Legacies of British Slave-ownership Legacies of British Slave-ownership is the umbrella for two projects based at UCL tracing the impact of slave-ownership on the formation of modern Britain: the ESRC-funded Legacies of British Slave-ownership project, now complete, and the ESRC and AHRC-funded Structure and significance of British Caribbean slave-ownership 1763-1833, running from 2013-2015. Colonial slavery shaped modern Britain and we all still live with its legacies. The slave-owners were one very important means by which the fruits of slavery were transmitted to metropolitan Britain. We believe that research and analysis of this group are key to understanding the extent and the limits of slavery's role in shaping British history and leaving lasting legacies that reach into the present. Full Project Overview Britain's forgotten slave-owners: BBC TV broadcast We've been consulting with the BBC on two new TV programmes entitled Britain's Forgotten Slave-owners. Full Details LBS Workshops 2015 Full Details LBS Project Book
Productions Numériques - Le Défi des bâtisseurs - Webproductions – Le Film, une histoire en 3D Plongez en 3D Relief au cœur de la grande aventure de l’art gothique. Un film de Marc Jampolsky. Qui sont les bâtisseurs de la cathédrale ? Quelle est leur histoire ? – Le Making-of du film Découvrez les secrets de fabrication de ce film événement réalisé intégralement en 3D Relief. – Le Webdoc, un jeu-documentaire Devenez « bâtisseurs » dans un webdoc dont VOUS êtes le héros ! – L’application mobile Une « Visite augmentée » : mixez Moyen Age et high tech dans notre app « néogothique ».
Lady Jane Grey: The Nine Day Queen The secret history of women's football - BBC Newsbeat Mathenpoche - soutien scolaire en mathématiques Ce calcul vaut pour les élèves en série générale. Seules les notes obtenues en troisième sont comptées. Les points du contrôle continu : Retrouvez vos moyennes pour les 10 disciplines qui comptent : français, maths, LV1, SVT, Physique-Chimie, EPS, arts plastiques, éducation musicale, technologie, LV2. Les points des épreuves : Chaque épreuve (français, maths et histoire-géo) est notée sur 40 points, ainsi que l'épreuve orale d'histoire des arts. La note du Brevet : total A + total B = total sur 360. Il faut avoir 180 points pour avoir son Brevet, ainsi qu'une attestation pour la maîtrise du socle commun. Vous pouvez utiliser cette interface (réalisée par Emmanuel Ostenne) qui calcule automatiquement le total de points.
Maps of London's bus journeys Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images This article originally appeared in Business Insider. In 2013, Londoners took 2.4 billion bus journeys. They were prescribed 116 million items by doctors, and found themselves joined by more than 1,750,000 American tourists. Meanwhile, in one small, financial corner of the capital, the population, in every 24-hour period of the year, spiked from 222 residents to more than 127,000. The maps and infographics are as diverse as the information they cover—highlighting, for example, the 2,580 mobile phones left in a single year at Heathrow Airport, and charting the 1.1 million phone calls the emergency services took in 2013. In "There is order and beauty in the chaos of your commute," Cheshire and Uberti capture London's commuting routes using data from Oyster travel cards logged by University College London. "Almost every journey taken in London leaves a digital trace in its wake," explain Cheshire and Uberti on their website. James Cheshire, Oliver Uberti
How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand On 17 April, it is 25 years since Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh. In the calendar of fanaticism, this was Year Zero; as many as two million people, a fifth of Cambodia's population, were to die as a consequence. To mark the anniversary, the evil of Pol Pot will be recalled, almost as a ritual act for voyeurs of the politically dark and inexplicable. For the managers of western power, no true lessons will be drawn, because no connections will be made to them and to their predecessors, who were Pol Pot's Faustian partners. Yet, without the complicity of the west, Year Zero might never have happened, nor the threat of its return maintained for so long. Declassified United States government documents leave little doubt that the secret and illegal bombing of then neutral Cambodia by President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger between 1969 and 1973 caused such widespread death and devastation that it was critical in Pol Pot's drive for power. I witnessed this.
Utilisateur:GuitarBand Guitar Band Makey-Makey Chaîne Youtube Cyber-Espace de Ploeren Description : Créée avec la carte Makey-Makey, la guitare vous permettra de jouer avec le jeu FoFiX (jeu libre et gratuit équivalent à Guitar Hero et Rock Band). Matériel nécessaire Une carte Makey-MakeyPapier aluminiumTube de papier aluminiumCâbles électrique (vous pouvez récupérer du câble réseau RJ45 et utiliser les fils à l'intérieur de la gaine)Attaches parisiennesGrands cartonsCiseaux / cutterRègleMarqueurFeuilles blanchesPapiers cadeaux (motifs à votre convenance) ou papier Canson couleurPeinture (verte, rouge, jaune, bleue, rose et noire)PinceauxVernis-colleRuban adhésifEpingles à lingeUn ordinateur Montage et installation 1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Conseils Sources Cécile Hamard - Animatrice Multimédia - Médiathèque de Ploeren
BBC iWonder - Are you a Roundhead or a Cavalier? UK Data Archive - OUR DATA IN USE About the data The UK National Food Survey collects weekly data on household food acquisition every year. It contains year and month specific information about all food entering the household using a diary reporting quantities and expenditures of food purchased. In particular it collects information on personal expenditure on snacks, meals, sweets and drinks consumed outside the home, and the number and type of meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) offered to guests. In addition, it records some demographic characteristics, such as age and sex of each member of the family and of visitors, number of males and females working, household characteristics, region of residence, and socio-economic variables, such as household income and occupation of head of household. How the data were used Twenty-six waves of the National Food Survey were used for a PhD research on 'Nutrition, Health and Socio-Economic Status' documenting how diet changed in Britain between 1975 and 2000. About the author