Barcode Yourself by Scott Blake Barcode Yourself is a complete, interactive experience in the series of barcode art, created using the personalized data of participants. Enter an individual's gender, weight, height, age and location, and the barcode is formed using real-world data. The individualized barcode can then be printed, mapped, scanned, even depicted on a t-shirt or coffee mug. Uber-geeks can even test out their barcodes on their next grocery run. It is in scanning a barcode that the project reveals its humor, like a banner that reads: Disclaimer! It is here, within the confines of an American obsession with "worth," in which the fun begins. The data entered into Barcode Yourself takes a topsy-turvy twist to its personalized end numbers, with the exception of the hard-data that correlates with "location," which tallies up in the Gross Domestic Product of each country. With the complexity of mocking self-identity, Barcode Yourself lays out a fresh absurdity in the modern world of consumerism. More info in FAQ.
YouTube Trends Opciones para crear tus propios juegos sin saber programar Con la fiebre de los juegos online muchos están aprendiendo a programar en flash para publicar sus propias creaciones. Aquí os dejo algunos sitios desde los que podéis crear juegos sin necesidad de saber nada de código, permitiendo la publicación de resultados muchas veces bastante interesantes. Playcrafter Una aplicación web que con la técnica de arrastrar y soltar (Drag&Drop) podremos crear unos juegos interesantes de plataformas. Simscarnival Tiene un wizard para crear juegos online con protagonistas mostrando nuestras fotografías en lugar de rostros. Scratch Muy sencillo y en varios idiomas, permite crear juegos, historias y animaciones. Yoyogames Para hacer cosas más sofisticadas. Alice Para hacer juegos y animaciones 3D.
CIO - 企業經理人雜誌 「商業智慧分析師」的主要工作就是「藉由資料分析工具的協助,查詢、整理、分析公司過去的各項作業及交易記錄,並將最終的分析結果製成相關報表。」 而經由這些報表所提供的「市場趨勢分析」及「各種要素之間的因果關聯特性」…等資訊,能夠幫助經理人更有效的做好企業決策工作。 一般而言,「商業智慧分析師」所要分析的資料種類相當繁多,如一般企業作業時常見的「庫存」、「銷售」、「顧客」…等資料記錄都包含在內。視交易記錄的對象及範圍,這些資料有可能儲存在公司的資料倉儲(data warehouses),或僅儲放在部門單獨的資料庫中。 「商業智慧分析師」除了要設計、規劃每日所產生的制式報表格式(如業務經理需要依不同的區域,追蹤各項商品的銷售狀況。) 企業需要「商業智慧分析師」的原因: 「如果你不打算善用公司過去所累積的這些歷史記錄,那它不過就是一堆垃圾而已。 從事「商業智慧分析師」所需條件: 需要對於企業經營目標與運作方式有深入的了解。 如何發掘合適的「商業智慧分析師」? Kaplan認為,要找到一個合適的「商業智慧分析師」,應該先從企業內部著手。 企業對於「商業智慧分析師」的期望: 一個優秀「商業智慧分析師」的做事方式一定非常有條理,這樣他才可能在成千上萬的資料堆中,找出企業決策時所需的參考資訊。 如何淘汰不適任的「商業智慧分析師」? 問問這些「商業智慧分析師」,他們心中對於自我的定位及貢獻為何? 「商業智慧分析師」的一般薪資水準:
Saying Goodbye To Xtranormal - Video Maker Tips A ‘so long’ to an old friend It’s kind of a sad day in the world of online animation as we bid a farewell to a fellow innovator in professional-grade “make your own” movie makers. As of July 31, 2013, Xtranormal, an easy online animation tool, will be closing its virtual doors. They will be discontinuing their services and subscriptions while they explore new dreams for the future. A solid online movie maker for educators and business folk alike Xtranormal provided a strong tool that allowed its users to manipulate a cast of cute and cool characters around interchangeable backgrounds to tell their own stories. Websites like Xtranormal (and GoAnimate, for that matter) allow teachers to make educational videos, professionals to make training videos and animated presentations, and everyday users to easily make movies poking a little fun at the world around them. (Warning: the language isn’t entirely suitable for children). Sad for us, but sad for you too Looking forward to meeting you 1. 2. 3.
Youtube 18 Impressive Tutorials on Creating Vector Illustrations The step-by-step tutorials featured in this article shares techniques that will help you expand your range of knowledge in making vector illustrations for your graphic design and illustration projects. If you would like to learn about the differences between vector and raster graphics, please see the article called Design Battle: Vector vs. Raster on Design was here. In this article, you can find the good number of high quality lessons by the best and most talented graphic design artists on ways to create vector illustrations. 1. Learn how to make a unique and adorably cute monster character using basic shapes and gradients by following along this Illustrator tutorial written by the talented graphic/web designer, Chris Spooner. 2. You will learn a technique for illustrating a vector art piece using the Brush Tool (to start the outlines) in Illustrator and the Gradient Tool, as well as blend techniques, to color in the illustration. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Come creare GIF animate Ti sei appena registrato su un forum su Internet e vuoi stupire i tuoi interlocutori con delle firme spettacolari? Che ne dici di prendere una sequenza da un film, un cartone animato o un video musicale famoso e inserirla nei tuoi messaggi sotto forma di GIF animata? Tutto quello che ti serve è Movie to Animated GIF Converter, un eccezionale software per Windows che permette di creare GIF animate da video gratuitamente. Il software non necessita di installazioni per poter funzionare e supporta tutti i principali formati di file video: AVI, MPG e WMV. Il primo passo che devi compiere è collegarti al sito Internet di Movie to Animated GIF Converter e cliccare sulla voce MovieToAGIF.exe (299 kB) che si trova in fondo alla pagina per scaricare il programma sul tuo PC. Per creare GIF animate da video gratuitamente con Movie to Animated GIF Converter, clicca sulla voce Open Movie del menu File e seleziona il file video che desideri convertire in immagine animata.