Self-Respect Quotes, Sayings about Respecting Yourself
Related Quotes Integrity Self-Control Responsibility Confidence In my day, we didn't have self-esteem, we had self-respect, and no more of it than we had earned. ~Jane Haddam Self-respect is the fruit of discipline... ~Abraham J. He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs. I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence. A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself. To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect. Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect. Respect your efforts, respect yourself.
Explanations > Relationships An important part of communicating and persuading is in the way we relate to one another. Stages of relationships Connecting with others Attachment: Childhood connections are important. Building Rapport: Ways to establish connection. Four Models of Relating: Ways we relate to others. Relationships don't just happen: they need work. Identity, Trust, Gender, Bonding principle, Sociology, Two Types of Criticism Theories about helping others, Power, Theories about groups
Explanations > Beliefs What do you believe? The answer is likely to be 'more than you realize'. We understand and manage the world around us through our beliefs, which may not be perfect, but which are largely useful. Changing minds very often means changing beliefs, which means the persuader should gain a good understanding of what these are, how they are formed and how they get changed. Articles on belief include: What Is Belief? If you can change a person's belief, you have a very powerful persuasion tool. Theories about belief, Preferences, Fowler's Faith Stage Theory, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, Why science and religion are the same Blogs by subject: Belief, Changing Belief
» The Most Important Skill to Master
Post written by Leo Babauta. If you’re like me, you are constantly learning new skills — gardening, carpentry, pizza-making, languages, sports, and so on. And I think this is a fun and wonderful thing to do. But what’s the most important skill? That’s debatable. I think compassion is a huge one, as is mindfulness. But if I had to pick just one, it would be this: learning to be happy with yourself. That seems too simple, to trite! Why? So many of the problems people have stem from this one thing — being unhappy with themselves (often in the form of being unhappy with their bodies). Why It Affects Everything Let’s say you’re unhappy with your body. We’ll get into why we’re unhappy in a minute, but for now, just imagine the unlikely scenario that you’re unhappy with your body. If you’re unhappy with your body, you might not want to look at it. You might have anxiety about all of this, about your body, your health, your girlfriend leaving you. Why We’re Like This Mass media.
Explanations > Needs Needs models | Individual needs | Articles | So what? What are needs? Needs models There are a number of theories and models of motivation that have been proposed, including: Actualizer Needs: A whole set for actualizers.Argyris' Governing Values: Needs for career success. Another useful view of needs is to understand the priorities of and differences between needs, wants and likes, and hence find where to focus your efforts and identify potential trade-offs. Individual needs If you want to get to descriptions of individual needs, here is a full list of needs that have more detailed descriptions available: Articles And here are some further discussions about needs. Needs: Independent, Grouped, Hierarchy or Network? You can leverage needs in two ways, stimulating or satisfying them. Stimulate needs The simplest way of stimulating needs is to make them visible. Satisfy needs When people have needs (perhaps those which you have stimulated), you can promise to satisfy them.
Explanations > Personality Personality models | Personality disorders | Personality dimensions | Identifying personality | So what? One of the enduring questions in our attempts to understand people is how we can simplify our understanding of people and also how we can categorise them, putting them into neat boxes so we can predict what they will (or at least believe that we can) and hence know how to interact with them. Personality is: Various definitions. Personality models There are a range of models relating to personality. although some are more about preferences and typing than inherent personality. 16PF: Cattell's sixteen basic personality factors. Personality disorders Things can go wrong when the factors that drive a person's character stray off the 'normal' path in a way that makes relationships difficult. Personality dimensions Here are some further aspects that can be considered significant when assessing a person's personality and character. Attraction vs. Identifying personality