Design Is Hacking How We Learn Turn.js: The page flip effect in HTML5 Stampin’ Up! Overhauls Color Palette Stampin’ Up! announced Tuesday that the company is overhauling their core color palette with the release of the 2010-2011 catalog this summer and making major changes to their product offerings. The changes will go into effect on July 1st and will create a new 40 color core color palette at Stampin’ Up!. It will include five completely new colors: Marina Mist, Cajun Crazy, Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso and Daffodil Delight. Ten previous In Colors will be made part of the new core color palette: Melon Mambo, Rich Razzleberry, Pacific Point, Tangerine Tango, River Rock, Soft Suede, Riding Hood Red, Pink Pirouette, Baja Breeze, and Wild Wasabi. * new colors Neutral colors will now be part of the core palette instead of a separate palette. Palette colors will be reorganized into four color collections, called Brights, Neutrals, Regals and Subtles. The overhaul will also mean a large group of colors will be retiring. We retired colors based on sales history and focus group feedback.
Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society About the Course This is a course aimed at making you a better designer. The course marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Student Testimonials from Earlier Sessions of the Course:"An amazing course - a joy to take. "When I signed up for this course I didn't know what to expect; the experience was so good and rewarding. See examples of student projects: here Recommended Background No specific background is required. Suggested Readings To get a feel for the style of the instructor and the material in the course, this book is a good place to start: Ulrich, K.T. 2010. The free digital book is available at Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. Other highly recommended reading is the textbook: Product Design and Development by Karl T. The PDF, found here, contains detailed instructions on how to purchase the text. Course Format
Google’s No. 1 Asset Is Its Ability To Empathize With Its Users Through Design And Product Development As your Internet use has evolved, Google has evolved with you. And for you. Its ability to make the right decisions about what to work on and at what time is a testament to the leadership at the company. If you’ve thought that all of Google’s products looked cobbled together, or are different from one another, it’s because they were. What I’ve also learned while covering Google over the past two years is that it has an uncanny ability to put itself in the shoes of its users, almost to the point where they can leverage data and feedback to build, in essence, the perfect product. Google takes the concept of “dogfooding” to unparalleled levels, putting current and new products through such rigorous real-world testing cycles, that it’s impressive that things ever see the light of day. But lately, people have noticed a bit of a change in how Google designs its products. The Legacy That’s exactly what happened with Search. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs said this about customers: The Now Human?
ProFolio – darmowa portfolio dla artystów, projektantów, fotografików | Jeżeli chciałeś stworzyć w internecie ciekawe portfolio bez wysiłku. Ta prosta aplikacja internetowa jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Stworzona specjalnie na potrzeby portfolio aplikacja, umożliwia w szybki i elegancji sposób przedstawić siebie, swoją pracę oraz osiągnięcia. Tak zwane WebUsability (łatwość obsługi, intuicyjność obsługi przez użytkownika) jest animowane dzięki zastosowaniu technologi AJAX. Sam używałem tego skryptu kiedy chciałem się pochwalić swoimi. ProFolio Wymagania: PHP, MySQL Demo: Darmowa
The Web Page Width Dilemma | | Articles for Modern Website Design The following post is now outdated and will be closed to future comments. Why? There is a better way. Today we simply have far too many devices and dimensions to deal with. Optimizing a site for the most common width is no longer a valid way to build websites. A new technique call Responsive Web Design (RWD) or Adaptable Websites is on the rise. With so many different resolutions (800×600, 1024×768, etc.), browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), and platforms (Windows, Mac, Mobile ,etc.) in use, it is very difficult to design a page that looks good (or at least looks the same) in all configurations. To design a page that looks good with most configurations, let’s start by defining our main objective: we must never force a user to scroll horizontally. So let’s look at the stats Get the latest in stat at Should we design a fixed-width page, or should we specify the width of our page in percentage terms? There are pros and cons for both.
Made With Paper | FiftyThree Redesigning Google: how Larry Page engineered a beautiful revolution By Dieter Bohn and Ellis Hamburger Something strange and remarkable started happening at Google immediately after Larry Page took full control as CEO in 2011: it started designing good-looking apps. Great design is not something anybody has traditionally expected from Google. Infamously, the company used to focus on A/B testing tiny, incremental changes like 41 different shades of blue for links instead of trusting its designers to create and execute on an overall vision. More recently, however, it’s been impossible to ignore a series of thoughtfully designed apps — especially on iOS, a platform that doesn’t belong to Google. We went to Google looking for the person responsible for the new design direction, but the strange answer we got is that such a person doesn’t exist. They’re talking to each other. Sticky TOC engaged! Project Kennedy Project Kennedy lifts off The Bravest Man in the Universe, a Mobile Chrome Experiment featuring the music of Bobby Womack, created by B-Reel.