Choosing CAQDAS Software | Brain Thing
I’m no masochist so I use CAQDAS software to make coding qualitative data easier. But which to use? I decided to try a few to find out. Back on my masters course, I was taught how to use ATLAS.ti. I also downloaded trial versions of NVivo 8 and MAXQDA 10, both proprietary CAQDAS packages. In addition, I tried WEFT QDA and Digital Replay System, both open source (and therefore free) software. Installation All of the programmes, with the exception of Digital Replay System, come as a self-installing .exe file, making installation easy. Usability I found that none of the software packages were so easy to use that I didn’t have to delve into the manual or online help at least a few times to get myself going. To code a piece of text you simply select it in the document view, then, if the code is one you’ve already created, just drag and drop the code from the code view on to the text! MAXQDA is the clear winner for me with regards to usability. File Sizes (and, therefore, Portability) Price
Content Analysis
Bernard Berelson defined Content Analysis as "a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of manifest content of communications" (Berelson, 74). Content analysis is a research tool focused on the actual content and internal features of media. It is used to determine the presence of certain words, concepts, themes, phrases, characters, or sentences within texts or sets of texts and to quantify this presence in an objective manner. Texts can be defined broadly as books, book chapters, essays, interviews, discussions, newspaper headlines and articles, historical documents, speeches, conversations, advertising, theater, informal conversation, or really any occurrence of communicative language. Content analysis is a product of the electronic age. Uses of Content Analysis top | home Types of Content Analysis There are two general categories of content analysis: conceptual analysis and relational analysis. Issues of Reliability and Validity
News analysis - trends tools online
I need to do a rough and ready news analysis. I want to go to a specific news site and see the frequency of certain words and phrases before and after a certain date. Ideally, I'd be able to do this in a slightly more complex way, with combinations of words and phrases. Say a particular politician was always considered a bit of a clown. Is this something that exists? (I know I saw something which did something similar developed by some American university.
Systematic Versus Interpretive Analysis with Two CAQDAS Packages: NVivo and MAXQDA | Kuş Saillard
Volume 12, No. 1, Art. 34 – January 2011 Systematic Versus Interpretive Analysis with Two CAQDAS Packages: NVivo and MAXQDA Elif Kuş Saillard Abstract: The purpose of this study is to compare two different Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages (NVivo and MAXQDA) on a specific aspect. Key words: grounded theory methodology; CAQDAS; NVivo; MAXQDA Table of Contents 1. 2. 2.1 My data 3. 3.1 Terminology 3.2 Interfaces: Coding workspaces 3.3 Open coding and in-vivo coding 3.4 Coding Tool Bar 3.5 Adding reflexive notes: Memos, comments, annotations 4. 5. References Author Citation 1. Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages have a thirty year history. As expressed by Nigel FIELDING at the CAQDAS 07 Conference in 2007: "CAQDAS choice is like buying a car—there is no such thing as the one 'best car' but rather the 'right car' for your mix of needs and purposes" (FIELDING & LEE, 2007, p.5). 2. 2.1 My data 3. 3.1 Terminology 3.2 Interfaces: Coding workspaces With NVivo
Bibliographies, books and articles on content analysis
A Bibliography of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Searchable Bibliography of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing; contains 2568 references, most recent reference from 1989; download possible in BibTeX format (161kB gzip’ed). This bibliography is part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection by Alf-Christian Achilles. CAQDAS bibliography A bibliography on computer software and qualitative data. This bibliography is updated regularly. The CLCWeb Library for Research and Information in Comparative Literature and Culture Contains several bibliographies for comparative literature and culture composed by Steven Totosy. Content Analysis: Annotated Bibliography The bibliography of the Colorado State University’s online learning environment, the Writing Studio, lists resources on the conduction of content analysis, methodological issues, and research examples. Content Analysis in Anthropological Research A listing of Dr. Developing Linguistic Corpora
What are the most powerful open-source sentiment-analysis tools?
I took a stab at a Quora question, What are the most powerful open-source sentiment-analysis tools?. Here’s my response: I know of no open-source (software) tools dedicated to sentiment analysis. - Python NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), but see also - R, TM (text mining) module, including tm.plugin.sentiment. - RapidMiner, - GATE, the General Architecture for Text Engineering, I’m sure you can also find UIMA-plug-in annotators for sentiment — Apache UIMA is the Unstructured Information Management Architecture, — also sentiment classifiers for the WEKA data-mining workbench, Then there’s LingPipe, which can be characterized as pseudo-open source. Powerful, I can’t say. Note that the tools above work on textual sources. Like this:
Miscellaneous resources for content analysis and text analysis
Analyzing Newspaper Content: A How-To Guide The guide published by the Readership Institute deals with the preparation, implementation, and interpretation of an analysis. Presents Readership Institute tools and contains national comparison data for US daily newspapers. Available as PDF document. An Internet mailing list for the discussion of content analysis. Subscription is possible by using a web form or by sending an e-mail. “CONTENT went online in 1994 and currently has more than 1,600 members. Gary King: Content Analysis Articles on automated information extraction systems. Glossary The glossary explains terms used in computer aided content analysis. Know Your Audience: Content analysis The introduction to content analysis techniques deals with the preparation of an analysis, coding and interpretation of results. The Media and Communications Studies Site An index to internet-based resources useful in the academic study of media and communication. Methodspace
Methods of text and discourse analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis Software | Mixed Methods Research | NVivo
Import and analyze documents, images, PDFs, audio, video, spreadsheets, web pages, and Twitter and Facebook data Theme, case and in-vivo coding Review coding with coding stripes and highlights Merge NVivo for Mac projects Import and create transcripts Import information from reference management software Import notes directly from OneNote Online Autocode datasets Memos and annotations Matrix coding, coding, word frequency, text search and coding comparison queries Word trees and word clouds Export and share items Share your research by printing visualizations, text sources and node reference view Hierarchical visualizations, mind maps, explore diagrams and comparison diagrams Work with data in virtually any language Access user interface in English, German, French and Spanish Import and analyze text Text search, word frequency and coding queries Charts, word clouds, word trees, explore and comparison diagrams Import articles from reference management software Connect to NVivo for Teams Relationship coding
Language, teaching & text software
August 15, 2012 — 10:57 Extract text from PDF-files: Sometimes it is desirable to get just the text content out of a PDF-file file. Download PDFtextExtract (It is absolutely free, but if you want information about updates etc. please send me your e-mail.
Discourse analysis: an introduction
Text Analysis Info - Welcome