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The Vincent van Gogh Gallery

The Vincent van Gogh Gallery
Related:  Arts

HUMUMENT.COM - The Official Site of A HUMUMENT by Tom Phillips Introduction Fifth edition 2012 A Humument started life towards noon on November 5th (Guy Fawkes Day) 1966 at a propitious place. Austin's Furniture Repository stood on Peckham Rye where William Blake saw his first angels and which Van Gogh must have passed once or twice on his way to Lewisham. As usual on a Saturday morning Ron Kitaj and I were prowling the huge warehouse in search of bargains. When we arrived at the racks of cheap and dusty books left over from house clearances I boasted to Ron that I could take the first one that I might find for threepence and make it serve for a really long term project. It turned out to be a novel by someone that neither I nor my even more bookish companion had heard of, W. Like most projects that end up lasting a lifetime this had its germ in idle play at what then seemed to be the fringe of my activities. Once I had got my prize home I was excited to find that page after randomly opened page revealed that I had indeed stumbled upon a treasure.

Florence : Galerie des Offices Eventi Sei incontri sul tema "AutenticitTà" dal 9-4-2014 fino al 28-4-2014 Avvisi Avviso possibili chiusure Giovedì 10 aprile 2014 la Galleria degli Uffizi, il Museo Nazionale del Bargello, e Palazzo Davanzati potrebbero essere chiusi dalle 08.15 alle 9.45 e dalle 17.30 alle 19.00 per assemblea dei dipendenti. La Tavola Doria esposta agli Uffizi nella Sala delle Carte Geografiche dal 25-3-2014 fino al 29-6-2014 Mostra "Rosso e Pontormo" a Palazzo Strozzi dal 8-3-2014 fino al 20-7-2014 Rosso e Pontormo. Palazzo Strozzi, in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della città di Firenze, presenta una grande esposizione dedicata al Pontormo e al Rosso Fiorentino, due fra i maggiori artisti di tutto il Cinquecento. Esibendo a Palazzo Strozzi il biglietto della Galleria degli Uffizi, sarà possibile usufruire di una riduzione del 50 % sul prezzo dell’ingresso alla mostra. >>

Van Gogh & Gauguin news / ALEXANDRE FARTO AKA VHILS Personism VAN GOGH MUSEUM | Amsterdam | Pays-Bas Adresse et accès Le Musée Van Gogh est situé sur la Museumplein. L’entrée se trouve au numéro 7 de la Paulus Potterstraat. Le musée est facilement accessible par les transports en communs (lignes de tramway 2, 3, 5 et 12 et bus 170, 171 et 172). Le musée est accessible aux invalides. Adresse postaleP.O Box 75366 NL 1070 AJ Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 570 52 00F +31 (0)20 570 52 Heures d'ouverture 1 mai 2013: 10-182 mai - 1 septembre 2013: 9-18, vendredi 9-222 septembre -26 décembre 2013: 9-17, vendredi 9-2227 décembre 2013 - 5 janvier 2014: 9-18, vendredi 9-22à partir du 6 janvier, 2014: 9-17, vendredi 9-22 Van Gogh at work En tant qu’artiste, Vincent van Gogh est célèbre pour son style et son usage des couleurs. L’exposition Van Gogh at work nous fait découvrir le chemin qu’il a parcouru avant de devenir cet artiste unique à l’oeuvre d’envergure. Van Gogh at work est le résultat de longues années de recherches sur le mode de travail de l’artiste. Bibliothèque Règles internes

Fading AIDS Gallery Museo Nacional del Prado The Vincent van Gogh Gallery The National Gallery, London INTERESTING IDEAS: Outsider art, roadside art & signs, eccentric culture
