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Video - Le léopard des neiges sous la menace du changement climatique

Une étude du WWF montre que le changement climatique menace directement le léopard des neiges au Népal. Si la croissance des émissions de gaz à effet de serre se maintient, 30% de son habitat naturel dans l'Himalaya pourraient être affectés par la remontée de la limite des arbres. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Le léopard ou panthère des neiges est un symbole. Au Népal, la population atteindrait seulement 500 félins. "Nous savons que les léopards des neiges s'aventurent rarement dans les aires boisées, et qu'il y a une limite d'altitude qu'ils ne franchissent pas. Une coopération transfrontalière indispensable Pour arriver à de telles prédictions, les chercheurs ont déployé un système de modélisation par ordinateur, associé à des relevés sur le terrain en haute altitude. Dans un premier temps, les chercheurs ont donc utilisé les données de terrain et les relevés topographiques pour établir une carte de l'habitat actuel du léopard des neiges. Related:  Félinslions

1 million to ban the lion trade -- Big win in court!! 593,075 have signed. Help us get to 1,500,000 Update: 31 October 2013 Amazing win! Update: 7 February 2013 The South African airport authority (ACSA) refused to put our ads back up and, since their censorship violates our free speech rights under the South African constitution, we've taken them to court! Hundreds of South African lions are being slaughtered to make bogus sex potions for men. A global ban on tiger bone sales has traders hunting a new prize -- the majestic lions. If we can show President Zuma that this brutal trade is hurting South Africa's image as a tourist destination, he could ban the trade in lion bones. Why Snow Leopards Need Help NOTE: This is a guest post from Brad Rutherford. He has been the executive director of the Snow Leopard Trust since 2000 and recently returned from a visit to the Snow Leopard Enterprises project in Mongolia. This blog post is in response to the comments left by the public following his September 22nd post. Thank you to everyone who posted a comment in response to my blog post on September 22nd. The photo we included by Jason Brown is one of my personal favorites, and I certainly do feel blessed to be able to work on behalf of such a gorgeous animal. Everyone posed great questions about snow leopards in general, and I want to take a moment to talk about why this cat is so important and provide some information on the snow leopards themselves. Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia) are found in the mountains of 12 countries in Central Asia; Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. One last bit of exciting news.

magnifique lionceau Saving Mongolia's Snow Leopards NOTE: This is a guest post from Brad Rutherford, the Executive Director of the Snow Leopard Trust since 2000. He recently returned from a visit to the Snow Leopard Enterprises project in Mongolia. For generations snow leopards have been seen as an enemy by herders across the mountains of Mongolia. If a herder lost a sheep or a goat to a snow leopard, it caused an economic catastrophe for the family that reinforced a cycle of conflict between humans and this endangered big cat. However, this all started to change in 1998 when two researchers sat down with herders and really tried to understand the challenges facing these rural families who share the land with snow leopards. But the idea really took off. Each fall, Snow Leopard Trust staff place an order for thousands of products to be made by the herders. I took a trip to the West of Mongolia this month to personally see how the program is working, and it was a truly incredible experience. Photo credit: Jason Brown

India acts to save Asiatic lion by moving it – but hard work has only just begun | Kavitha Rao | Environment Male and female Asiatic lions drink water in Gir Forest National Park, the threatened species' current habitat. Photograph: Nisarg Lakhmani/Corbis Wildlife is under threat in most of India, but there's one state that's clinging to its fauna, if rather too tightly. The state of Gujarat – whose Gir forest shelters the world's only Asiatic lion population – has lost a bitter battle over an ambitious translocation project. For over 18 years, conservationists have been attempting to move a pride of Gir lions to the Kuno sanctuary in the state of Madhya Pradesh. But the Gujarat government stubbornly refused to let the lions go. Finally, on 15 April, after eight years of litigation, the Supreme Court of India cleared the translocation of the lions, though it said an emphatic no to the cheetahs. The Gujarat government, and Chief Minister Narendra Modi, have been arguing for years that the Gir lions are the "pride of the state".

magnifique lion magnifique lionceau Please help us to save the life of Leopard cats (Joho) in Miaoli, Taiwan Mrs. Alison Waldron, United Kingdom Apr 29, 12:26 They are part of your world as you know it today, when they're gone you will not get them back send a green star Name not displayed, United Kingdom Apr 29, 12:25 Mr. Apr 29, 12:23 Develope on Brown Sites,not Green send a green star Ms. Apr 29, 12:24 I do hate every lovely creature on Earth is in danger. send a green star Mrs. Apr 29, 12:22 This beautifulls animals are our Planet Brothers!! send a green star Mrs. It is time to take action. send a green star Ms. Apr 29, 12:21 Please consider the leopard cats survival before the planned development drives them to extinction. send a green star Name not displayed, Costa Rica Apr 29, 12:19 Ms. We CANNOTcause species to extinct! send a green star Mrs. angela Oye, United Kingdom these animals have a right to live in their own habitat and should be protected. send a green star Name not displayed, Italy Apr 29, 12:18 Ms. Please consider these beautiful creatures. send a green star

magnifique lion Légendes médiévales: Yvain Fils du roi Urien et de Morgane, Yvain (Owein en gallois) est un chevalier du roi Arthur, qui, parti à la recherche d'aventures, épousa Laudine après avoir tué son époux. Il fut prié par le roi de revenir à la cour, il dut ainsi quitter son épouse à qui il jura de revenir dans un an, jour pour jour. Mais il manqua à sa promesse et perdit l'amour de Laudine. Fou de douleur, il erra dans la forêt, les vêtements en lambeaux. Il existe un autre Yvan dit Yvain l'Avoutre, (le batard) fils naturel du roi Urien et donc demi-frère d'Yvain. Roman en vers de Chrétien de Troyes, composé vers 1170. Pour les lions : Stop à la chasse aux trophées ! Le lion disparait d’Afrique à vitesse grand V avec une chute de 90% de sa population au cours des quatre dernières décennies. Son habitat naturel est toujours plus détruit et fragmenté. Et les chasseurs de trophées continuent de tuer les animaux par milliers. Mobilisons-nous pour une meilleure protection du lion et de son habitat. Lettre Aux présidents de l’Afrique du Sud, de la Tanzanie, du Zimbabwe et de la Zambie L’Afrique a perdu 90% de ses lions en seulement quatre décennies. Afficher la lettre de pétition Les lions étaient 10 fois plus nombreux en Afrique il y a 40 ans : 200.000 lions autrefois contre à peine plus de 20.000 aujourd’hui, soit une chute de 90% de leur population. Le lion est menacé à cause de l’incessante destruction et fragmentation de son habitat naturel. Tuer un mâle dominant est particulièrement dévastateur puisque son successeur tuera ses lionceaux. L’Afrique du Sud, la Tanzanie, le Zimbabwe et la Zambie doivent faire plus pour la conservation des lions. Contexte

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texte de la pétition: The Asiatic Cheetah is Speeding Towards Extinction Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong
