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John Kenn’s Website See more art by John Kenn on this site Thanks to OvO for finding this artist!

Pencil Drawings I was always wondering why we still see black and white artwork and photography in the age of millions of colors and HD technologies. I tried to answer this question based on my love to black and white photography and apply the answer to any black and white art. The black and white artwork takes you beyond the shapes and colors to give you dramatic effect using shadows even more than lines. Lost in a Whimsical World (15 pieces) Matt Gaser takes us on an incredible journey through his storytelling art. It's hard not to get lost in this whimsical world he's conjured up from his imagination. The bright characters he creates are so full of life, they make you feel as if you've seen them in a wonderful dream. "The most satisfying moment in making art is not the final idea, but the process it took to get there," says Gaser. "I'm inspired by the world around me and the hundreds of talented artists living today pushing my skills to grow in the arts.

James Joyce Pen Drawings (Weekly Story Theme: Romance) There is no other love like an illustrator’s hand and its pen. These two spend hours together everyday, inseparable, and when they are not together, the hand years for the cool grip of its beautiful slender pen. Andrea Joseph hand knows this feeling well, and his hand and its pen have been committed to each other for years now, and now on Creative Tempest they renew their vows.

Online : How-To: Carve astounding art-pumpkins We wrote about Ray Villafane’s pumpkin carving tutorial several years ago, but it’s worth linking to again. We were reminded of Ray’s astounding squash-sculpting mojo when our most-awesome Director of Marketing and PR for Maker Faire, Bridgette Vanderlaan, sent around a gallery of Ray’s work through internal email. Even if you don’t have Ray’s artistic chops, I bet, if you carefully follow his instructions, what you get will be a heck of a lot more “high-brow” than triangle eyes and a jagged mouth. [Thanks, Bridgette!] [A few more gourdly ghouls after the jump] Ray Villafane’s Pumpkin Carving Tutorial

Amazingly Creative Drawing Vs Photography This wonderful work has done by a very talented Belgian painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer Ben Heine. This creative artist was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He Studied graphic arts and sculpture and I also have a degree in journalism. Lets take a look at some of his awesome works that he calls “Drawing Vs Photography” or “Imagination Vs Reality”. Drawing within Photography Home » Drawing » Incredibly Creative Pencil Drawings vs Photography 465K Flares465K Flares × Today we are listing incredibly creative and amazing pencil drawings vs photography work of Ben Heine from Belgian, who is a painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer.

Addictive ads, 1894-1954 14 Sep 2010 Here is a collection of Japanese advertisements for drinks and smokes (1894-1954). Hero Cigarettes, 1894 Tokio Beer, 1896-1906 Chūyū Cigarettes, 1900 Peacock Cigarettes, 1902 50 Sketches Critic, “I’m an artist myself and” Argument from authority – always a logical fallacy, but even worse when it’s in a subjective field where there arguably can’t be any authorities. “I hate it when people who aren’t artists assume anything someone puts out there is ‘mind-blowing’.” – incredibly condescending, don’t you think? And besides, “assumes” that it is mind-blowing? If the person who posted these pieces had his mind figuratively blown by them, then how can they not be mind-blowing?
