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The World's First Free Cisco Lab - Cisco Networking, Security VPN, Routing & VoIP CCME Portal, Linux Tutorials

The World's First Free Cisco Lab - Cisco Networking, Security VPN, Routing & VoIP CCME Portal, Linux Tutorials
With Windows XP End of Life & End of Support just around the corner (8th of April 2014), companies around the globe are trying to understand what the implications will be for their business continuity and daily operations, while IT Managers and Administrators (not all) are preparing to deal with the impact on users, applications and systems. At the same time, Microsoft is actively encouraging businesses to migrate to their latest desktop operating system, Windows 8. One could say it’s a strategy game well played on Microsoft’s behalf, bound to produce millions of dollars in revenue, but where does this leave companies who are requested to make the hard choice and migrate their users to newer operating systems? Do companies really need to rush and upgrade to Windows 7 or 8/8.1 before the deadline? Or do we need to simply step back for a moment and take things slowly in order to avoid mistakes that could cost our companies thousands or millions of dollars?

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Solar panel Photovoltaic solar panels absorb sunlight as a source of energy to generate direct current electricity. A photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged, connected assembly of photovoltaic solar cells available in different voltages and wattages. Photovoltaic modules constitute the photovoltaic array of a photovoltaic system that generates and supplies solar electricity in commercial and residential applications. The most common application of solar energy collection outside agriculture is solar water heating systems.[1] Theory and construction[edit] A PV junction box is attached to the back of the solar panel and functions as its output interface. Network Monitoring Tools Les Cottrell, SLAC. Last Update: December 14, 2015 ESnet | ESCC | PinGER Internet monitoring | Tutorial This is a list of tools used for Network (both LAN and WAN) Monitoring tools and where to find out more about them. The audience is mainly network administrators. You are welcome to provide links to this web page. Please do not make a copy of this web page and place it at your web site since it will quickly be out of date. See here if you wish to suggest additions or changes.

Windows Registry Editor for dummies Often, our tips mention the Windows Registry and Registry Editor. What exactly is the Registry and what is RegEdit? Those are who are familiar with Windows for many years need no explanation, but those who are new to Windows will find this post useful. Today, I am going to explain the fundamentals of Registry Editor. Cisco administration 101: Learn 10 commands to configure on a new router When it comes to configuring a new Cisco router, much of the configuration depends on what type of router it is as well as the purpose it will serve. However, there are certain things you should configure on every new Cisco router. Hasn't there been a command that you wished Cisco would make standard on every router?

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Not a 'math person'? You may be better at learning to code than you think Want to learn to code? Put down the math book. Practice those communication skills instead. New research from the University of Washington finds that a natural aptitude for learning languages is a stronger predictor of learning to program than basic math knowledge, or numeracy. That's because writing code also involves learning a second language, an ability to learn that language's vocabulary and grammar, and how they work together to communicate ideas and intentions.

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