Follow my leader: Retailers race to catch digital rivals
30 August 2012Last updated at 19:00 ET Viewpoint by Karmesh Vaswani Infosys Shoppers are increasingly letting the barrier between digital and bricks and mortar blur when it comes to retailers Walk down any High Street and you can see the biggest forces revolutionising shopping habits as the meteoric rise of Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook (or the Gang of Four as they are known) have fast become a normal part of our day-to-day lives. We shop on phones, compare on Google and ask our Twitter friends what they think. These and other innovative companies have changed our expectations about shopping and are forcing regular High Street retailers to up their game in response. The future offers shoppers the best of both worlds, with smart retailers adopting the digital innovations from these companies to create an even more compelling experience for customers. Infosys's Karmesh Vaswani: "We're standing on the edge of a new digital era" Take the example of someone who loves film. Online v High Street
Twitter to Earn More Mobile Ad Revenue Than Facebook This Year [REPORT]
Twitter may have a ways to go until it matches Facebook's valuation, but at least in one crucial segment — mobile advertising — it appears to be besting its larger rival. A report from eMarketer estimates that Twitter will hit $129.7 million in U.S. mobile ad revenues this year compared to $72 million for Facebook. However, Twitter's advantage in the mobile ad space won't last for long. According to eMarketer's predictions, Facebook's ad revenue will grow five-fold to $387 million in 2013, beating Twitter's take by more than $100 million. This would make Facebook the second highest mobile ad earner behind Google. eMarketer's predictions offer some hope for investors who are concerned about whether Facebook will figure out its mobile advertising strategy. "Mobile is a long-term play for Facebook, and by next year, eMarketer expects the social networking giant to beat out Twitter by a significant margin, taking in $387 million on mobile in the US.," the firm wrote in its report.
Leyes que regulan las redes sociales en México
El desarrollo de la tecnología ha permitido el aumento en la cantidad de usuarios mexicanos de redes sociales. Según un informe del año 2012 elaborado por la Asociación Mexicana de Internet, en el país hay 40,6 millones de personas que usan las redes sociales, y Facebook es la preferida. En este contexto, surgió la necesidad de crear normas que garantizaran los derechos de los individuos en este ámbito. Las leyes, que fueron creadas a medida que se fueron produciendo los avances, tienen por objetivo proteger los datos personales de los usuarios, regular la interacción de las personas a través de esos medios y evitar las ilegalidades. Con tal fin fueron establecidas la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos, la Ley Federal del Consumidor, la Ley Federal de Derechos de Autor y las políticas propias que regulan las actividades en Internet.
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Social Media Brand Value by Ontwice
What Is The Kryptonite Of The Millennial Generation?
No generation is just a single dimension or can be defined by a single thing. However, there are certain trends with every generation, and our newest to tackle the business world is no different. I am in constant awe and amazement at the levels of intelligence and poise possessed of so many millennials entering the workforce today. Having attended conferences where I have listened to them present, seen them in action at companies across the country, or worked alongside of them on projects, there is a level of sophistication that did not present itself for years with my generation. (Although, to be fair, that was because we all sat around in coffee houses, draped in way too much flannel, debating Nirvana lyrics, and deciding whether Ticketmaster was evil or just greedy.) But, in spite of growing up in the midst of a great technological leap forward, millennials have a fatal flaw – a weakness in your armor – and that is a lack of perspective. History Repeats Think our recession is new?
Comment le web social a été désocialisé
La scène se passe dans une salle de réunion d’une grande entreprise. Une agence, prestataire de cette grande entreprise, vient faire part de son bilan mensuel. Après l’exposé, une incompréhension se manifeste… Banal, ce propos relève pourtant d’une . Et pour cause, celle-ci, par définition complexe , ne rapporte rien : mieux vaut présenter des gros chiffres (quittes à ce qu’ils soient insensés) que des études sérieuses et étayées. En conséquence, . Mais surtout, on insistera sur le point fondamental : ce premier réseau social, ainsi que les autres, avait pour but . Bref, ils avaient tous en commun de permettre à tout un chacun de distribuer du contenu à un public communautarisé (au sens du centre d’intérêt : l’interest graph ). Par la suite, le succès de ces plateformes aidant , l’idée de compléter l’interaction par la distribution d’information a émergé. Si cette règle s’est imposée, c’est que les entreprises n’ont pas compris que les réseaux sociaux étaient un espace en soi, donc .
Rosaura Ochoa – Social Media Blog - Todo lo relacionado a Social Media
101 Social Media and Social Network Tools
101Social Media and Social Network Tools 101 Social Media and Social Network SEO Tools Social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn’t allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. Social media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, engaging, networking, and bookmarking online. Social Media is media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Percolate – Turns brands into curators. Shoutlet - Enterprise social marketing platform.Awareness, Inc. - Publish, manage, measure, engage.Unified – The world’s first social operating platform. MONITORING and INTELLIGENCE BLOGS and WEBSITES Vergelijkbare berichten: