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Rose Park Advisors - Home Steam Rice - How to Steam Rice Video Want to learn how to properly steam rice? Here, see tips and tricks for doing it at home.See Transcript Instructions for How to Steam Rice 1. Rinse the Rice Rinse the rice in two or three changes of water until it runs clear and not milky. 2. 3. 4. 5. More Instructions for How to Steam Rice 6. 7. 8. About videos are made available on an "as is" basis, subject to the User Agreement. How to Live Frugally Reddit user manbeef says: "Hit up a couple of grocery stores in your area or look at flyers. Compare your food staples and see which store is cheaper. Hopefully you'll notice a trend. In my area, I have three grocery stores to choose from: one is overall a lot more expensive, but has a lot of unique and hard-to-find items; the second is expensive, but has a good selection of produce and meats; the third one is cheaper overall, but lacks some items. I usually shop on my way home from work, hitting the cheap store first, getting everything I can, then hitting the midpriced store the next day on my way home for the odd item I can't get. "What you should be able to do is walk into a store, look at a product, and know what a good price for that product is. Reddit user seriouslyjessie shared a listing of national averages for various grocery staples.

epicshirtmakers How we made our cell phone bill go from $160 to $25 : Frugal Assistants for Everyone - Fancy Hands 15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps I love gardening. Well, not actually the work behind the gardening so much – it’s the harvesting that I really look forward to. There is nothing like fresh veggies from your own personal garden! I actually just planted a bunch of things in my vegetable garden, and may have gone a little plant happy at the feed & seed store. Oops. Obviously, we all know about the normal ways to grow plants – from seeds. Let’s count them out – from 1 to 15… 1, 2, 3, & 4. These are the ones I regrow the very most, I always have a mason jar of green onions regrowing above my kitchen sink. 5. You can regrow lemongrass the same way you regrow the green onions. 6. Plant a small chunk off of your piece of ginger in potting soil with the newest buds facing up. 7. Pick a potato that has a lot of good formed eyes, and cut it into 2-3 inch pieces, taking care to be sure that each piece has at least 1-2 eyes on it. 8. You will need sweet potatoes with good formed eyes, just as you would want with a regular potato.

Fund Science and Explore the World with Renowned Researchers - Petridish Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, By the Month Wise Bread Picks Every blogger who writes about saving money, eating healthy or just plain cooking tasty meals tells their readers to choose fruits and vegetables that are in season. I've had just one problem: I don't know what's 'in season.' I vaguely know that apples are harvested in the fall, and I know that my third grade class picked pumpkins the week before Halloween. Beyond that, though, I'm at a loss. (See also: How to Choose Fruits & Vegetables) I've been searching for a simple page that I could add to my shopping list or something equally convenient. January February March April May June July August September October November December How Is This List Helpful? Knowing which fruits and vegetables are in season gives you a clue as to what produce is likely to be on sale at given times in the year. Bananas, potatoes, and celery seem to always be in season. If you want to go all out on saving money on your food, having an idea of what's in season tells you when to buy produce.

Real-time web analytics with Clicky Clicky clicky on the wall, who’s the best real-time analytics of them all? It’s not a hard question to answer. You should be using Clicky. Sure, Google Analytics has a real-time view of visitors on your site and what they’re doing, but it’s not exactly the best experience or easiest to understand. Since most analytics don’t let you see what’s happening today until the day after, it can be difficult to see how your marketing efforts are effecting people in real time. So let’s say you spent 10 hours on a thought provoking article and tweet it or submit it to You then sit there... and wait for the next day to check for visits, link backs, and interactions. With Clicky, you get real-time data that lets you react to changes in your traffic as they occur. So if your article hit the front page of a popular site like, you would see the traffic spike in Clicky immediately, along with links back to the sources sending you the traffic. You can also do one-click segmentation. P.S.

Foods You Can Grow in Your Apartment It's always a waste when you can't finish the fresh produce you bought at the grocery store and end up throwing away the wilting remains. Here's a solution that will save you money and avoid unnecessary waste: grow your own greens. There are many fruits and vegetables you can grow in your home — yes, even if you live in a cramped studio. I've picked a couple of foods that you most likely use in your kitchen: Tomatoes You probably use tomatoes in all types of food — soup, sandwiches, salads, and more — so it only makes sense to grow your own. Herbs Herbs are a must to add fragrance to your dishes, but when you buy them from the grocery store, they are not always fresh, and they may wilt way before you're done with them. Mushrooms You've probably seen lots of mushroom growing kits around, which goes to show how easy it is to grow them yourself. What fruits and vegetables have you successfully grown indoors? Front Page Image Source: Instagram user trumaebelle, Instagram user spammantharrr

republic wireless - a community of people “Works Like a Charm” Submitted by brian on Tue, 12/06/2011 – 1:03am As you may have seen, the initial reviews of republic wireless are coming in. We’re glad to read that professional testers and many of our earliest members appreciate the technology and that it’s working for them. Of course, we always can and want to make it even better, and we are. Equally, while the product technology "works like a charm" (in many ways, at least, especially this early in its life), we know very well that republic is not yet serving you the way that we want to. Either way, we thank you for your support! By way of update, since my previous post we have directed our efforts to the following main areas: Our progress in some of these areas is obvious, while in others it remains in the background. An Example: Numbers The process of issuing phone numbers is a great example of this dynamic. That’s a good indicator of the kind of company we are. What’s Next Hiring!

COZY LITTLE HOUSE: How I've Learned To Live Frugally My life changed pretty drastically a couple of years ago. I was divorced and moving to a different state, and wondering how on earth I was going to pull this off. The dogs and I crossed the border into Oklahoma and I thought: Well, another chapter in my life begins. What kept ringing in my years in those early days were someone's words, meant to make me feel small. I'm pleased to say that, through thick and thin, I have managed to make it. Now I'll tell you how I learned to live frugally. 1. Wait, if you possibly can, until you have two to three errands to run before you head out. 2. It was two cups of coffee for years. If you want to eat out, lunch time is the cheapest time to go to restaurants. Restaurants tend to serve big plates of food. I sometimes order a pizza online and have it delivered. For supper (which is what we call it around here), I tend to have a potato. The next night I will have a baked sweet potato. 3. 4. I don't go to movies. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. Confession time: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far: I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes, we’re shopping for a new couch because our current one has holes in it, and I ran my current pair of running shoes until the soles fell off. However, I have gradually learned to be frugal in many ways that I would recommend to others. Why live frugally? All of which you might believe, but I believe I do have a life. So, if you’d like some tips on frugal living, here are just a few, from a cheapskate. Go with one car. —Read more about simple productivity, focus and getting great things done in my book, The Power of Less.
