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7stacks 7stacks is an easy to use, free app that lets Windows 7 (and Vista and XP) users have “stacks” of icons in their Taskbar (in 7) or QuickLaunch Toolbar (in Vista and XP). By using stacks, users can reduce icon clutter, and combine a group of related icons into a single icon. For instance, if you use application suites such as Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or Adobe CS4, you can have all the suite’s icons combined into one icon! You can also use it to browse and access documents within a folder very quickly. 7stacks was created because of my own frustrations with Windows 7, as great an OS as Win7 is. 7stacks is incredibly easy to use, and has a variety of looks and features, allowing anyone to customize the look of their stack however they’d like. Check out these features: Best of all, 7stacks is completely free!

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