Eye Can Learn | Eye Exercises for Visual Health and School Success Teaching children with additional educational needs It deals with the rationale behind teaching English to such children and provides teaching strategies for the institution and the classroom. English as a foreign language for children with additional educational needs Diverse needs A school policy Methodological approaches Supporting the learner Organising classes English as a foreign language for children with additional educational needs It is often thought that foreign language learning for a child with additional educational needs can waste valuable time that could be spent more profitably on teaching 'more relevant' skills and that it may confuse children who already have problems mastering their mother tongue. Diverse needs Children with additional educational needs may have physical and conceptual difficulties, mild and moderate learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and emotional and behavioural difficulties, and will usually require some sort of extra support. References Vygotsky, L. 1978.
Master teacher helped children overcome dyslexia Diana Hanbury King, a master teacher who helped generations of students struggling to read fluently, write and spell – and being stigmatized for it – because of an often undiagnosed learning disability called dyslexia, died June 15 at her home in Lakeville, Conn. She was 90. The cause was complications from several falls, her son, Christopher, said. Story continues below advertisement Ms. “The time to diagnose dyslexia is before the child has a chance to fail at reading,” she said. She was instrumental in transforming the popular perception of people with dyslexia from being backward or unteachable to being often highly intelligent despite their learning difficulties. “We continue to see the tragedy of a bright child coming home from school in the second or third grade in tears – ‘I’m the dumbest kid in all of the second grade’ – and getting stomachaches before they go to school, and all of this totally unnecessary and totally preventable,” Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms.
How teachers can help learners with dyslexia What strategies can language teachers use to help learners with dyslexia and other reading difficulties? Bríd Ní Chatháin offers some practical advice ahead of her webinar on this topic on 15 December. For those of us who enjoy a good book or are involved in researching an area of particular interest, the printed word holds promise and comfort. But for a number of our learners, text is a threat to be avoided whenever possible, and the task of extracting meaning or information from a page is genuinely daunting. During training and in general language teaching, teachers do not usually acquire the skills necessary to provide specialised teaching for learners with literacy difficulties. Nevertheless, there are many strategies we can use to support struggling readers within the group. Why some learners struggle with reading comprehension Decoding difficulties – Decoding is the ability to make sense of printed words. Word retrieval difficulty – We all have that 'It’s on the tip of my tongue!'
Що потрібно знати вчителю про дисграфію — Журнал «На Урок» Огляд причин та проявів дисграфії, рекомендація зручного онлайн-інструменту для ефективної діагностики цієї проблеми на ранній стадії. Серед ваших учнів є діти, які допускають не просто помарки, а помилки, що не піддаються жодному логічному поясненню? Почерк цих школярів, як правило, не відрізняється каліграфічністю, букви різного розміру, рядки нерівні, а кількість помилок – незчисленна. Причому за рівнем інтелекту вони часто не відстають від однолітків, але при цьому погано навчаються. Чому ж таке трапляється і що, власне, є причиною проблеми? Прояви дисграфії Дисграфія (від грец. dis — префікс, що означає розлад, γραφειν — пишу) – це розлад процесу письма, пов'язаний із недостатнім рівнем сформованості психічних функцій, що беруть участь у реалізації та контролі письмового мовлення. Причини дисграфії Спадкова схильність. Фахові методики діагностики дислексії та дисграфії Основні види дисграфії Акустична дисграфія. Діагностика дисграфії онлайн Ресурс «Дисграфія. Прояв оптичної дисграфії
Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia Redford herself has a grown dyslexic son, Dylan, and has been a fierce champion of dyslexia awareness for more than two decades -- a journey she speaks about candidly in the HBO documentary "The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia." The documentary was made with the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, where Redford serves as education editor, and it was directed by her husband, James Redford. Kyle Redford said there is no doubt that technology has changed the lives of those who struggle to read and write, and that educators should embrace the changes. School psychologist and dyslexia expert Martha Youman often gives ideas and suggestions for how teachers at her middle school can make accommodations to dyslexic students using technology. “I tell them, don’t ask this student to write something long, because he’s going to do a terrible job. The Rise of Technology “The spirit behind hiring the technical specialist first was that technology can help students learn,” Molina said.