Gregor Aisch – driven by data Open Book Publishers launches new Digital Humanities Series » aaDH: Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Open Book Publishers has launched a new Digital Humanities Series . The series is overseen by an international board of experts (including two members of the aa-DH inaugural executive committee) and its books subjected to rigorous peer review. Its objective is to encourage works that extend the boundaries of the field and help to strengthen its interrelations with the other disciplines of the arts, humanities and beyond. We are interested in experimental monographs, edited volumes and collections as well as introductory guides for non-specialists, best practices guides for practitioners and “state of the art” surveys. The Series offers digital humanists a dedicated venue for high-quality, Open Access publication. Proposals in any area of the Digital Humanities are invited. Editorial Board: Paul Arthur, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Julia Flanders, Gary Hall, Brett D.
Crowdsourcing For Humanities Research Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis | Spatial History Project — Humanities + Design — Literary Lab Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Exploring the digital humanities The Stone and the Shell | Historical questions raised by a quantitative approach to language The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide - CUNY Academic Commons From CUNY Academic Commons Welcome to the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, a collaboratively produced introduction to the field of Digital Humanities. The guide is a project of the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI), a new working group aimed at building connections and community among those at CUNY who are – or would like to be – applying digital technologies to research and pedagogy in the humanities. Introduction Using This Guide The Digital Humanities The Resource Guide Hackathon Resources HTML and CSS Credits: The Digital Humanities Resource Guide was created by Charlie Edwards, a graduate student in the Ph.D. Future versions of the guide will be produced collaboratively by the members of the CUNY DHI community and, we hope, by the DH community at large. Want to make a suggestion or correction?
Till Nagel – Projects An animated visualization of Shanghai's subway network. Shanghai Metro Flow consists of an animation with three network visualizations, and an accompanying infographic poster showing subway line details. The project is part of the Design Shanghai 2013 - Aesthetics City and exhibited at the Shanghai Power Station of Art. Read more – ‘Shanghai Metro Flow’. Visualizing bike rides as physical small multiples. Twelve maps show my monthly bike rides from July 2012 to June 2013. Unfolding is a library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java. A comparison of national and international carriers in domestic flight routes. Border Bumping is a work of dislocative media that situates cellular telecommunications infrastructure as a disruptive force, challenging the integrity of national borders. An interactive multitouch visualization of relations between geo-positioned locations. SimpleTouch is a small library to create simple multitouch sketches in Processing.
Brendan Griffen | it's full of stars Graphs Of Wikipedia: Influential Thinkers The internet is big — very big. One such way to investigate all of this free online content is through graphs. SONY MOUSE & CAT - GFX Process Montage Kevin Schaul | Hacker journalist