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Issuu - You Publish Design a Presentation | Extreme Presentation Method This part of the website provides a quick guide for creating your own presentation from scratch, or improving an existing one, using the 10-step Extreme Presentation(tm) method. It is designed primarily for people who have already taken the Extreme Presentation workshop or read the book Advanced Presentations by Design. If you have done neither of these, we recommend that you at least read the book, but even if you don't, you should still find useful guidance here. Before you begin, you may wish to download a pdf file of the Extreme Presentation Method overview and print it out. The Extreme Presentation method takes a marketing approach to presentation design: focusing on how to “sell” your ideas to your audience. The circle in the center of the Extreme Presentation method diagram, with the word “impact” in it, indicates that the entire purpose of the method is to ensure that you have impact on your audience. There are two steps in each of the five elements, for a total of ten steps.

Strategies to encourage audience participation Is your audience asleep, checking email or just checking out 10-20 minutes into your presentation? They might be more alert if you let them participate. As a speaker, I’ve found that it’s more fun for my audience – and for me – when my presentations have audience participation. Brain science tells us that audiences can only pay attention for 10-20 minutes before they need a mental break. People also learn more when they participate. Following are some methods I’ve found the most useful. 1. Some speakers fear their audience. 2. When your presentation starts and you ask people questions, they will be hesitant to answer. 3. Rather than telling the audience things, create situations where they have to guess. For instance, if you’re presenting the results of some research showing that PowerPoint makes a presenter more persuasive, don’t just blurt out the numbers. Show them the number when the speaker doesn’t use PowerPoint, then ask them “how many think PowerPoint makes you more effective? 4.

ABC du Brainstorming - animer un Brainstorming (ou remue-méninges) Comment organiser et animer un Brainstorming Le brainstorming ou remue-méninges est une technique de recherche d'idées en groupe, par exemple afin d'identifier ou de résoudre un problème. La principale phase du brainstorming consiste à émettre spontanément le plus d'idées possible sans retenue et en les notant toutes. Mais au-delà de cette phase de collecte d'idées, il faut auparavant 1/ constituer le groupe 2/ cadrer la question de départ et après 4/ sélectionner les meilleures idées ou les solutions applicables. C'est le travail de l'animateur que d'organiser ce processus. Mes autres cours de gestion de projet / tous mes cours.
