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Balance Chemical Equation - Online Balancer

Balance Chemical Equation - Online Balancer
Related:  Chimica

Chimica-online: risorse didattiche per lo studio online della Chimica SlidePlayer: Caricate e Condividete le vostre presentazioni in PowerPoint acrylamide Acrylamide (or acrylic amide) is a chemical compound with the chemical formula C3H5NO. Its IUPAC name is prop-2-enamide. It is a white odourless crystalline solid, soluble in water, ethanol, ether, and chloroform. Acrylamide is prepared on an industrial scale by the hydrolysis of acrylonitrile by nitrile hydratase. Most acrylamide is used to synthesize polyacrylamides, which find many uses as water-soluble thickeners. Acrylamide is a known lethal neurotoxin (median lethal dose in rabbit = 150 mg/kg) and animal carcinogen. Uses Molecular biology laboratories Polyacrylamide was first used in a laboratory setting in the early 1950s. Acrylamide has many other uses in molecular biology laboratories, including the use of linear polyacrylamide (LPA) as a carrier, which aids in the precipitation of small amounts of DNA. Other uses Toxicity and carcinogenicity Some evidence suggests exposure to large doses can cause damage to the male reproductive glands. Discovery of acrylamide in foods Herbicides

oriental-child reblog because wow what a great quality audio file this iswow this file really is high qualityim kind of shocked i thoug...YURI!!! Professional Resume Design for Non-Designers Writing a good resume can get you the job…or at least will put you on top of the pile. But professional resume design is a skill not everyone has. No worries though, there is help out there. Here is how to create a resume format that will make your skills stand out. Here is a quick outline of the resume created in Word7. I have outlined 7 Steps that are important to a resume. Step 1 Your contact information needs to be there, visible at first glance. Step 2 Your resume should rarely be more than one page. Step 3 The first paragraph should include a brief description of your current qualifications. Step 4 Let’s add the Work Experience or Employment History. Step 5 Next step is to add the education. Step 6 The last step is to add your skills. Step 7 I like to add the contact information again at the bottom, smaller but noticeable. Now you have a resume that should stand out among the rest. ContrastRepetitionAlignmentProximity In this specific example, we applied this formula.

Creare reazioni chimiche virtuali su iPad o Tablet Android: go React goReact è un'app per iPad e per tablet Android progettata dal Museo della Scienza e dell'Industria di Chicago. Con questa applicazione gratuita gli studenti possono creare reazioni chimiche virtuali trascinando gli elementi dalla tavola periodica nella "zona di reazione." Per agevolarne l'utilizzo vengono inizialmente suggerite delle reazioni come modello. Sono disponibili ben 300 reazioni chimiche! goREACT include foto e video relativi alle reazioni che gli studenti possono creare virtualmente. Vai a goREACT per iPad Vai a goREACT per tablet Android Articoli correlati

UbiMath Acrylamide: Cancer-Causing Chemical By Pat Shannan Acrylamide is a cancer-causing chemical found in many American products. Has the brouhaha raised in recent years about the dangers of aspartame in artificial sweeteners caused our life-span-regulators to invent a new poison substitute? Or have researchers uncovered yet another previously unknown cause of cancer? Aspartame found primarily in diet drinks and the sugar substitute "Equal" (the blue stuff), causes memory loss, arthritis, and most symptoms akin to multiple sclerosis, generally making one's life miserable. Now Swedish scientists have discovered that acrylamide is a cancer-causing chemical found in many American products, and nobody knows how it gets there. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a private watchdog group, several popular brands of snack chips, taco shells, French fries, and breakfast cereals contain some of the highest acrylamide levels. Acrylamide in Foods: Micrograms per Serving Water, 8 oz., EPA limit 0.12 Dr.

Error function Calculator - High accuracy calculation [1] 2016/05/19 13:56 Male / 20 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / - / Purpose of use academic assignment Comment/Request huh, i was using this to check an assignment using a taylor series approximation and i think i found a misprint in my textbook's function when i checked it against this and another source's taylor series approximation [2] 2015/06/11 04:14 Female / 40 years old level / An engineer / Useful / I wanted to verify that I was using the Excel "erf.precision" function correctly, so I used this website to cross-check the Excel result. [3] 2015/06/02 18:10 Male / 20 years old level / An engineer / Very / Use to check my own error function calculator. I would also want to know the exact formulas used.... especially for numbers greater than 5. [4] 2014/12/09 06:27 Female / 20 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Very / [5] 2014/10/14 10:49 Male / 20 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Very / homework nice 10/10 Many thanks!
