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Weather Online UK - current weather and weather forecast worldwide AccuWeather World Select interests to add to your dock Health Cold & FluAllergiesRespiratoryArthritisMigraineSinus TravelAstronomyEvents A.M. DrivingSchool DayHair DaySnow Days Home & Garden D.I.Y.Lawn & GardenHome EnergyEntertaining Sports & Recreation GolfSkiHuntingFishingRunningHikingBikingSun & SandSailing Linea Meteo TornadoVideos.Net | Home Weather - Canada Canadian Weather Choose a province or territory: Date modified: Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis The sea ice extent has been quickly growing, and by the end of October, ice covered most of the Arctic Ocean. Overall, the ice extent remained below average for this time of year in the Barents and Kara Seas, as well as within northern Baffin Bay and the East Greenland Sea. Overview of conditions Figure 1. Credit: National Snow and Ice Data CenterHigh-resolution image The monthly average extent for October 2021 was 6.77 million square kilometers (2.61 million square miles). Conditions in context Figure 2a. Credit: National Snow and Ice Data CenterHigh-resolution image Figure 2b. Credit: NSIDC courtesy NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Laboratory High-resolution image Figure 2c. Credit: NSIDC courtesy NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Laboratory High-resolution image As of October 31, sea ice extent is tracking higher than any year since 2015, as well as higher than observed in 2007, 2011, and 2012 (Figure 2a). October 2021 compared to previous years

Ryan Maue PhD Meteorology Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue Dr. The AP article sets up the typical “arguing amongst experts” debate where the non-expert journalist assembles the narrative. The AP article begins: “Nature is pummelling the United States this year with extremes. Of course we know that natural disasters occur globally, and are often modulated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (e.g. Dr. I’m sure Masters is tired of the website hits and advertising revenue, but this statement is not scientific but anecdotal. The AP article continues: “What’s happening, say experts, is mostly random chance or bad luck. Who says what? The insurance company Munich Re calculated that in the first six months of the year there have been 98 natural disasters in the United States, about double the average of the 1990s. How does this compare to the 1910s, 1950s, 1970s, 1980s, or 2000s? Yes, it has been extraordinary — but why? “These events are abnormal,” Karl said. Dr. NASA’s Dr. Well, that doesn’t narrow it down much. Dr.

How to Forecast Weather | Ever wondered how to forecast the weather without actually using instruments? Check the Clouds: Clouds can tell us a lot about the weather. For example, they can tell us if it’s going to be warmer on a particular night by simply being there. Check the Humidity: If you’re one of those people whose hair gets all curly when it gets really humid out, you know exactly what this is about. Check the Animals: Birds only fly in the sky when they expect fair weather ahead. Look at the Rainbow (but only in the west) and look for a Red Sky: If you see one in the west, it means a major storm front is coming. Check the Air: If it smells like a compost heap, expect some rain soon. Check the Moon: Seen any red moons lately? Check the Wind: If you can tell which way the wind is blowing, you can tell if there is a storm approaching. A Few More Ideas: Make a campfire – If the smoke goes straight up, clear skies ahead. Check the grass – if it’s wet and dewy, that means it probably won’t rain.

Storm Report Weather Realtime WDSSII Weather Data (KML) WDSS-II: CONUS Multi-Radar Disclaimer: Images on these pages are experimental. Real-time access to these images may not be available at all times (due to data outages, network problems, availability of resources, or at the discretion of the publisher). Use at your own risk. Additional info at,, and the NSSL homepage. . MODIS Today -- CIMSS/SSEC MODIS Today: USA Composite - April 24, 2014 (114) Today's Terra Passes Open in Google Earth System Status Download this image (Click on the image below to zoom in) GIS Files About this website | Credits | Contact us
