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Create RSS feed from any web page using Yahoo Pipes - Reaper-X In this post, i’m going to write a simple explanation / basic example about using Yahoo Pipes to fetch a webpage (you are free to use any pages you want assuming they allow Yahoo Pipes) and then create a RSS Feed from it so you can read it on your favorite rss reader As an example, in this post i’m going to give an example of creating RSS Feed from HorribleSubs website ( that i’ve been using (for myself only) so i can keep track on their Gintama release easily (i read that they’re planning on doing a total makeover of their site so i guess it’s okay to use them as an example) Before anything else, please see the source of the pipe used in this example (you need to log in to Yahoo first) because you’ll need to be logged in to Yahoo to see or create a new pipe Update 1: Here’s the updated version of the pipe which is used for their new domain ( and their new site design. 1. and here is what it looks like on the Yahoo Pipes side 2. 3. and here’s the output

RSS Feed Builder Les premières "Assises du vélo" en décembre 2011 Dopée par la crise, la pratique du vélo est aujourd'hui en pleine croissance. Avec plus de 3 millions de modèles vendus en 2010, la France est désormais le 3e pays européen consommateur de cycles. Avec environ 4% des trajets quotidiens, nous sommes toutefois encore loin des 30% de Copenhague! C'est pourquoi, malgré des efforts certains - les itinéraires cyclables, les places de stationnement dédiés aux vélos ou encore le nombre de villes ayant adopté un système de location en libre-service ont littéralement explosé ces dernières années - les pouvoirs publics souhaitent promouvoir la pratique du vélo comme loisir mais aussi comme moyen de transport actif et écologique, en s’appuyant notamment sur l’expérience de nos voisins européens. Pour cela, un "groupe de travail vélo" a été créé par le ministère des Transports en juillet dernier avec pour objectif l’organisation des premières « Assises du vélo » avant la fin de l’année. Source : Le Parisien

RSS from the New Delicious The new delicious is finally up. Not all that much different but I am excited because I use it every day. One of the features I use every day is the RSS. When I heard delicious had enabled RSS feeds today, I went to the site right-away to set them up. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find them anywhere. After going through my archives I have been able to reconstruct them.Here’s the format they are currently using (updated 7/29/2015): Changed it once again: Notice: now it’s on HTTPS in addition to the subdomain change. username – your delicious username, without the brackets /tag – This is optional but if you want to limit the RSS feed to a particular tag you will need to insert a / and then the tag. For example, if you wanted to keep track of all the bookmarks I’ve tagged “sem” you would use:

News The News extension allows a custom excerpt from Special:Recentchanges to be included on a wiki page, or to be published as an RSS or Atom feed. It supports several types of filtering as well as full custom formatting of entries, using template syntax. Note that the functionality of this extension overlaps with the DynamicPageList and DynamicPageList2 extensions - however, this extension has a different focus. Download[edit | edit source] You can download the extension directly from the MediaWiki source code repository (browse code). One of the extensions tags Not all extensions have tags. Go to the tags listClick the name of the tag you want to downloadClick "snapshot" The latest version of one of the extensions branches Each extension has a master branch containing the latest code (might be unstable). Go to the branches listClick the branch nameClick "snapshot" A snapshot made during the release of a MediaWiki version. Download snapshot Installation[edit | edit source] Done! unique limit notalk

Kristi Hines on RSS for Facebook Pages Do you want to keep up with the latest news for your favorite Facebook fan pages, but don’t want to miss out on them because EdgeRank is hiding them from your new feed? Or would you prefer to not have to go to Facebook at all until your favorite pages have updates? One of the Google Chrome extensions I use, RSS Subscription Extension, puts an RSS icon in the browser’s address bar when there is an RSS feed discovered on a page. On Facebook pages that haven’t been converted to the new Timeline design, that icon comes up so you can subscribe to your favorite page’s RSS feed. For pages with the new design enabled, however, the RSS feed has gone missing. Fortunately, the feed is still available though. For example, my Facebook page URL is Highlighted in the above is my page’s ID number, 255576081168962. Take this URL and paste it into your preferred RSS reader.

WikiArticleFeeds The WikiArticleFeeds Extension makes regular wiki articles generating RSS and Atom feeds. The extension is compatible with Extension:RSS, which renders ("displays") RSS feeds on MediaWiki page. Installation[edit | edit source] The extension can be retrieved directly from Git [?] Browse codeSome extensions have tags for stable releases. Extract the snapshot and place it in the extensions/WikiArticleFeeds/ directory of your MediaWiki installation. If you are familiar with git and have shell access to your server, you can also obtain the extension as follows: cd extensions/ git clone Download and place the file(s) in a directory called WikiArticleFeeds in your extensions/ folder.Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php: require_once "$IP/extensions/WikiArticleFeeds/WikiArticleFeeds.php"; Y Done - Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed. Rainy Feed

Wallflux RSS for Facebook Pages & Groups The Sociable - For Pinterest Yes this article is about Pinterest but no, we’re not going to talk about the site’s astonishing rise or its revolutionary design features. Instead we’re going to talk about something old school, RSS. As you might know we love RSS but over the past year fewer and fewer sites are including RSS as a service for their users. In 2011 Twitter removed its RSS options from the site, although, as we’ve shown, it is still possible to generate RSS feeds for user profiles, Twitter lists, and searches. And last year Google+ launched without any native RSS support. So what of Pinterest’s RSS support? Pinterest Fire Hose RSS The site does provide an RSS option for user profiles; this feed combines all the latest pins a user has created regardless of which board they are in. Pinterest Board RSS Following a specific board created by a user via RSS is less obvious. To do this, first open the board (e.g.

Looking for Your Twitter RSS Feed after the API Change? Here's How to Make a New One Looking for Your Twitter RSS Feed after the API Change? Here’s How to Make a New One Twitter Feeds Aren’t Gone, They’re Just in Hiding Twitter no longer provides RSS feeds for users so any URL that you generated with the old version of the Pixsy Twitter RSS feed generator will no longer work (I verified that they are officially gone after the phaseout period that they implemented earlier this year). The first option is a free, open source application that I developed (Tweetledee). Here are the details for both approaches. Tweetledee – Easy Access to Twitter RSS Feeds Tweetledee is an open source, MIT licensed application that is available on GitHub. Requirements Access to a web server with PHP version 5.3 or greater (PHP 5.4+ if you intend to use the pretty printed JSON files)libcurl installed on your web server (cURL) What You Get It currently provides access to the following RSS feeds: Update 8/6/2013: Learn how to pipe your Twitter data from Tweetledee to other applications on Sweetmeat

RSS for Twitter Searches, Lists and Timelines The step-by-step guide explains how you can easily create Twitter RSS feeds for the new Twitter API with the help of Twitter widgets and a Google Script. Twitter does not offer RSS Feeds so here is a simple workaround that you can use to generate RSS feeds for your various Twitter streams including Twitter search results, user timelines, favorites, lists and even the new Twitter collections. RSS feeds are essential if you need to use your Twitter data elsewhere. For instance, you need RSS feeds to create recipes in IFTTT that get triggered when there’s a new @mention or a new tweet is added to search results. You can import your Twitter timeline automatically into your blog through RSS feeds. You can follow Twitter accounts in an RSS reader like Feedly or even Google Docs. There are two way to create RSS feeds for Twitter. The trick is simple. On the Twitter website, go to Settings -> Widgets (link) and create a new widget.

Directory Yahoo RSS Feeds In the beginning, it was just the Yahoo! Directory -- of course, it wasn't called "the directory" then: it was just Yahoo!. And when David and Jerry's pet dissertation-stalling project became more work than they could manage on their own, they assembled a team of unusual helpers. These "surfers" were a strange assortment -- ex-librarians, inquisitive generalists, obsessive-compulsives -- but they shared a few key traits: curiosity, an endless appetite for knowledge, and a passion for organizing information. Their goal (beyond satifying their own curiosity) was to help other users of the fledgling Internet find what they needed... even if they didn't know they needed it. The Spark wasn't there from the beginning, but once it launched, it seemed that it had been inevitable. Since February 2005, over 1,000 posts have been written by more than 50 surfers (only we're not called "surfers" anymore: we're now "editors").

Create RSS Feeds for Yahoo Yahoo provides content for a variety of products and services as RSS feeds — thousands of feeds in total. You can subscribe to an RSS feed in My Yahoo or another RSS feed reader application. If you are a developer, RSS is an XML application, so you can parse RSS feeds as XML and then use the content within those feeds to build your own web applications or mashups or desktop client applications. This page provides an overview of Yahoo RSS feed support and how to get started using RSS from a developer perspective. Getting Started with RSS RSS – "Really Simple Syndication" – is a mechanism for web site developers to publish headlines and frequently-updated content as a web feed. RSS files are XML. Most Yahoo RSS feeds have a single static URL, for example: A number of RSS feeds, however, take arguments or parameters, which enable you to generate different custom RSS feeds depending on the specific content you are interested in. Using Feeds
