Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal
The POISON in your water is FLUORIDE
Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), were never tested for safety before approval. Recent independent research by scientists not associated with dental trade organizations has shown the following: Dr. A study published in Brain Research shows that rats drinking only 1 part per million fluoride (NaF) in water had histologic lesions in their brain similar to Alzheimers disease and dementia. The Department of Health in New Jersey found that bone cancer in male children was between two and seven times greater in areas where water was fluoridated. Fluoride gradually builds up in the bones and causes adverse changes to the bone structure. Perinatal deaths in a fluoridated area was 15% higher than in neighboring non-fluoridated areas. Fluoride compounds in water and in supplements do not provide any significant cavity-protecting effects. Independent research has shown that fluoride impairs the functioning of the immune system. ( via worldtruth.tv )
Consumer Health Articles: FLUORIDE, THE SILENT KILLER
FLUORIDE, THE SILENT KILLER by: Yiamouyiannis, John, Ph.D. Dr. Yiamouyiannis received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Rhode Island and served his post-doctoral fellowship at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE Fluoride is used as an insecticide and a roach killer. FLUORIDE A BY-PRODUCT OF INDUSTRY Fluoride is an industrial waste product, a by-product of the aluminum industry and the phosphate fertilizer companies who have mountains of fluoride that is polluting the ground water. FLUORIDATED TOOTHPASTE Unless it says on the package does not contain fluoride, you are using fluoridated toothpaste. GUM DAMAGE Fluoride actually causes gum damage at the concentrations used in fluoridated toothpaste at 1,000 ppm. FLUORIDE GELS AND SOLUTIONS Some schools have weekly fluoride mouth-rinse programs in which the children swish fluoride solutions around in their mouths. DOES FLUORIDE REDUCE TOOTH DECAY? You may contact Dr.