial-quality NASA games developed in partnership with commercial game developers.
amazon Minecraft Alelo: Immersive simulations of real-life social communication Email: hey wii u has cool features that would make it awesome when its dropped to $100 like wii mini | Malstrom's Articles News Posted by: seanmalstrom | March 10, 2016 You forgot to give Nintendo credit for Wii u, being the only current console you can press a button and boot straight into game without going to main console menu. Awesome feature competitors are missing. I’d be more impressed if the SOFTWARE stopped having all those stupid warning screens and company logo screens. Games should immediately boot straight to title screen except for intros. I think even the start-ups of Mega Man 2, Super Mario World, Super Mario Brothers 3, is too long. Why did we start putting in these stupid logos anyway? Like this: Like Loading...
3D Virtual Campus Tours: Design Online College Campus Student Tours Unity Microphone Input Asset - micInput-lite micInput-lite is a real-time, Unity microphone input asset (currently free for use with SALSA lip-sync) micInput-lite v1.6.0 is now available for use (2015-12-22):~ supports run-time instantiation and flexible AudioSource components ~ Using a microphone in Unity as a real-time input source for SALSA lip synchronization is a popular feature. However, micInput is continuing to grow into our vision of a stand-alone Unity microphone asset that has much more flexibility than simply being an add-on for SALSA. While the same uber cool capability and simplicity exists for creating lip-synced avatars with real-time microphone input, micInput-lite has reached the next step in becoming self-sufficient as a microphone input asset for any usage scenario. micInput-lite will always work with SALSA, we're just taking steps to make it work for other microphone input requirements as well. Buy SALSA on the Asset Store Quick-Links: Implementation Details: Instructions (using micInput with SALSA): File Contents: