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Proposal for MIT Global Environment Initiative seeks public comment
As the world’s population continues to expand, our natural resources will become increasingly strained. In an effort to find sustainable solutions for the planet’s growing population while minimizing environmental impacts, MIT’s Environmental Research Council (ERC) has put forward a detailed implementation plan to establish a Global Environmental Initiative to complement the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI). The interdisciplinary, faculty-led council presented the plan to the MIT community last Thursday in a forum held at the Kirsch Auditorium in the Stata Center. “It’s impossible to imagine a problem bigger and more compelling, or more suited to the strengths of MIT, than how to drive toward global sustainability,” said MIT President Susan Hockfield in a video address to the forum. In the areas of climate and oceans, MIT already has a strong foundation of interdisciplinary collaboration. The initiative also lays out a plan for creating educational programs.
Educacion en relacion con el entorno
Rocketship Education: Overview
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