Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE) 8 Free Mind Map Tools & How to Best Use Them Advertisement Here’s the good news. Finally, we can be like Leonardo da Vinci’s in one small way. No, we are not getting his polymathic superpowers. His penchant for taking free-flowing notes that filled notebooks with diagrams and scribblings is more achievable. Today, we call these brain-cell like intertwinings mind maps. It is the most popular brainstorming technique of all. For a student, a mind map is a memory aid to review notes. You can apply a mind map to any office scenario. Forecast revenue.Prepare for a hiring interview.Chart product development and marketing.Fine tune a RFP (Request for Proposal).Organize a trade show.Plan an office party. Pick a Free Mind Map Tool Choosing from the many excellent mind mapping and brainstorming web apps and tools is a matter of nitpicking. Free or paid. We have covered many mindmapping tools here at MakeUseOf. 1. Platforms: Web, Chrome This mind mapping Chrome extension deserves a look again for its sheer simplicity. Noteworthy Features: 2. 3. 4.
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24 Essential Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Tools Mind mapping is the process of using visual diagrams to show the relationships between ideas or information. Its popular uses include project planning, collecting and organizing thoughts, brainstorming and presentations — all in order to help solve problems, map out resources and uncover new ideas. It can be more useful than trying to keep track of our ideas by scribbling them on paper, and can aid in manipulating and generating concepts. We've compiled a list of 24 mind mapping tools to help you organize, summarize and visualize information, with both free and paid versions available to suit any budget or requirement. The tools mentioned are either browser- or desktop-based, with a selection of mind mapping mobile apps at the end of the article for use on iOS and Android devices. Is there a particular mind mapping tool you would recommend? 1. MindMeister was built to facilitate collaboration for mind mapping and brainstorming, with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. 2. iMindMap 3. 4. : portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales 10 Great Tools for Academic Research You Should Know about 1- Zotero Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click. Whether you're searching for a preprint on, a journal article from JSTOR, a news story from the New York Times, or a book from your university library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites. 2- Endnote EndNote gives you the tools you need for searching, organizing and sharing your research. 3- Mendeley Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. This is a great productivity app that helps you :Coordinate and complete tasks with your teams. 5- Scrivener Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers designed for composing and structuring long and difficult documents. 6- Camscanner 8- Google drive Google Drive provides a powerful productivity suite useful for teachers.
RevEl@Nice : revues électroniques Research4LifeFree Digital Tools for Researchers Could you imagine doing research without internet? Digital tools have made research practices easier for scientists and librarians. Here we have gathered for you some digital resources to help you conduct research more efficiently and creatively. 1. Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social media platforms and can be used to share information and network with colleagues. With Figshare you can connect with other researchers by uploading any file format to be made visualisable in the browser so that your figures, datasets, media, papers, posters, presentations and filesets can be disseminated. 2. Reference management tools help scholars to create and manage their lists of references for research projects. Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. 3. If you need to edit images online without installing any software you can use SumoPaint. 4. 5. 6.
Nota Bene | portail de revues Russes The Academic Publishing House “NOTA BENE” (OOO “NB-MEDIA”) is one of the leading Russian scientific publishers. It specializes in publishing journals and books in the spheres of humanities and social sciences, as well as communications and high technologies, military and technical spheres and security issues, and also in the sphere of cultural studies and fine arts. It publishes monographs, manuals, fiction, art books, books by foreign scientists which were not previously translated into Russian. It also publishes books and journals in foreign languages. Considerable number of these journals is included into the list of the leading scientific publications, which are reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of Russia, for the purpose of awarding degrees of PhD and Doctor of Sciences. It has a digital scientific library. The Holding specializes in both printed and i-media projects.