Taking Professional Looking Photos Without a Professional The Setup: When taking your own photos, you want lots of light - but not direct light. Direct light will cause harsh shadows, which you don’t want. DO NOT USE A FLASH! For the background, trim a piece of white matte poster board and curve it inside the container. Here is a photo of the setup I use: The Camera: If you can, get and use a tripod. Know your camera and how it works. Shutter Speed: The length of time your film (or digital chip) is exposed to light. Aperture: The diameter of the opening that allows the light to enter the camera. Other features/settings you should be aware of: ISO/ASA (film speed): If you have the option to manually select a film speed on your camera, resist the temptation to choose 400. Macro Mode: This is the ability of your camera to focus very close to an object – sometimes within centimeters. Light Meter: This is the feature on your camera that tells you how much light enters the camera. A light meter comes in many different forms. Taking Your Pictures
Multivariate Testing in Action: Five Simple Steps to Increase ... Advertisement The attention span on the Web has been decreasing ever since Google had arrived and changed the rules of the game. Now with millions of results available on any topic imaginable, the window to grab a visitor’s attention has decreased significantly (in 2002, the BBC reported it is about 9 seconds1). We make snap decisions on whether to engage with a website based on whatever we can make out in the first few (milli)seconds2. In this post we will talk about how to tweak a website for generating more sales, downloads, membership (or any other business goal) in a scientific manner, using A/B split and multivariate testing. Step 1. How to have website visitors notice your offering, then get them to act on it? Key point: Clearly identify the goals of your website (or a particular Web page). In my case, the desired action is to have visitors download the software and the challenge is to increase the download rate from 40% to as high as possible. Quick overview: A/B Testing.
Free photos Aunque la gente tiende a pensar que todo lo que encontramos en Internet es gratuito y se puede utilizar libremente, esto no es así prácticamente en ningún caso. Por ejemplo las fotografías. Detrás de cada fotografía hay un fotógrafo que es dueño y autor de la instantánea y que probablemente se molestará si descubre que has utilizado una de sus imágenes sin su permiso y / o sin retribuirle de alguna manera. En realidad hoy en día es posible conseguir que te cedan los derechos de uso por muy poquito precio si acudes a bancos de imágenes especializados. En Internet existen muy buenos y conocidos bancos de fotos de pago, utilizados mayormente por profesionales a los que no supone ningún problema pagar cierta cantidad por utilizar una foto. Esta entrada va de eso, de conseguir imágenes gratis, en concreto en bancos de imágenes que se pueden encontrar libremente en Internet. Stock.XCHNG es uno de los sitios mas populares y conocidos en Internet para estos fines. Hay mas después del salto..
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