Adverblog - interactive marketing and other great advertising ideas Groupe IMAGES et MEDIAS PLORF Entertainment » PLORF - Free Music, Pics, Videos, Humor and More Personalizemedia Finanskrisbevakning får kritik | Näringslivsnyheter Den senaste tidens löpsedlar har dominerats av finanskrisen med löp som "Så farlig är din bank" (Expressen 3 okt) och "De här bankerna är oskyddade" (Aftonbladet 2 okt) och rubriker som "Banken vilseleder dig" ( 30/9) och "Våra pensioner gröps ur" (DN 14/7). Vinjetten "finanskollaps" dominerar förstasida och på Veckans Affärers sajt tillhör finanskrisen, bankkris och kreditkrisen veckans hetaste ämnen. I nyhetssändningarna står experter och ger råd om att sitta still i båten samtidigt som inslag visar bilder på småsparare som väljer att plocka ut sina sparpengar från banken. Irrationellt beteende som skapats av medierna, enligt Olle Rossander, ekonomijournalist och debattör som är mycket kritisk till den svenska rapporteringen de senaste veckorna. – Svenska medier skrämmer upp vanliga människor helt utan anledning och framför allt utan att ge dem ett vettigt underlag. Men Gunvor Frykholm, tf chef för SvD Näringsliv håller inte med om kritiken.
Interactive Marketing Trends Bagtv: techno chic or fashion faux pas? Bagtv: techno chic or fashion faux pas? December 24, 2008 It may not be the most logical example of a two-in-one product we've ever seen, but Bagtv will almost certainly score you some points in the novelty department. As the name suggests, this line of handbags incorporates a 7-inch LCD screen into the design so that you can watch DVDs, Mpegs and view photos while you're out and about in the urban jungle. Essentially it's a handbag with a transparent panel covered by a flap cut in the side which holds a removable 720 x 480 resolution media player. A fully charged battery is good for 2.5 hours playback and connectivity to computers and cameras is via USB or there's also an SD card slot. Bagtv is available in a range of colours, leathers and fabrics and comes with a unit for mains or in car re-charging plus audio/video cables for plugging in to a TV. If you want to take a closer look, there's a worthwhile video review over at ShinyShiny. Via Bagtv, Red Ferret. About the Author
Digital Buzz Blog | Digital Campaigns, Online Marketing, Social & More. The speech the NAA should hear « BuzzMachine The Newspaper Association of America is meeting in San Diego this week and they’re preaching up at their own choir loft with angry, self-righteous fire and brimstone about their plight. Today, Google CEO Eric Schmidt will address them, but he’ll be polite because that’s the way he is and because there’ll be a few hundred aging but armed publishers with blunderbusses aimed at his heart. They need to hear a new message, a blunt message from the outside. Here’s the speech I think they should hear: You blew it. You’ve had 20 years since the start of the web, 15 years since the creation of the commercial browser and craigslist, a decade since the birth of blogs and Google to understand the changes in the media economy and the new behaviors of the next generation of – as you call them, Mr. And now you’re angry. But you’re the ones who are acting angry. Yesterday, you delivered a foot-stomping little hissy fit over Google and aggregators. So what can you do?