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The 10 Tools of Online Oppressors - Reports SAN FRANCISCO In reporting news from the world’s most troubled nations, journalists have made a seismic shift this year in their reliance on the Internet and other digital tools. Blogging, video sharing, text messaging, and live-streaming from cellphones brought images of popular unrest from the central square of Cairo and the main boulevard of Tunis to the rest of the world. In Other Languages • Español • Português • Français • Русский • العربية • Multimedia • Audio Report: Offenders and TacticsIn Print • Download the pdfMore on This Issue • CPJ Internet Channel: Danny O'Brien's blog • Blogging in Egypt: Virtual network, virtual oppression • Burmese exile news site endures hacking, DDoS attacks Yet the technology used to report the news has been matched in many ways by the tools used to suppress information.
What Apple's patents reveal about its plans For anybody who wants to know what a company is thinking, just look at its patent portfolio. Patents are about protection: without them there's nothing to stop your rivals from copying your best ideas and making money from your hard work. If you patent your revolutionary unicorn-powered laptop and a rival copies you, you'll be able to sue them until they squeak - and possibly get their product pulled from the shelves too.
OPTSAT 3000 QZS-4 (MICHIBIKI-4) QZS-3 (MICHIBIKI-3) QZS-2 (MICHIBIKI-2) QSS ROCKET MELTDOWN OVER PRAIRIE PROVINCES CONFIRMED BY U.S. STRATEGIC COMMAND - The U.S. Strategic Command has confirmed a spectacular fireball witnessed in Saskatchewan and Alberta on Friday night was the Antares rocket body burning up as it re-entered Earth's atmosphere. Todays Front Pages | Gallery View Through a special agreement with more than 800 newspapers worldwide, the Newseum displays these front pages each day on its website. The front pages are in their original, unedited form, and some may contain material that is deemed objectionable to some visitors. Discretion is advised. Anyone seeking permission to use a front page must credit and link to the Newseum and contact the newspaper directly for permission. U.S. copyright laws apply. For copyright protection, watermarks are occasionally placed on front pages that cover news events of historic significance.
European Public Records Links Albania Albania Banking Law Albania Civil Rights Law Albania Constitution Albania Criminal Law Albania Labor Law Albania Family News Network Albania Patent Office and Trademarking Albania Phone Directory Albanian Refugees From the War Andorra Andorra Constitution Andorra Directory Andorra Government Andora Legal Information Andorra Network Information Center Andorra Patent Law Andorra Trademark Registry Andorra Trade Name Search The antioxidant myth is too easy to swallow When the press release arrived in our inboxes, we knew what would happen next. A controversial Nobel laureate had stated, in a peer-reviewed paper he described as "among my most important work", that antioxidant supplements "may have caused more cancers than they have prevented". Even the most fad-friendly sections of the UK media were bound to cover the story. In reality, Professor James Watson – one of the DNA double-helix's founding fathers – was only restating what we at Cancer Research UK (along with many others) have been pointing out for years. Large studies have repeatedly shown that, with the possible exception of vitamin D, antioxidant supplements have negligible positive effect on healthy people, at least in terms of important things such as preventing people getting cancer or dying prematurely. And some supplements – notably vitamins A, E and beta-carotene – even seem to slightly raise the risk of disease and early death.
Financial Times "Very few people understand how important this topic is to our lives and our economy. At least this article and related pieces are a start for people to realise how much monetary reform is needed to address the inherent inequality and instability of our current system."By DPL on Strip private banks of their power to create money "'Sir David Walker said raising the bonus pool by 10 per cent last year had been among the hardest decisions the board had to take.'
International Newspaper Archives More and more digitized archives for historical newspapers from around the world are coming online. A large number are available for free, covering a broad swath world history, from the 1600s to modern times. Vintage newspaper archives from all over the globe are highlighted on this page (other than US and Europe archives, which are on other pages). Headlines, articles, display ads, broadsides, classifieds, sports scores, financials, the rise and fall of empires…all there for the taking. News Flash!Top Ten People Find Sites now available
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents. Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group).
Ce moteur de recherche manque de précision. Il faudrait intégrer une recherche avancée. by marina.tourres Oct 22