JULIE DIGS DESIGN 20 Spectacular Photo Manipulations Photo manipulation is by far one of the most popular applications of Photoshop. Images can be manipulated in various ways to communicate a message. Sometimes the manipulation is subtle, like adding something to a photo that wasn’t originally there. Then sometimes the message or idea is unrealistic, but executed in a realistic manner to make it appear believable. Cako_SK Ari Mahardhika Ben Goossens morph morph Bogomilov Jose Laíño Radoslav Penchev Ralf Mack Ralf Mack Tommy Ingberg clintnewsham Ben Goossens clintnewsham Øyvind Idland Mariusz Warsinski Leszek Bujnowski Sarolta Bán Eric Bryant Evgenij Soloviev About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 498 shares 10 Places to Get Photoshop Actions Delivering high quality images is something every designer should worry about, especially with images being such an important part of a design. Read More 1523 shares 20 Excellent Examples of Photo Manipulation
Yatedo: Free People Search Part II — Hot Startups to Watch in 2010 I love startups. Why? Because they represent the future of the tech industry and usually you can pick trends that will drive the tech blogs like Techcrunch out of them. In Part I of this post I introduced the first 10 startups out of 25 that I’ll highlight (the second 15 are discussed in this post). Here’s the 25 I picked on a Twitter list so you can follow them all on Twitter. Just to make sure I didn’t forget anyone I shouldn’t, I asked my Twitter followers for their favorite startups and that led me to start a new list of about 100 startups that you should pay attention to in 2010. Biases and selection process Every list like this has bias. Thanks to Crunchbase for being the definitive database of startups out there (you can edit entries and add info about companies, it really is a great resource on companies). The rest of the list: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Reading "Steve Jobs": The Upside Of Unreasonable Demands | Co. Design [Steve Jobs is the most consequential figure in the history of design. So I’ve been taking it slow with Walter Isaacson’s definitive biography of the man, hoping for insights into how Jobs’s personality, timing, and influences managed to produce so much innovation--and what the rest of us might learn from his example. I wanted to share those thoughts with you, in a regular series. Steve Jobs was an exceptionally unreasonable man. It’s a testament to his vision and other virtues that so many around him continued working for him--and even loved him, despite all those failings. One day Jobs barged into the cubicle of one of the Atkinson’s engineers and uttered his usual "This is shit." This struck me for a couple of reasons. That’s simply how most managers are taught: The ideal line manager in a typical company oversees a process that is, first and foremost, predictable. Isaacson continues: To be fair, Jobs could have accomplished this without being such a jerk.
{ Rococo Vintage } fashion, fairy tales, + gin gimlets 2010 mai | Aragorn fini de jouer… les hommes! Si Coline Serreau a su nous faire tant rire sur des phénomènes de société, elle nous fait entendre aujourd’hui la voix de tous ceux qui disent la même chose aux quatre coins de la planète, et avouons-le que nous n’écoutons pas très souvent. Gwen Libouban glisse ses pas dans les traces d’Olivier Roellinger On la savait parisienne, elle est désormais cancalaise.
"You should have your tongue ripped out": the reality of sexist abuse online You always remember the first time someone calls you ugly on the internet. I imagine -- although it hasn't happened to me -- you always remember the first time someone threatens to rape you, or kill you, or urinate on you. The sheer volume of sexist abuse thrown at female bloggers is the internet's festering sore: if you talk to any woman who writes online, the chances are she will instantly be able to reel off a greatest hits of insults. But it's very rarely spoken about, for both sound and unsound reasons. No one likes to look like a whiner -- particularly a woman writing in male-dominated fields such as politics, economics or computer games. Both are understandable reasons but there's another, less convincing one: doesn't everyone get abuse on the internet? So far, I've got off lightly -- most of the off-colour comments I get are just that, off colour. But that's the small beer (which is what the comments I've attracted are). Kate Smurthwaite Eleanor O'Hagan Cath Elliot Dawn Foster
Please look closely at these fascinating Minimalist Illustration Business in War: a symbol of warfare, with an element of business secreted within To provoke a second glance, Noma Bar expertly uses negative space: his illustrations are formed of both a single image and a series of themed elements that give the final piece its shape. Click through for a selection of highlights from his new book… The Big Squeeze: piece for an article on the oil gains to be made from Iraq As a follow up to Guess Who? Gun Crime illustration The Truth in Jamestown: illustration for a piece revealing the mixed history of the US colony on its 400th anniversary When Doves Cry: white doves meet a VW van; mourning the loss of the hippy dream Bar has referred to his editorial work as a form of “pain relief” – a kind of buffer against the issues contained within a particular article – but his eking out of a discernable whole from a range of minimalist elements is certainly painstaking work in itself. This is The End illustration
Internet : un vecteur d’information incontournable dans le proce Une étude TNS Sofres, menée dans six pays européens (Allemagne, Espagne, France, Italien Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni), apporte un éclairage sur le comportement des consommateurs sur Internet et la place de ce vecteur d’information dans le processus d’achat, online ou offline. Champions de la recherche d’informations sur Internet, les Allemands (76% d’entre eux intègrent en effet Internet dans leur stratégie d’achat), suivis par les Français et les Italiens (respectivement 68 et 65%) qui devancent les Anglais (60%), les Espagnols (59%) et les Néerlandais (49%). Tourisme, biens électroniques et culturels : les favoris des internautes Internet est quasiment incontournable lors de recherche d’informations relatives à ces sujets : 67% des Européens effectuent des recherches online avant d’acheter des biens électroniques, 69% s’informent online lorsqu'il s’agit de voyages. Les Français se situent légèrement en-dessous de la moyenne avec 63% (bien électroniques) et 61% (voyages/tourisme).
good for a Browser Wallpager - daily quotes designed to inspire by ronsheridan Oct 14