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Free Pattern – Crochet Drawstring Bag

Free Pattern – Crochet Drawstring Bag
I am so glad that my blog’s migration is finally over, phew!!! After numerous sleepless nights fighting against broken links, fine tune the layout (still doing though), adding plugins, widgets, blah blah blah…. I am back to posting again, YAY!!! As promised, here is my first free pattern for the drawstring bag made from T-shirt yarn, yup, another recycle project for the environment. You can click the image below to get the free pattern link in acrobat .pdf format. Before you jump into the free pattern, below are some of the tips on how to get it done. Switching Yarn Color The beauty of T-shirt yarn is that you can make a nice adhere joint for color switching. Cut the 2 ends in slanting shape. Apply glue at a length of 1.5 inch. Wrap the outer yarn onto the inner and make it into tubular form as always. Eyelet installation We need to have eyelets fit at the hole we made to run a draw-string. Drawstring After finish crochet the drawstring, run it through the eyelet holes.

mi。毛衣改造包包。…_来自mi的图片分享 堆糖网 分类 首页 热门 最新 良品购 特卖惠 家居生活 美食菜谱 手工DIY 时尚搭配 美妆造型 婚纱婚礼 设计 古风 插画绘画 壁纸 头像 文字句子 旅行 摄影 人文艺术 影音书 人物明星 动画漫画 植物多肉 生活百科 搞笑萌宠 搜索含 的内容 搜索含 的商品 搜索含 的专辑 搜索含 的糖友 新浪微博腾讯 QQ 淘宝腾讯微博豆瓣 关联账号登录: 登录 注册 mi 发布到 mi。 mi。 关注 查看完整专辑821435 来自:用户上传 收集 腾讯微博 豆瓣 人人网 赞7 评论 23 添加评论... 评论 怡家小苑10-30 这个得是羊毛衫吧回复 忧忧羊05-06 有创意! 嘉嘉的小桃子04-30 可能废旧T恤也可以哦! monring丶04-03 好有爱啊回复 calm雅儿03-24 牛啊~~~~~~回复 穿兔毛的虎02-24 我觉得是毡,毛衣早脱线了回复 Arch1302-09 毛衣都很有弹性,请问怎么让它挺括呢。 doasp01-12 回复 李冬梅:贴上去的回复 troycoo01-05 好奇怪,到底是毛衣还是毡布??? 柴弱弱12-24 同问收边问题 脱线了怎么办啊回复 手工串珠12-20 有这样的废弃的毛衣一定会试试! nika.sisi11-23 回去改造一下 哈哈哈哈。。。。 ItouMiki-江欣11-17 太棒了...回复 capricorn-rebecca11-12 好漂亮回复 派丶11-07 太有才了!! 蘑菇花菜都很爱11-05 哇,好棒的再利用! 李冬梅11-02 花是缝上去的,还是贴上去的啊? 蝴蝶11-02 好聪明啊回复 步行去海边11-01 太有才了~回复 tabac的味道10-10 毛衣不厚的话很容易变形这个! 你可能感兴趣 还被收集在 > 废物 改造791创意320默认专辑150 标签 手工mi杂物酷玩DIY手作毛衣改造包包创意 活动 哇塞! 截止日期:2014年04月25日 标签集帮助中心关于我们加入我们免责声明堆糖收集工具 ©Copyright by 堆糖 2010-2013, all rights reserved 备案 沪ICP备10038086号-1 确定要删除? 确定取消

Recycle Tutorial – Making Of T-Shirt Yarn Another tutorial to help save our Mother Earth by turning unwanted items into something useful. This is the yarn ball I made out of an old T-shirt which I have been wearing for 10 years day-in day-out, wash-in wash-out. It finally broke down and tore at the collar and sleeves. I have finished making the drawstring bag as shown above. {CLICK HERE to get the Recycle Tutorial – Making Of T-Shirt Yarn.} Pages: 1 2 Print / Download PDF Woven Finger-Knitting Hula-Hoop Rug DIY Here we go! I’m so excited to kick off this series of finger-knitting projects. For the first project, B proffered his largest ball of finger-knitting for us all to try weaving a rug! This project is super-fun and easy to do. The rug was made on a hula hoop loom, using an old t-shirt for the warp and a massively huge ball of finger knitting for the weft. My son’s ball started with four-finger finger-knitting(click here for a how-to) and switched mid-ball to single-finger finger-knitting. I have to say that although this project was easy for the kids to work on, I think the size of it was a bit overwhelming. My suggestion is to sit down and do a little bit of finger knitting, finish it off, ball it up and add it to a basket. I’ve been going nutty with finger-knitting. Here is the DIY for the hula hoop rug: Materials: A large ball of finger-knitting (or, this can be done in stages as you complete littler strands of finger-knitting) An old t-shirt (I used a women’s large) Scissors Voila!

Scrap-busting Fabric Bowl Last week my mom sent me a crafty care-package. Yes, my mother still sends me care packages, how great is that?? Included was a fabric bowl from my childhood home as inspiration and 12 yards of 1/2″ piping cord. I had no excuse! I had to whip up a Scrap-Busting Fabric Bowl. Gather ye scraps. Tear your fabric into 1″ strips. This is 1/2″ piping cord. Start with a strip and cover the end of rope, then wrap fabric around end of rope to secure. Continue wrapping fabric around rope, keeping fabric flat and covering rope completely. When you have wrapped enough rope to to enclose the tip as shown here, use a small crochet hook and pull the fabric from the outer rope up through the center of the spiral. Pull the fabric through and continue wrapping around outer-most layer of rope. If your strips are fairly short, you can sew a few together end to end but not more than a yard in length at a time. Continue to use the crochet hook to pull the fabric through. And more wrapping. Starting to look good!

TUTO : torchon crocheté en lavette, suite et fin. - Creativ-idees, le blog de Casse-bonbec Bonjour les accro'cheteuses ! Voici la suite du tuto pour crocheter un vieux torchon. Si vous avez bien suivi la 1ère partie du tuto, vous avez obtenu ceci : Avant de commencer, un petit conseil : si le temps le permet, mettez-vous dehors pour crocheter, car beaucoup de petits bouts de fil vont tomber pendant le crochetage. Maintenant, il suffit de prendre un gros crochet (n°7 dans mon cas, c'est mon plus gros), faire un nœud coulant pour commencer, et monter une chaînette de 20 m en l'air. Ensuite, faire 1 maille en l'air pour tourner, puis 1 rang de mailles serrées. Vous obtiendrez ainsi un ouvrage avec du relief, qui nettoie mieux, je pense. Continuez ainsi. Y'a plus qu'à mouiller et laver robinets et lavabos ! Après utilisation, essorez bien (c'est épais, ça sera long à sécher) mais sans tordre de toutes vos forces (souvenez-vous que c'est du tissu usé !).

Korgar av jeans / Baskets from jeans Ni som följer oss vet att vi älskar att återanvända saker vi har hemma. Ofta ligger det en hög med grejer och väntar på att blir omgjorda. Högen med trasiga jeans har på sista tiden vuxit oroväckande och det dags att göra något åt den. Ni behöver utslitna jeans, tråd och nål. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vi har dekorerat våra korgar med bitar av band. Korgarna är lite mjuka och man kan inte stoppa för tunga saker i dem men i vårt pysselskåp passar de utmärkt. Those of you who follow us know that we love to recycle things we have at home. You need worn out jeans, thread and needle. 1. We have decorated our baskets with pieces of ribbons. The baskets are a bit soft and you want put heavy stuff in them, but as containers for our craft supplies they’re perfect.

TUTO : torchon crocheté en lavette, 1ère ! - Creativ-idees, le blog de Casse-bonbec 3 octobre 2010 7 03 /10 /octobre /2010 02:43 Je vous ai montré, ICI et LA, mes torchons transformés en lavettes pour lavabo et ça a l'air d'en intéresser plus d'une. Comme ce n'est pas facile à expliquer (si je vous parle de "rectangles concentriques" vous allez encore me dire d'arrêter les champipi hallucinogènes, ou pire : de retourner à l'école alors que j'y suis toujours ! ), j'ai décidé de vous faire un p'tit tuto photo en 2 parties. Prenez un (vieux) torchon usé. Ensuite, coupez tout le torchon en 1 seule lanière d'environ 1,5 cm de large. Comment faire ? Voici comment procéder : le brin de laine représente la façon dont vous allez faire votre découpe : Et maintenant, voici ce que ça donne pendant qu'on découpe le torchon. Bon courage, c'est long à faire ! Astuce n°1 : pas la peine de faire le ménage avant de vous mettre à couper votre torchon, car la découpe va faire tomber plein de petits bouts de fil par terre et vous serez obligées de balayer APRES la découpe.

DIY Fringe Scarf | Lakeland Local Everyone needs a go-to fringe scarf in their fashion repertoire. Here’s an easy way to make your own. What You Will Need: -Old T-Shirt -Good Scissors Step 1: Go through your old T-shirts and find a daring print or color combo. For a cleaner look, choose a solid. Step 2: Cut horizontally across the shirt, just below the armholes, to create a rectangular tube. Step 3: Working your way around the tube, make a series of vertical cuts that extend from the raw edge upward. Step 4: Tug down on each strand to elongate it. photo credit: Cathy Hayes for Lakeland Local

Cómo hacer un organizador reciclando viejos jeans | Haz un organizador para ti o para tus niños reciclando jeans viejos Qué bien que estás de vuelta a, donde siempre te tenemos las más lindas y divertidas manualidades paso a paso para hacer en casa o con las amistades. El tema del reciclaje es una de nuestras prioridades a la hora de presentarte alguna manualidad paso a paso, por eso hoy nuestra manualidad de reciclaje será: Cómo hacer un organizador reciclando jeans viejos. Esos viejos jeans que ya están rotos o que seven muy viejos y gastados. Esta idea es para que puedas hacer este organizador para tus herramientas de trabajo en las manualidades o para que tus niños guarden ahí por ejemplo: sus colores, sus plumones, tijeras, reglas, etc. Materiales: Tela de mezclilla (del tamaño de la tabla de madera que vamos a usar)Tabla de madera MDF o de triplayPegamento blanco o para textilRodillo para serigrafíaTijerasBrocha delgada Elaboración paso a paso:

knotted jersey headband tutorial hey there LOVE STITCHED PEEPS!! it’s LESLIE from LITTLE MOOKIE back again with another fun tutorial, and while i’m a sewing contributor here, sometimes the best sewing tutes are the ones that involve ZERO SEWING! am i right? (tell me i’m right, mkay?) i’ve always wanted to learn how to tie celtic-ish style knots and this one was super cute so i started searching around for a tutorial and found this one. she used long crochet chains but i don’t crochet. so i figured, why not UPCYCLE something? what you’ll need:old tshirts – any color, combo (could also use fabric, rope, yarn, etc.)cutting mat & rotary cutter (plain ‘ol scissors would work just fine too)glue gun & gluemusic (i always work better when i can sing while i work) :) start by cutting your shirt just under the arms(you could also start at the bottom – cutting off the band and starting there) cut two 1″ strips(i chose to use different colors so you can follow along better, but one color is cute too) ready to go! FINITO!!
