Dexter on
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Dexter Everything Is IlLumenated
Yeah, it's spelled right, ilLumenated as in Lumen is changing the dynamics of Dexter this season. Not in a bad way though. Dexter packed up his old house, he will have to disclose to the new buyer that someone was murdered in this house. Deb offered Dexter his old apt. back, she will move out, probably to Quinn's house. Dexter had found his next serial killer, a man named Lance Robinson who likes to lure other men for sex then kill them.
'Dexter' stars file for divorce
It seems there's no life left in the marriage of "Dexter" co-stars Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter. The couple have announced that they've split up.
List of Dexter characters
Main Characters[edit] Dexter Morgan[edit] There are chinks in Dexter's emotional armour; however, he acknowledges loyalty to family, particularly his now-deceased, adoptive father, stating "If I were capable of love, how I would have loved Harry."[citation needed] Since Harry's death, Dexter's only family has been his sister, Debra Morgan, Harry's biological daughter. At the end of the first novel, Dexter admits that he could not hurt Debra or allow Brian to harm her because he is "fond of her". Dexter likes children.
Minor characters in season 3
Main Characters[edit] Dexter Morgan[edit] There are chinks in Dexter's emotional armour; however, he acknowledges loyalty to family, particularly his now-deceased, adoptive father, stating "If I were capable of love, how I would have loved Harry."[citation needed] Since Harry's death, Dexter's only family has been his sister, Debra Morgan, Harry's biological daughter.
Minor characters in season 2
Main Characters[edit] Dexter Morgan[edit] There are chinks in Dexter's emotional armour; however, he acknowledges loyalty to family, particularly his now-deceased, adoptive father, stating "If I were capable of love, how I would have loved Harry."[citation needed] Since Harry's death, Dexter's only family has been his sister, Debra Morgan, Harry's biological daughter. At the end of the first novel, Dexter admits that he could not hurt Debra or allow Brian to harm her because he is "fond of her".
Minor characters in season 5
Main Characters[edit] Dexter Morgan[edit] There are chinks in Dexter's emotional armour; however, he acknowledges loyalty to family, particularly his now-deceased, adoptive father, stating "If I were capable of love, how I would have loved Harry."[citation needed] Since Harry's death, Dexter's only family has been his sister, Debra Morgan, Harry's biological daughter.
Minor characters in season 1
Main Characters[edit] Dexter Morgan[edit] There are chinks in Dexter's emotional armour; however, he acknowledges loyalty to family, particularly his now-deceased, adoptive father, stating "If I were capable of love, how I would have loved Harry."[citation needed] Since Harry's death, Dexter's only family has been his sister, Debra Morgan, Harry's biological daughter.