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10 New Google Analytics Features You Need to Start Using Rachael Gerson spearheads the Analytics division at SEER Interactive. Follow her on Twitter @rachaelgerson. Over the past eight months, Google has steadily released one revolutionary new feature after another. On March 17, the company announced a new version of Google Analytics. Up until this point, users could decide whether they preferred to stick with the old interface or switch to the new one. If you're not already familiar with the new version, take the next few weeks to get comfortable with it. 1. Dashboards got a much needed overhaul in the new GA. At a minimum, these four widgets would benefit the average user. Visits - Timeline (can also include Metric)Goal Completions and/or Transactions - TimelineSource/Medium - TableBounce Rate - Timeline 2. Rather than viewing a long list of keywords to spot trends, users can now evaluate a keyword cloud. 3. In the past, Google Analytics data was typically delayed up to 24 hours after the visit. 4. Why is this important? 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Tracking Basics (Asynchronous Syntax) - Google Analytics ga.js is a JavaScript library for measuring how users interact with your website. This is a legacy library. If you are getting started with Google Analytics you should use the latest tracking library, analytics.js. Tracking Code Quickstart The Analytics snippet is a small piece of JavaScript code that you paste into your pages. If you need to do more than basic page tracking, see the tracking reference for a list of methods available in the API and see the Usage Guide for details on using the asynchronous syntax. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); The snippet above represents the minimum configuration needed to track a page asynchronously. Important: If you are updating your pages from the traditional snippet to the latest, asynchronous version, you should remove the existing tracking snippet first. How the Asynchronous Syntax Works The _gaq object is what makes the asynchronous syntax possible. var pageTracker = _gat. Back to Top

Google Play In-app Billing In-app Billing is a Google Play service that lets you sell digital content from inside your applications. You can use the service to sell a wide range of content, including downloadable content such as media files or photos, virtual content such as game levels or potions, premium services and features, and more. You can use In-app Billing to sell products as Subscription Upgrade/Downgrade—A user can subscribe to a higher or lower tier of subscription while their current subscription is active. Standard in-app products (one-time billing), orSubscriptions (recurring, automated billing) When you use the in-app billing service to sell an item, whether it's an in-app product or a subscription, Google Play handles all checkout details so your application never has to directly process any financial transactions. Any application that you publish through Google Play can implement In-app Billing. To get started, read the documents below or take the Selling In-app Products training class. Overview

Comment mesurer le trafic généré par Twitter vers son site Par Olivier Duffez, Jeudi 1 septembre 2011 Entre les liens raccourcis (notamment avec et les applications ou extensions de navigateurs, il n'est pas toujours facile de mesurer le trafic réellement généré par Twitter. Voici comment faire avec notamment l'exemple de Google Analytics. Twitter n'est pas toujours vu comme un site référent Si tous les utilisateurs de Twitter (Twittos) utilisaient le site web de Twitter, ce serait sans doute plus simple d'estimer combien d'internautes viennent sur votre site. Le problème est qu'une partie importante des Twittos utilise autre chose que le site officiel. Les solutions à adopter Ceux qui ont bien suivi connaissent la solution : il faut intégrer du tracking dans toutes les URL que vous mettez dans vos tweets. Qui dit tracking dit allongement de la taille des URL. Conclusion : il est probable que vous trouviez le domaine dans vos sites référents. Comment détecter le trafic Twitter par un filtre Google Analytics Pour aller plus loin...

Verify your web tracking setup - Analytics Help There are a few ways you can check to see if the Google Analytics tracking code on your website is working. If you don’t think it's working correctly, review your set up, or try to set up the web tracking code again. It can take up to 24 hours for the Google Analytics servers to update after you make a change to your tracking code, so if you’ve recently completed or changed your set up, wait before you check to see if it’s working. Check the Tracking Status in your property In every web property in your Google Analytics account, you can see the Tracking Status, which tells you if your tracking code is working or not. Sign in to your Analytics account. Check your Real-Time reports With the Real-Time reports, you can monitor user activity as it happens. Sign in to your Analytics account. If you don’t see any data in your reports, check the date range to make sure you’re looking at today’s date. Install and use the Google Analytics Debugger extension (only for Chrome)

Official: Google Analytics Gets Social Engagement Reporting Google Analytics has just announced a new set of reports (and functionality) that will enable websites to track social interaction with their content. This comes as a welcomed addition to the new Google+1 button, as it now enables one to measure the impact of social interactions in and outside websites (either through a Facebook like, +1 or LinkedIn share inside the website or +1 on search results). The new reports can be found in the Visitor section (make sure you are using the new Google Analytics) and are seeing the following: The Social Engagement report shows site behavior changes for visits that include clicks on any social sharing actions. +1 is added automatically, but other sharing buttons should be added through coding, see below how to define them. This allows website owners to understand whether there is a different behavior between visitors that share and visitors that do not share or between different types of “sharers”. Social reporting is just getting started.

15. Expression-Based Access Control Method security is a bit more complicated than a simple allow or deny rule. Spring Security 3.0 introduced some new annotations in order to allow comprehensive support for the use of expressions. 15.3.1 @Pre and @Post Annotations There are four annotations which support expression attributes to allow pre and post-invocation authorization checks and also to support filtering of submitted collection arguments or return values. They are @PreAuthorize, @PreFilter, @PostAuthorize and @PostFilter. Access Control using @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize The most obviously useful annotation is @PreAuthorize which decides whether a method can actually be invoked or not. @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER')") public void create(Contact contact); which means that access will only be allowed for users with the role "ROLE_USER". @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#contact, 'admin')") public void deletePermission(Contact contact, Sid recipient, Permission permission); Filtering using @PreFilter and @PostFilter

175+ raccourcisseurs d'URL (tinyurl-like) 10/02/2011 : 262 Tinyurl-like ! (dont 160 actif) Un raccourcisseur de lien vous savez tous ce que c’est, rien que Twhirl en propose 3 si vous utilisez ce petit soft pour gérer votre compte Twitter. A quelque chose ressemblant à cela : Dans le cas présent le service utilisé est Tinyurl qui est l’un des services les plus réputés et dont le nom apparait donc dans le lien « réduit ». L’avantage principal de ces outils est que le lien est beaucoup plus court ( ici on passe par exemple de plus de 100 caractères à 25 ), ce qui permet de le partager sans qu’il soit coupé comme ça arrive parfois dans les mails, sur un forum, dans un texto/SMS, … P1 Peaurl ( une petite touche d’ajax ) Peqno Petitsliens PiURL Vdirect

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