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Zoosk Superangel-ISAI ISAI, a superangel fund started by some of France's most experienced internet entrepreneurs, announced that it has closed his first fund, of 25 million euros (~$33 million). What sets ISAI apart is that it is "by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs" and that it plans to invest in round sizes between business angels and traditional VCs. It will try to be the lead investor in a startup's first round and might follow on in a VC Series A. They plan to do one investment per quarter. A big trend in early stage investing in general and in France in particular is the rise of so-called "superangels," either groups or individuals, often experienced entrepreneurs themselves, who invest in startups as business angels but with the financial firepower of VC. What really sets ISAI apart from other venture investment firms is that they raised only a minority of the fund from institutions. Join the conversation about this story » See Also:

Meeting with a VC | Much has been written about the VC process over the years. The best VC and founder blogs have a done an amazing job at shedding some light and advice on a process that had previously been mysterious and confusing. Some of the important ways to prepare are to choose your VC targets wisely, do they have the same style as you do, do they share your vision, check references, and be clear about your objectives in the meeting. Partnering with a VC is a big one and should not be considered lightly. Yesterday, Mark Suster shared his thoughts about how to best prepare for the actual meeting itself. I like Mark a lot, he has a terrific blog and I usually agree with much of his advice. His post nails a number of important things like: what is a VC looking for? Above all – the quality & potential of the team Exactly. But there are a couple things in this particular post that don’t work for me personally (every VC is different!). So true.

The Thiel Foundation Flybridge Venture Capital Going to Raise VC? Here’s a Primer on Process, People & Powerpoint Deck If you want a very quick primer on all the stuff nobody ever tells you about raising venture capital check out this video where Mark Jeffrey & I break it down on This Week in VC. A summary of what we discussed is below: Not 100% in order of the video, but close. All of this is covered in more detail on the TWiVC video above (and much of it is covered in text on this blog on the “Raising VC” tab) 1. Will a VC sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement)? 2. Meet with one person from the firm – partner or associate. 3. 1 or more can attend first meeting depending on strength of your team. 4. 5. 6. Bio of top 3 people in the company. You can vary from this but these are the key themes are the ones you need to cover. The “exit” slide is controversial but as I discuss in the video – necessary no matter what anybody else tells you.

About Us - British Universities & Colleges Sport BUCS – who we are and what we do British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the national governing body for Higher Education (HE) sport in the UK, a membership organisation, and a company limited by guarantee with charitable status, and our vision is simple – To enhance the student experience through sport To support and promote the lifestyle and educational benefits to communities and individuals of taking part in sport, and to provide outstanding opportunities to all students to engage in sport and related activity in higher education Through three key themes: • Sport • Education and development • Profile BUCS was inaugurated in 2008 as a result of a merger between University College Sport (the body which represented the professionals who worked in HE sport) and British University Sports Association (BUSA), the organisation which delivered leagues, competitions and events for inter university sports to over 150 member institutions across the entire UK. What’s new? Governance

Intuit® Small Business Venture Capital (VC) Blog Directory – 2011 Edition This is the 4th edition of the Venture Capital Blog Directory (1st edition, 2nd edition, 3rd edition). This directory includes 149 venture capital, microVC/seed, and growth equity blogs. The imperfect statistic used to rank these blogs is their average monthly uniques in Q410 from Compete (more methodology info below). Blogs that have seen increased traffic over Q409 by 1,000+ uniques/month are highlighted in bold. The Global VC Blog Directory (Q410 Avg. Other VC Blogs This list includes other VC blogs that didn’t make the primary directory for one of the following reasons: (1) They don’t have any Q410 Compete data due to insufficient traffic, (2) There was insufficient data on the blog subdomain, or (3) They are a hybrid blog/corporate website meaning the actual blog traffic is hard to decipher.

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